Shepherds and sheep have a special relationship, Psa. 23 Rest Nourishment Protection
Jesus is the Shepherd of the Sheep, Jn. 10:1-6 False shepherds True Shepherd Sheep know His voice Follow Him Flee from strangers
Door into the sheepfold, 10:7-10 Jesus is the way, Jn. 14:6 All others destructive, 2 Pt. 2:1, 2 Jesus gives abundant life -Not physical -Not material -Spiritual
Jesus is the Good Shepherd, 10:11-18 Sacrifices for the sheep Hirelings flee Shepherd knows and is known by sheep One flock, one Shepherd, Eph. 4:4, 5
Jesus is the Good Shepherd, 10:11-18 Jesus gave Himself -Not crucified against His will, Jn. 10:39; 18:3-6 -Involved in His resurrection
People were divided over Jesus, 10:19-21 Christ was controversial, Jn. 7:40-44; 9:16 Error divided men from truth, Jn. 10:20, 21
Jesus protects His sheep, 10:22-30 Jews harass Jesus again Jesus gave a plain answer -Words & works were proof -Some will not believe
Jesus protects His sheep, 10:22-30 Sheep -Hear, 2 Tim. 4:3, 4 -Follow, Jn. 6:66 -Have eternal life, Gal. 5:4 -No external force can alter
The Jews sought to stone Jesus, 10:31-39 Stone again, Jn. 8:59 Challenged, rebuked
The Jews sought to stone Jesus, 10:31-39 Judges – gods, Psa. 82:6; cf. Ex. 4:16 -Imperfect humans called gods -Sat in judgment of life & death -Then Jesus certainly the Son of God -“Law” refers to all of OT
The Jews sought to stone Jesus, 10:31-39 Works make it all clear -Healing of blind man -Feeding of 5,000 -Making lame to walk -Water to wine
Shepherds and sheep have a special relationship, Psa. 23 Rest Nourishment Protection
Jesus is the Shepherd of the Sheep, Jn. 10:1-6 False shepherds True Shepherd Sheep know His voice Follow Him Flee from strangers