An tAontas Eorpach European Union Ē IRE IRELAND Pas Eorpach European Passport
So far, so close WHAT IS COMENIUS? Comenius is part of the European Community’s Lifelong Learning Programme, which was launched in Like its predecessor programmes Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci and eLearning, the Lifelong Learning Programme sees, among other goals, to promote cooperation and mobility, and to strengthen the European dimension in education. Comenius addresses school education, and is guided by two overall objectives. It seeks to develop knowledge and understanding among young people and education staff of the diversity of European cultures and languages, and the value of this diversity. And it aims to help young people to acquire basic life skills and competences for their personal development, for future employment and for active European citizenship. Acknowledgement Wide Minds (WiMi) is a project funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union. The Wide Minds Comenius Network serves as a forum for innovation and best practice in digital learning, and seeks to provide heads and teachers with the training, and support mechanisms necessary to develop this. WiMi promotes international collaboration as a context for improving digital competences and multilingualism in all learners.
Pas/Passport Ē ire / Ireland School :St. Aidan’s S.N.S. Address : Brookfield, Tallaght, Dublin 24, Ireland. Date of Issue : Sept 2010 Date of Expiry: June 2012
Italy Profile SchoolIstituto Comprensivo “G Marconi" Flag LanguageItalian PhrasesHello = Ciao My name is.... = Mi Chiamo..... How are you? = Come stai? Thank you = Grazie SportSoccer FoodGarlic bread, Spaghetti Bolognese, pizza and also how to make traditional Italian Pasta FestivalsBusseto Festival Iconic Building The Leaning Tower of Pisa
France Profile SchoolEcole Elémentaire Cité Des Roses Flag LanguageFrench PhrasesHello = Salut My name is = Je m'appelle How are you? = Ca va? Thank you = Merci Parts of the body in French FestivalsBastill Day SportRugby, Soccer FoodCheese, quiche, pain au chocolat, crossiant, wine and escargots Iconic Building The Eiffel Tower
Ireland Profile
Wales Profile SchoolsYsgol Y Ddwylan school, Ysgol Ffynnonbedr school Flags LanguageWelsh and English PhrasesGood Morning = Bora Da How are you = Sut wyt ti? SportRugby LegendThe legend of the dragon SaintsSt. David. Compared with St. Patrick
Spain Profile SchoolC.E.I.P. Santa Maria De Gracia Flag LanguageSpanish Phrases My name is ____ = Me llamo ____ I am ___ years old = Tengo __ anos I live in Dublin = Vivo en Dublin I have __ brothers = Tengo ___ hermanos I have __ sisters = Tengo __ hermanas I like ___ = Me gusto ___ WeatherCompared to Irish Weather ClothingLabelled clothing in Spanish FoodPaella, Almond Cake SchoolCompared daily school life
Austria Profile SchoolVolksschule Gutenburg an der Raabklamm Flag LanguageGerman PhrasesGuten Tag = Hello Ich heiße __ = My name is __ Ich bin _ Jahre Alt = My age is _ Dante = Thank you Wie gehts? = How are you? SportSoccer, Skiing, Ice Hockey, Chess GeographyMountains, rivers, homes FoodApple Strudel, Wiener Schnitzel Famous people Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mozart