MOTIVATION Graham Condon City and Islington College
Aims & Objectives.. Aims –Know effects of motivation on Sports Performance Objectives:- 1.Define motivation 2.Describe factors affecting motivation 3.Describe motivation theories (Intrinsic and Extrinsic, Need Achievement theory and Achievement Goal theory) 4.Describe motivational climate
Glossary TermMeaning
Activity Write down what you think Motivation is
Sport Psychology “Motive-the desire to fulfil a need” (Cox, 1998) “the internal mechanisms and external stimuli which arouse and direct behavior” (Sage, 1977) “the study of motivation is the study of all these prods and pushes – biological, social or psychological that defeat our laziness and move us, either eagerly or reluctantly to action.” (Muller, 1967) Motivation “direction, intensity and persistence of effort” (Weinberg and Gould 2011)
Critical Thinking Why is motivation important to coaches and managers?
Factors Affecting Motivation Woods (2004) believes that motivation is due to either:- 1.Personality trait 2.The situation 3.[The interaction between both of these] 4.Or a reinforcement Question: –What does this sound like? –What other approach could there be?
Personality, Situation or an Interaction Personal factors Personality Needs Interests Goals Situation factors Leader style Facility attractiveness Morale (Win-loss record) Participant-by-situation interaction Participant motivation
Reinforcement Reinforcement is defined as a consequence that follows an operant response that increase (or attempts to increase) the likelihood of that response occurring in the future. Positive Reinforcement –In an attempt to increase the likelihood of a behaviour occurring in the future, a behaviour is followed by the presentation of an good stimulus. Negative Reinforcement –In an attempt to increase the likelihood of a behaviour occurring in the future, an behaviour is followed by the removal of an bad stimulus.
Motivation Types Intrinsic Motivation “motivation which comes from internal mechanisms or sources inside the body. These include fun, pleasure, enjoyment, feelings of self-worth and excitement.” Accomplishments improve skills to get a sense of accomplishment. Stimulation ‘adrenaline rush’ or ‘excitement’ Knowledge curious about performance, wanting to know more to develop new techniques/skills to benefit performance Extrinsic Motivation “motivation which comes from external stimuli and sources outside the body” The recognition and praise we get from other people, such as our coach, friends and family. Approval from the crowd who support us. Tangible rewards Trophies, medals, prizes, records and money.
Activity Are these Intrinsic or Extrinsic statements: I want to win medals____________ I want to reach my full potential____________ I want to make money____________ I want to my family to be proud of me____________ I want to play in front of large crowds____________ I want to give the public enjoyment____________ I want to feel good about my performance____________ I want to be recognised by the public for my ability____________ I want to develop a new technique____________ I want to feel the joy of winning____________ I want to feel the adrenaline rush of competition____________
Critical Thinking Why do people initially start to take part in sport? Can this change over time? If so, for what reasons? Do you think professional footballers would continue to play if they had their salaries taken away?
Need Achievement motivation Atkinson (1964) This is more commonly referred to as Achievement motivation Its predicts that the level of motivation is “Need to achieve – Need to avoid failure” is a personality factor and describes our persistence to keep striving for success, irrespective of the bad experiences and obstacles that are put in our way If our need to achieve outweighs our need to avoid failure we are said to be in high achievement motivation. If it is the other way then we are said to be in low achievement motivation. It can be seen as our level of ‘competitiveness’ or desire for success
Nach Look for challenges/risks Persist for longer Value feedback from others Enjoy performing in situations where they can be evaluated Are not afraid of failure Attribute performance to internal factors such as effort Naf Are pre-occupied with failure Give up easily Avoid challenging tasks (eg: Play against easy opposition) Do not like being evaluated Dislike situations where there is a 50/50 chance of failure. Either Very easy or Very hard Avoid personal responsibility Attribute performance to external factors such as Luck Characteristics of Nach and Naf
Activity Nach “Champions aren't made in the gym. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision.” (Muhammad Ali, American Boxer) Naf “I do not play to win, I play to fight against the idea of losing” (Eric Cantona, Manchester United, 1997) List athletes/sportspeople you believe have this each type of achievement motivation and state why?
