For much of the first 250 of Europeans living in the US there was a fairly strict religious impact on the people they tried to follow religious tenants in their daily lives 1870s there was a Modernism movement that wanted to bring religion into the modern times this strayed big time from the traditional interpretation of Christianity and how it was used some began to interpret morality to their own views some began to question the possibility of miracles some wanted to analyze the Bible as a historical document this left traditional religion open to criticism/ skepticism
1910s some began to fight back against the Modernist movement (similar to the Great Awakening some what) Pamphlets called “The Fundamentals” were created called for more literal reading of the bible called for a return to more traditional lifestyle
How are these battles still being fought in today’s society? Why is this “battle” important to people (the modernists and the fundamentalists in particular)?
Fundamentalism grew very rapidly in the early 1900s Ministries spread throughout the country They taught that their way was the true way to salvation
By the 1920s Fundamentalists were gaining in popularity and they were managing to get laws passed to push their perspective 1925 Tennessee they helped pass a law that made it illegal to teach evolution ACLU looked for a teacher to test this new law John Scopes a biology teacher taught evolution and was arrested
The Scopes trial was seen as one of the trials of the century and it pitted Fundamentalism against Modernism Two major attorneys were brought in Judge ruled that scientists could not be used in the trial because they were not present at the creation The lawyer for Scopes called the other lawyer to testify as the “expert” on the bible this testimony crushed the Fundamentalist crowd as the lawyer stated that he could not be certain that the Bible was 100% accurate Scopes is found guilty and fined $100
If the fundamentalists were humiliated at the trial why was Scopes still found guilty? How has this trial impacted American society since it’s conclusion?
The trial proved to many that the Fundamentalist approach was a joke the main spokesman could not even support their point of view The Modernist won out in the big picture as the US moved more to a secular based society (non religious)
There was a major change in the role of women in the 1920s Women became more independent and joined the workforce more Consumerism became more of a women’s role Flappers became a part of American Society shorter less covering dresses out at the nightclubs with the men drinking and smoking treating sexual and cultural norms as things of the past
Why did the role of women change at this time? Think about what happened leading up to the 1920s for inspiration. How has this changed American society since the 1920s?