WELCOME Please be seated at table on name badge
Funded by AGENDA 12:00 – 1:00: Networking and Registration 11:00 – 1:10: Welcome 1:10 – 1:40: Upcoming Opportunities 1:40 – 1:50: MTA Safety and Quality Standards 1:50 – 2:30: NYMEP Overview & Supplier Panel 2:30 – 3:30: Ensuring the Success of the Transit Industry in New York 3:30 – 3:35: Closing
Funded by WELCOME Howard Zemsky President & CEO Empire State Development Commissioner NYS Department of Economic Development
Funded by UPCOMING OPPORTUNITES Thomas F. Prendergast Project Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA)
Funded by UPCOMING OPPORTUNITIES Carm Basile President New York Public Transit Association (NYPTA)
Funded by MTA SAFETY AND QUALITY STANDARDS Stephen Walter Senior Director, Procurement MTA New York City Transit Justine Burke Senior Director, Procurement MTA New York City Transit
Funded by NYMEP OVERVIEW Jim Cunningham Executive Director, AM&T
Funded by National Network dedicated to helping US small to medium sized manufacturers MEP Network in NYS consists of over 100+ technical and business experts 11 Centers across the state play a key role in providing productivity and technical assistance to NYS manufacturers NY’S MANUFACTURING EXTENTION PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM (NYMEP)
Funded by
Funded by CHALLENGES EXPRESSED BY OEM COMPANIES Workforce and Skills – Finding technically qualified M/WBE's that support the rail industry. – Suppliers who cut back on quality and engineering personnel, frequency of quality sampling and product management. – High turnover – Management depth Financial – Supplier delays and problems cost money, time and reputation. – Financial position of a supplier Process – Lack of technical resources – Reliability safety, and quality – Scheduling and delivery Policy – Buy America
Funded by CHALLENGES FACED BY SUPPLIER COMPANIES Bidding Process – High investment and cost – Very difficult to get insight into bidding process, upcoming opportunities, who they should talk to, who to call for advice or guidance, etc. – OEMs stress the need for best delivery, best quality, and best price, but all buy decisions are made on price. Standardization – Not enough standardization – too many part numbers for similar parts across the industry. Financial – Financial strain from long project cycles; typical quote to order is 18 months; completing contracts can take years. – Unforeseen design changes from OEM are costly Scalability – Scalability if very difficult for small manufacturers in this environment. Workforce and skills – Difficult to find good employees.
Funded by SUPPLIER PANEL Dave Pelligrini Oriskany Mfg David Davis Simmons Machine Tool Corporation Uttara Prasad Lin Industries
Funded by ENSURING THE SUCCESS OF THE TRANSIT INDUSTRY IN NEW YORK : Karen Rae Senior Advisor for Innovative Project Delivery Empire State Development
Funded by 1.What top three things you focus on that make you a successful part of the supply chain? 2.Considering the opportunities you heard today, what top three challenges do you see in your role in the supply chain 3.What top three solutions can NYMEP and ESD provide to help you overcome these challenges? 4.Other issues requiring national/legislative action
Funded by CLOSING Matt Watson Director, Empire State Development Division of Science, Technology, and Innovation