KEPLER’S LAWS OF PLANETARY MOTION Objective: I will summarize Kepler’s three laws of planetary motion. 11/10/15.


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Presentation transcript:

KEPLER’S LAWS OF PLANETARY MOTION Objective: I will summarize Kepler’s three laws of planetary motion. 11/10/15

Early Models of the Solar System Geocentric model- developed by Aristotle ~2,000 years ago Earth centered, with the Sun, stars, and planets revolving around Earth Ptolemy model- sought to better explain the geocentric model Still had Earth as the center of the solar system Heliocentric model- developed by Copernicus Sun-centered solar system with planets revolving around the Sun in the same direction Johannes Kepler- noticed a pattern in data of planetary motion Developed 3 laws to explain the motion of orbiting object

Kepler’s 1 st Law- Law of Ellipses Each planet orbits the sun in a path called an ellipse, not a circle Shape of the ellipse determined by two points, called a focus Eccentricity- degree of elongation of an elliptical orbit Circular e=0Flattened ellipse e=1 Perihelion- point of orbit closest to the sun Aphelion- point of orbit furthest away

Kepler’s 1 st Law- Law of Ellipses

Kepler’s 2 nd Law- Law of Equal Areas The area through which an objects sweeps in a given period of time are equal Describes the speed objects travel at different points in their orbit Therefore, objects travel fastest when close to the sun, and slowest when far away from the sun

Kepler’s 2 nd Law- Law of Equal Areas

Kepler’s 3 rd Law- Law of Periods Describes the relationship between the average distance of a planet from the sun and the planet’s orbital period Orbital period- time required for planet to complete one orbit Helps astronomers find out how far away planets are from the sun

Kepler’s 3 rd Law- Law of Periods

Newton’s Law of Universal Attraction The force of gravity exists between any two objects in the universe Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation- force between two objects is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them Bigger objects exert more gravity Objects that are farther apart exert less gravity on each other than when they are close together

Kepler’s Laws Haiku (Output Activity) On your left-side page, you will create three (3) separate Haiku poems. One poem each for: Kepler’s 1 st Law Kepler’s 2 nd Law Kepler’s 3 rd Law Remember to include a title and color!

Haiku Output Activity