Effects on Performance Question: Why do people with LOW achievement orientation (high failure avoidance) tend to choose tasks that are either very easy or very hard? Why do HIGH achievers tend to select tasks with a 50/50 chance of success?
Activity Devise a questionnaire you would need to identify a performers Achievement Motivation –What questions? –Closed or Open?
Success in sport is very important to me54321Winning doesn’t matter, it’s the game that counts I prefer to play opponents that I know I can beat12345I like playing opponents that are about my level I enjoy a challenge54321I like doing things I know I will succeed in I don’t enjoy close games54321I enjoy a close game I don’t worry about the result of a game12345I don’t like telling people that I lost a game I tend to make errors when I am under pressure54321I play best when I am under pressure Scoring 3-6 low achiever/avoider 7-10 average achiever/avoider high achiever/avoider Scoring
Limitations of achievement motivation Studies show contradictory results Results depend on self efficacy –E.g. Lionel Messi who is arguably motivated to succeed in football may be motivated to avoid failure if placed in a Maths examination.... So achievement motivation has been classed as misleading... Therefore Martens (1976) introduced competitiveness For more on Competitiveness read page 61 of –Weinberg, R. S., & Gould, D. (2011). Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology. Leeds: Human Kinetics.
Achievement Goal Theory Assumes performers will be more motivated towards a goal Two types of people: –Outcome (Ego) Orientated Want to beat others –Task (Mastery) Orientated Wants to be themselves
Scenario Lucy has become a member of the GB Ski Team Fastest member of her team and enjoys beating her rivals Now struggling to beat International rivals regularly Become more frustrated by failure and motivation has decreased. Question: –What impact has outcome orientation had on long-term motivation?
TEOSQ The Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ) (Duda 1989) can be used to assess whether an individual defines success in a sporting context as "task orientated" or "ego orientated". Required Resources To undertake this test you will require: Copy of the Questionnaire (see below) Assistant How to conduct the test The assistant explains the test protocol to the athlete: –Consider the statement "I feel most successful in sport when…" and read each of the questions on the questionnaire below and indicate how much you personally agree with each statement by entering an appropriate score where: –1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree The athlete completes the questionnaire - no time limit The assistant determines and records the athlete’s TEOSQ scores Questionnaire I feel most successful in sport when… 0 (Zero) is treated as 1 and a value above 5 is treated as 5 Question Score 1) I am the only one who can do the play or skill 2) I learn a new skill and it makes me want to practice more 3) I can do better than my friends 4) The others cannot do as well as me 5) I learn something that is fun to do 6) Others mess up but I do not 7) I learn a new skill by trying hard 8) I work really hard 9) I score the most points/goals/hits, etc. 10) Something I learn makes me want to go practice more 11) I am the best 12) A skill I learn really feels right 13) I do my very best
C ALCULATIONS The Ego and Task orientation results are calculated are as follows (q=question): Ego Orientation = (q1 + q3 + q4 + q6 + q9 + q11) ÷ 6 Task Orientation = (q2 + q5 + q7 + q8 + q10 + q12 + q13) ÷ 7 Ego Orientation(1 = Low = High) Task Orientation(1 = Low = High)
Critical Thinking What are the benefits of Task Orientation? What are the problems with Outcome Orientation?
Sport Psychology Weiner’s Attribution Theory The reasons we give for an outcome are called attributions. We are attributing that factor to a certain outcome We all give attributions (reasons) for our performances as well as those of other people It is important to make attributions (reasons) because: –They affect our motivation levels –We need to understand the outcome so that we can learn from our experiences –They will affect our future expectations of success and failure
Sport Psychology Weiner’s Attribution Theory InternalExternal StableAbilityTask difficulty UnstableEffortLuck Attributions (reasons) fall into four categories: 1. Ability or Skill 2. Effort 3. Task difficulty 4. Luck They can also be classified as: –Stable Vs Unstable –Internal Vs External
Factors which affect motivational climate It is the athletes environment and how it affects their motivation positively or negatively. Behaviour of leader Physical environment Influence of significant others
Behaviour of leader Role model? Positive or negative reinforcement Individualised
Influence of significant others Bandura’s Bobo Doll experiment Role models Parental pressure Motivation
Physical Environment Do we feel comfortable with our surroundings? Is their a blend of fun and competition?
