B-WET Arroyo Colorado Professional Development Workshop for Teachers Funded by NOAA
What is B-WET? Bay Watershed Education and Training (B-WET ) Supports experiential learning Is locally implemented and administered by the most appropriate NOAA office or program Promotes MWEEs through competitive funding Builds local capacity to support MWEE implementation, when required Focuses on K-12 Audiences Is rigorously evaluated at the local and national levels Incorporates NOAA products and services as appropriate Supports the NOAA Education Plan
What is a Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience (MWEE)? Experiences are investigative or project oriented. Experiences are an integral part of the instructional program. Experiences are part of a sustained activity with students. – Preparation phase (question, problem, or issue about the environment) – Action phase (outdoor experiences/observations/data collection) – Reflection phase (analyze conclusions reached and communicate the results) Experiences consider the watershed as a system Experiences are enhanced by NOAA products, services, or personnel.
B-WET Arroyo Colorado Professional Development Workshop for Teachers Primary Objectives Expose teachers to MWEE, enabling them to inspire and lead young people toward thoughtful and sustainable stewardship of the natural resources of, and supported by, the Arroyo Colorado Watershed. Provide necessary technical support, resources, and 12 hours of continuing education Gauge attitudinal changes towards the Arroyo Colorado Watershed and related science topics Develop a program that will be sustained by Region One past program end.
Arroyo Colorado Laguna Madre
Arroyo Colorado
Laguna Madre
Arroyo Colorado Table-top Model ~Lessons~ 1)What is a watershed? 2)Where does your water come from? 3)Where does your water drain to? 4)What is nonpoint source pollution? 5)What are some things you can do to prevent nonpoint source pollution?
Rapitest Soil Test Kit
EasyGel Coliform Test Kits
Meaningful Watershed Experience Opportunities UTPA Coastal Studies Lab South Padre Island Birding and Nature Center Harlingen’s Arroyo Parks Water treatment facilities Texas Stream Team Eco-tour boat-based filed trip/floating classroom NOAA Data and educational resources Arroyo Colorado Partnership resources
Map of South Padre Island SPI Birding & Nature Center UTPA Coastal Studies Lab Andie Bowie Waste Water Treatment Facility
Laguna Madre Water District Waste Water Treatment Plant Andie Bowie Facility SPI Birding & Nature Center Laguna Madre SPI Convention Center
Laguna Madre Water District Waste Water Treatment Plant Andie Bowie Facility
Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience Harlingen teachers tour the Andie Bowie Waste Water Treatment Facility on SPI
Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience South Padre Island Birding & Nature Center
Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience Harlingen teachers visit the SPI Birding & Nature Center for bird watching and water monitoring.
Water Monitoring Parameters Temperature Salinity Turbidity Dissolved Oxygen pH Biochemical Oxygen Demand Nitrogen Phosphorous Coliform Bacteria
Sampling Sites Bird Blind #3Bird Blind #4 Bird Blind #1 Bird Blind #5 Bird Blind #7 Fresh water outflow from wastewater treatment plant Andie Bowie Wastewater Treatment Facility Padre Blvd Laguna Madre Bird Blind #6
View of boardwalks and wetland from the SPI Birding & Nature Center tower Drying beds at the waste water treatment plant Laguna Madre Bird Blind # 1 Bird Blind #4 Bird Blind #3 Bird Blind #2
View of water treatment facility from the SPI Birding & Nature Center tower Bird Blind #4 Bird Blind #5Bird Blind #6 Drying beds at waste water treatment facility Laguna Madre Fresh water output from water treatment facility
Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience Harlingen teachers analyze water testing UTPA Coastal Studies Lab
Biochemical Oxygen Demand
Coliform Bacteria
Results – October 13, 2012
Results – October 20, 2012
Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience Harlingen teachers tour the UTPA Coastal Studies Lab