Village of Addison IDDE Program Overview of Program Elements, IDDE Manual Development, and Local Ordinance By Rick Federighi
Overview History of Program IDDE Manual Development Ordinance Development Screening and Inspection GIS Component Education, Business and Manufacturing Outreach, Public Outreach Q & A
History of Program 1984 – 2000 Sewer Use Ordinance included Storm Sewer prohibitions Sewer Use Ordinance included Storm Sewer prohibitions IPT Division responsible for enforcement IPT Division responsible for enforcement Spills, illegal hook-upsSpills, illegal hook-ups Complaint driven, reactionaryComplaint driven, reactionary Cooperative investigations w/IEPACooperative investigations w/IEPA
History of Program – Cont. 2000 – 2007 Added 13 storm sewer/waterway sample locations for periodic monitoring Added 13 storm sewer/waterway sample locations for periodic monitoring Interns collected samples and performed field analysis for DO, pH, and a few metals Interns collected samples and performed field analysis for DO, pH, and a few metals Database started Database started 2007 – Full IDDE Program Full IDDE Program Added 7 more primary sites, and 38 Outfalls (ORI) Added 7 more primary sites, and 38 Outfalls (ORI)
History of Program – Cont. Why an independent IDDE program? Utilize existing IPT resources and successes Utilize existing IPT resources and successes Manufacturing/Commercial focus Manufacturing/Commercial focus Spills, dumps, illegal connectionsSpills, dumps, illegal connections Knowledge of system, awareness of problem areas Knowledge of system, awareness of problem areas Low cost (about $8000 first year, $5000 thereafter) Low cost (about $8000 first year, $5000 thereafter) Quick response, collection of fees and fines, local control Quick response, collection of fees and fines, local control
PROGRAM GOAL: Find pollutants in storm sewer and waterways, track to source, and eliminate; regardless of the method of introduction (spill, dump, hard pipe connection, “rain derived” or not)
IDDE Manual Development Checked other sample programs online Used ideas from original draft version of DuPage County IDDE guidance manual Pieced together from existing documents Sampling Manual Sampling Manual Lab QC Manual Lab QC Manual Spill Response Guide Spill Response Guide Enforcement Response Guide Enforcement Response Guide
IDDE Manual Development – Cont. Used the IDDE Guidance Manual (Center for Watershed Protection - CWP) Desktop Review: History, Land-use types Desktop Review: History, Land-use types Frequency and prioritization of screening Frequency and prioritization of screening CWP scoring systemCWP scoring system We used 4 criteria; History of problems, proximity to industrial discharges, easy access to site, and manageable “sub-basins” - plus the 303d lists.We used 4 criteria; History of problems, proximity to industrial discharges, easy access to site, and manageable “sub-basins” - plus the 303d lists. ORI Development ORI Development
Ordinance Development Storm sewers (and natural water courses) were covered in Ordinances since 1984 Prohibitions included: Human or animal wastes, garbage Human or animal wastes, garbage Debris, trash, obstructions Debris, trash, obstructions Septage Septage Discharges without an approved NPDES permit Discharges without an approved NPDES permit “…other polluted waters…” “…other polluted waters…”
Ordinance Development – Cont. Section 20-30Depositing Excrement, Garbage, etc. on Public or Private Property It shall be unlawful for any person to place, deposit or permit to be deposited in any unsanitary manner upon public or private property within the Village, or in any area under the jurisdiction of the Village, any human or animal excrement, garbage or other objectionable waste. Section Discharges into Storm Sewer Prohibited (C.)…The keeping or disposal of trash, debris, obstructions or unwanted materials, unless otherwise permitted, into the storm sewers or manmade or natural water courses or in areas identified as flood plain is unlawful..
Ordinance Development – Cont. Section 23-04Unlawful discharge of wastes It shall be unlawful to discharge to any natural outlet, watercourse or municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) within the Village of Addison, or in any area under the jurisdiction of said village, any sewage or other polluted waters, except where suitable treatment has been provided in accordance with subsequent provisions of this ordinance and/or provisions as outlined in the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements. Storm sewer discharges that violate the General Effluent Standards outlined in Illinois Title 35, Subtitle C, Chapter 1, Part 304, or the General Use Water Quality Standards in Part 302 shall be deemed a violation to this ordinance, and subject to enforcement and penalties as outlined in Section and herein. The following non-storm water discharges to the separate storm sewer system are allowed, provided they do not cause an adverse effect on local water quality: …
Exempt Discharges Hydrant Flushing Diverted stream flows Groundwater Potable Water Air-Conditioning condensate Pool Water Building Washdown (No Detergents) Street Cleaning Water Resident Car Washing
Exempt Discharges – Continued Fire Fighting, Emergency Services Dye Testing Irrigation water Flows from Wetlands and Riparian Habitats All discharges covered by an existing NPDES permit or other state approved construction discharges
Screening, Testing and Inspection Storm sewer system and local waterways monitored at 20 key locations since Outfall Reconnaissance Screening on the other 38 outfalls performed annually since 2006 High values are immediately traced upstream to identify source(s) “Dry” and “Wet” weather sampling Background lab analysis performed at all sites in 2007
Testing Resources Field test kits can accurately measure heavy metals, cyanide, Dissolved Oxygen (LDO), Oil, nitrate, ammonia, phosphate Additional test kit for field testing select organic chemicals in water Hazardous multi-parameter test “strips” pH probe Quad gas meter (%LEL, O 2, CO, H 2 S)
Most Common Issues Contaminated run-off from leaking chemical drums and tanks, dumpsters, grease containers Run-off from failed septic systems (Unincorp.) Truck lots with poorly maintained or abandoned vehicles Gasoline – antifreeze- diesel spills caused by accidents Outside power washing of equipment Heavy solids/siltation from construction sites
GIS Component Use GPS to collect outfall data points Upload to GIS and attach pictures, sample results, notes, etc. Navigation Mapping and Reporting Data “transferable” to County Creation of Geo-database – Net based GIS program for entire IDDE program
Education, Business and Public Outreach Industrial storm water Workshop (2004) New Business Environmental Inspections – Handouts Addison Trail H.S. volunteer monitoring program
Enforcement Containment, Clean-up Violation Letters Clean-up costs Compliance Schedules Fines
QUESTIONS ? Rick Federighi Environmental Compliance Coor. Village of Addison Public Works, Environmental Services Div. (630)