Worksheet Name:______________________________________ ID Number:______________________________________ Date:______________________________________ Mark: ______________________________________ out of 30
Worksheet 1.Define motivation _______________________________________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark) 2.Woods (2004) believes that motivation is due to either: a)Personality trait ________________________________________________________________________________________ b) (1 Mark) The situation ________________________________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark) c)The interaction between both of these ________________________________________________________________________________________ d) (1 Mark) Or a reinforcement ________________________________________________________________________________________ ( 1 Mark)
Worksheet 3.Give 3 different examples of intrinsic motivation _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ (3 Marks) 4.Give 3 different examples of extrinsic motivation _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ (3 Marks)
Worksheet 5.Describe achievement motivation and give an example for both someone with high and low achievement motivation _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ (4 Marks)
Worksheet 6.Achievement Goal Theory (AGT) says there are two types of people: a. Outcome (Ego) Orientated _____________________________________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark) b.Task (Mastery) Orientated _____________________________________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
Worksheet 7.What are the 4 categories that attributions (reasons) fall into? Please them in the boxes below. Then, match the statements to the correct category. “I played well today; the training is really paying off” “I was really lazy today” “I tried like mad in the final set – that’s what pulled me through” “I cant play this game, its impossible” “I was lucky to get away with that one” “I played like an idiot, I deserve to lose!” (10 Marks)
Worksheet 8.3 other factors affecting motivation are the Behaviour of Leader, the Physical Environment, and the Influence of significant other. Describe how these interact to make a positive motivation climate. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ (3 Marks)
Student Worksheet ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Student Worksheet ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Student Worksheet ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Student Worksheet ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Worksheet 1.Define motivation Direction, Intensity and Persistence of Effort 2.Woods (2004) believes that motivation is due to either: a)Personality trait Needs, Interests, Goals b) (1 Mark) The situation Leader Style, Facility Attractiveness, Moral (win-loss record) ________________________________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark) c)The interaction between both of these When both of these work together d) (1 Mark) Or a reinforcement Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement (1 Mark)
Worksheet 3.Give 3 different examples of intrinsic motivation Accomplishments – improve skills to get a sense of accomplishment Stimulation – ‘ adrenaline rush’ or ‘excitement’ Knowledge – curious about performance, wanting to know more to develop new techniques/skills to benefit performance (3 Marks) 4.Give 3 different examples of extrinsic motivation The recognition and praise we get from other people, such as our coach, friends and family. Approval from the crows who support us Tangible rewards – Trophies, medals, prizes, records and money (3 Marks)
Worksheet 5.Describe achievement motivation and give an example for both someone with high and low achievement motivation a)Nach Look for challenges /risks Persist for longer Value feedback from others Enjoy performing in situations where they can be evaluated Are not afraid of failure Attribute to internal factors such as effort b)Naf Are pre-occupied with failure Give up easily Avoid challenging tasks (e.g. play against easy opposition) Do not like being evaluated Dislike situations where there is a 50/50 change of failure. Either very easy or very hard Avoid personal responsibility Attribute performance to external factors such as Luck (4 Marks)
Worksheet 6.Achievement Goal Theory (AGT) says there are two types of people: a. Outcome (Ego) Orientated Want to beat others (1 Mark) b.Task (Mastery) Orientated Wants to be themselves (1 Mark)
Worksheet 7.What are the 4 categories that attributions (reasons) fall into? Please them in the boxes below. Then, match the statements to the correct category. Ability Take Difficulty Effort Luck “I played well today; the training is really paying off” “I was really lazy today” “I tried like mad in the final set – that’s what pulled me through” “I cant play this game, its impossible” “I was lucky to get away with that one” “I played like an idiot, I deserve to lose!” (10 Marks)
Worksheet 8.3 other factors affecting motivation are the Behaviour of Leader, the Physical Environment, and the Influence of significant other. Describe how these interact to make a positive motivation climate. a)Behaviour of leaders Role Model? Positive or negative reinforcement Individualised b)Influence of significant others Bandura’s Bobo Doll experiment c)Physical environment Do we feel comfortable with our surroundings? Is their a blend of fun and competition? (3 Marks)
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