What the female reproductive system does… The female reproductive system enables a woman to: produce eggs (ova) have sexual intercourse protect and nourish the fertilized egg until it is fully developed give birth
FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM (EXTERNAL) The external part of the female reproductive organs is called the vulva, which means covering.
FUNCTION 1.Produce female sex hormones (estrogen) and store eggs (ova); egg (ovum); aka female gametes. 2.Stored? Female sex glands – Ovaries (female gonads) Born have over 400,000 immature eggs. Puberty, pituitary gland allows the ova to mature How does this differ from Males? 3.Once maturity hits, OVULATION occurs: mature ovum gets released into the fallopian tubes each month.
FEMALE EXTERNAL REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS Clitoris- Clitoris- is a highly sensitive part of the female body. Its function is to provide sexual pleasure. (similar to the glans of the penis) The clitoris is covered by a fold of skin, called the prepuce, which is similar to the foreskin at the end of the penis. The clitoris is covered by a fold of skin, called the prepuce, which is similar to the foreskin at the end of the penis. Vulva- Vulva- Keeps foreign materials out of the vagina. Anus Anus- Is not part of the vulva Vagina – Vagina – muscular, elastic passageway that extends from the uterus to the outside of the body Urethra- Urethra- allows urine to exit the body
FEMALE INTERNAL REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS 1.Ovaries: Stores the ova; Produce Hormones 2.Uterus(womb): protects fertilized ovum until birth – a fetus develops 3.Fallopian Tubes: ova travel from ovaries to the uterus via the fallopian tubes; pair of tubes with fingerlike projections Cilia: tiny hair-like projections located in the fallopian tubes 4.Vagina: passageway from the uterus to outside of body aka birth canal – what fetus travels through Fun fact: The uterus contains some of the strongest muscles in the female body.
MENSTRUATION 1.Shedding of the Uterine Wall 2.If egg is released and is not fertilized by sperm, endometrium wall sheds (lining of the uterine wall), breaks down into blood, fluids – A PERIOD. 3.Tissue passes through cervix (opening of Uterus into Vagina) 4.Menstrual cycle occurs during puberty. Irregular in beginning and usually becomes regular cycle. 5.Occurs from Puberty to menopause 6.Menopause – body stops producing levels of estrogen and egg stop being released from the ovaries. Conception occurs when a sperm cell fertilizes the ovum after it has left the ovary.
MENSTRUAL CYCLE A girl's first period is called menarche A girl's first period is called menarche It can take up to 2 years from menarche for a girl's body to develop a regular menstrual cycle
CARE OF THE FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM 1.Bathe 2.Abstinence (100% Guarantee) 3.Regular check-ups – Girls should visit their first gynecologist between the ages of (specializes in the treatment of the female reproductive system) 4.Self-Check ups; Self Breast exam
Type of DischargeWhat It Might MeanOther Symptoms Bloody or brownIrregular menstrual cycles, or less often, cervical or endometrial cancer Abnormal vaginal bleeding, pelvic painvaginal bleedingpain Cloudy or yellowGonorrheaBleeding between periods, urinary incontinence Frothy, yellow or greenish with a bad smell TrichomoniasisPain and itching while urinating PinkShedding of the uterine lining after childbirth (lochia)childbirth Thick, white, cheesyYeast infectionSwelling and pain around the vulva, itching, painful sexual intercourse White, gray, or yellow with fishy odorBacterial vaginosisItching or burning, redness and swelling of the vagina or vulva Types of Abnormal Discharge and Their Possible Causes Vaginal discharge serves an important housekeeping function in the female reproductive system. Fluid made by glands inside the vagina and cervix carries away dead cells and bacteria. This keeps the vagina clean and helps prevent infection.
PROBLEMS OF THE FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Menstrual cramps/Dysmenorrhea; when a girl has painful periods Amenorrhea; when a girl hasn't started her period by the time she is 16 years old or 3 years after starting puberty, has not developed signs of puberty by age 14, or has had normal periods but has stopped menstruating for some reason other than pregnancy. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS); Physical and emotional symptoms related to normal ovulatory hormonal function Toxic shock syndrome (TSS); Rare but serious bacterial infection (Was known to be caused by women who were using tampons during periods)
OTHER PROBLEMS Endometriosis- Uterine wall grows in other areas of the body; May lead to pain, irregular bleeding STDs- spread during sexual activity; May cause infertility especially left untreated. Some STD signs don’t occur for years. Vaginitis- inflammation or infection of the vagina; common among women. Causes: bacteria, yeast, viruses, other parasites. Ovarian Cysts- fluid-filled sacs on the ovaries; vary in size. Affect women of all ages and may lead to cancer. Cervical, Uterine, and Ovarian Cancer: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) increases your chance of getting cervical cancer.
COMPLETE SHEET Fallopian tubes cervix vagina uterus ovary