Training for 4-H Club Treasurers and Adult Leaders Author: Halina Pietras Edited: R. Martell & C. Kohler
2 What is 4-H? Family oriented, youth educational program of Penn State Cooperative Extension Young people learn about leadership, communication, decision-making, self- confidence and other things (all that?) Adult or teen leaders work with young club members
3 4-H Pledge I pledge: My Head to clearer thinking, My Heart to greater loyalty, My Hands to larger service, and My Health to better living, For my club, my community, My country and my world.
4 Leaders Help the youth become better citizens Share skills and talents with the youth Learn about leadership Make friends Kinds of leaders: –Organizational –Project –Activity –Teen
5 4-H Club Membership Anybody 8 – 19 years old can join without regard to ancestry, color, disability or handicap, national origin, race, religious creed, sex, or sexual orientation To become a member you have to: –enroll in at least one 4-H project –the county extension office must receive the enrollment sheet
6 4-H Club Officers Elected by 4-H membership Responsibilities of… –President –Vice President –Secretary –Treasurer
7 Club Treasurer Responsibilities Pay the bills and keep accurate and up-to- date records of club treasury Make deposits and write checks Prepare and present Treasurer’s Report Prepare records for annual audit Report to County Extension Office
8 Federal, state and county money –PA 4-H Development Fund –County 4-H Development Fund –Endowment Funds –4-H Club Accounts Donations Fundraising –Needed to maintain and enhance county and state programs 4-H Funding Sources
9 4-H Club Fundraiser Must be approved by the county extension office before they are undertaken Must be developed as educational experiences for club members Must be for specific educational programs or activities Approved fundraisers listed on VIP Fact sheet #7
10 Educational Fundraising Education – primary purpose of fundraising Through fundraising, 4-H members learn: –Handling and accounting of funds –Planning and carrying out a money raising activity –Sharing with others –Teamwork –Self-reliance
11 “I Pledge My Heart to Greater Loyalty” The Pledge is calling you to loyalty… Be loyal to your country, your state, your community and your club and spend public money properly
12 As Treasurer… You are in charge of the money You deposit money in the bank You make payments with the club money You keep receipts and cancelled checks You give a Treasurer’s Report at club meetings
13 Handling the Money Keep track of the money! Use money efficiently You cannot spend club money for personal things You cannot borrow club money
14 Accounting for the $$$ Cash funds and bank accounts Employer Identification Numbers (EIN) for clubs with bank accounts –If more than $10 of interest earned, the club must give the EIN to its bank NO personal accounts for 4-H money
15 Managing the Funds Develop a budget Record all transactions to Club’s Record of Financial Transactions. Each record should include: –Date –Check or deposit number –Brief explanation –Payment or deposit amount –Account balance
16 Managing the Funds Get cash – give receipt. Complete Cash and Check Reports in Records Book For clubs with bank accounts: –Always pay with a check –Deposit money in a bank often –On a deposit slip always put: Date How much cash you are depositing List of checks and amount on each check
17 Cash Purchases Must be approved by the club On the cash register receipt put the date of purchase, item, its purpose and have the member sign it Reimburse the club member Record the transaction Keep the receipt with your records
18 Depositing Money Fill out a deposit slip: –List the currency and coins –List checks –Put the total amount deposited Record the transaction in the check register and Club Record of Financial Transactions Treat interest earned as a deposit or income
19 Paying Bills Need approval of the club first! Write a payment voucher with: –The name of the club –Date –To whom you will pay –What is purchased –Specific project –Amount of the bill –Signatures of the Treasurer and President
20 Tips about Writing Checks Put purpose in “memo” line Start writing from the left, especially the amount of money Never sign blank checks If check is lost or stolen, call your bank immediately Treasurer and unrelated adult leader sign all checks
21 More Tips Have sufficient funds in the bank. If not, –Banks charge a fee –Will loose business partners Keep running totals up to date in your checkbook Always use ink, except for running balance entries Do not erase mistakes but void the check Keep voided checks
22 Check Register Do the same for deposits except add the amount to the balance Also, remember to post in your Club Record of Financial Transactions Record all checks. Include: – Check number – Date – Description: to whom paid and for what – Amount – Subtract from balance to get new balance
23 Bank Statement Received each month Always balance check register and Club Record of Financial transactions with the bank statement –Use the space provided on the bank statement –Use the space provided on the check register and Club Record of Financial Transactions to check off each item on the bank statement –If the balances do not agree…
24 Club Meetings Plan a budget every year Approve unpaid bills Talk about approved bills Secretary’s Minutes Club officers should meet regularly
25 Reporting at the Meeting Each month the Treasurer gives a report about –Balance at the beginning of the month –Money received –Payments made –Cash on hand – ending balance
26 Annual Audit Auditing committee reviews and verifies the financial records at the end of year or when new Treasurer is elected Must show agreement between the bank records and club records Many materials need to be reviewed
27 4-H and Federal Taxation No federal income taxes! Contributions to 4-H organizations are deductible by the donors Form the Annual Information Return –Needs to be filed if club gross receipts in a tax year exceed $25,000. File by 15 th day of the fifth month following the end of accounting period IRS
28 4-H and State Taxation 4-H clubs must pay the PA Sales and Use taxes on items purchased Clubs have to collect and pay PA Sales and Use tax on some of the items they sell –The State issues a temporary sales tax license covering those sales For more information or questions about PA Sales and Use Tax, contact your county 4-H coordinator
29 Questions? Comments? Concerns? Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and the diversity of its workforce.