To streamline expense reporting and allocation with Sage Accpac ERP. Norming Expense Reimbursement
Why Norming Expense Reimbursement ? Automates the expense reporting, allocation and reimbursement process; Allocates expense across inter-entities, divisions, regions, cost centers, jobs; Simplifies chart of account by saving GL segment; Keeps expense under track and control.
The Key Features of Norming Expense Reimbursement Developed using the Sage Accpac SDK, supports all the standard Accpac features; Fully integrates with Sage Accpac ERP SM, GL, AP, AR and PJC; Supports Pervasive SQL, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2 and Oracle; Allows unlimited optional fields for employee and expense allocation details; Supports the tax calculation and distribution for expense; Provides full Multicurrency support; Creates PJC timecard to allocate expense across Contracts and Project; Creates AP invoice for expense entry; Creates AR invoice to bill customer for expense spent on jobs; Integrates with the Norming eTimesheet expense module to provide a browser-based expense reporting and approval process
Norming Expense Reimbursement is developed using the latest Accpac SDK, and has the same look, feel, level of integration as the Accpac core modules. Development Tool and Standard
Employee expense can be allocated across divisions, regions, departments, cost centers or jobs. There is no need to create a lot of expense accounts with so many segments any more. If you have already created a COA, overriding the GL account segment is enabled. Flexible Expense Allocation
Employee expense can be allocated across inter-entities. Flexible Expense Allocation
Integrating with Sage Accpac ERP Bank Service, Norming Expense Reimbursement creates manual bank check automatically for the reimbursement and cash advance transactions. Integration with Bank Service
Expense can be allocated across jobs, and AR invoice can be created to bill customers for expense spent on particular jobs. Expense Billing
Allocation template can be set up to automate expense allocation in expense entry. Expense Allocation Template
Employee Maintenance Expense entry must be entered per employee, you can create a dummy employee for general expense in name of company.
Employee Information Default allocation processing is set up for each employee.
Employee Expense Control Expense template and monthly limit can be set up for each employee to keep expense under control
Expense entry is used to book and allocate expense. Expense Entry
The tax in expense can be calculated and distributed automatically. Expense Entry
Expense can be entered in any currency. Expense Entry
Reimbursement or cash advance generates manual check with Bank Service automatically. Payment Entry
Expense inquiry provides multi-dimensional view of expense allocation. Expense Inquiry
Integrating Expense Reimbursement with the eTimesheet expense module provides the web-based expense reporting and approval. Norming Expense Reimbursement Norming eTimesheet Employees over the world Integration with Norming eTimesheet
Norming eTimesheet provides a browser-based expense reporting and approval facility. Integration with Norming eTimesheet
The approved expense can be posted to Norming Expense Reimbursement Integration with Norming eTimesheet
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