Quiz time! Get into groups of 4 with at least 1 girl and 1 boy. Get a piece of A4 per team and write your team name on the top of it.
Quiz time! List 5 points where life could begin.
Quiz time! Pass your answers to the team next to you and wait for the answers!
Quiz time! What is abortion? What is conception? What is contraception? What is ensoulment? What is viability?
Quiz time! Pass your answers to the team next to you and wait for the answers!
Quiz time! What is the legal stance on abortion in the uk? Give reasons why a woman can have an abortion in the UK. Who has rights in the abortion debate?
Quiz time! Pass your answers to the team next to you and wait for the answers!
Quiz time! List 5 types of contraception.
Quiz time! Pass your answers to the team next to you and wait for the answers!
Quiz time! List 3 Christian views on abortion. List 3 Sikh views on abortion. List 2 Christian views on contraception. List 2 Sikh views on contraception.
Quiz time! Pass your answers to the team next to you and wait for the answers!
Quiz time! Get your books out. For everything you didn’t get right make a note of it in your book and write in the corrections.
List 5 points where life could begin. What is abortion? What is conception? What is contraception? What is ensoulment? What is viability? What is the legal stance on abortion in the uk? Give reasons why a woman can have an abortion in the UK. Who has rights in the abortion debate? List 5 types of contraception. List 3 Christian views on abortion. List 3 Sikh views on abortion. List 2 Christian views on contraception. List 2 Sikh views on contraception.