National Strategy for Housing in an Ageing Society Stephen Clarke Department for Communities and Local Government Housing LIN meeting, Maidstone 4 October.


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Presentation transcript:

National Strategy for Housing in an Ageing Society Stephen Clarke Department for Communities and Local Government Housing LIN meeting, Maidstone 4 October 2007 Picture: Care and Repair, England

2 National Strategy 1.Overview – the evidence base & demographic change. 2.The triangle of independence – health, housing and care. 3.A National Strategy for Housing in an Ageing Society. 4.Specialist and sheltered housing. 5.Thinking about the future of sheltered housing…

3 The evidence base – understanding the mainstream challenges and opportunities The largest minority group? 30% of households are headed by an older person. Over 60% of over-85s live alone. The scale of the challenge in private and social housing Half a million lived in sheltered housing in a 75% increase since The commercial opportunities are growing 78% older householders own their own home. Over 65s hold £460bn un-mortgaged equity in their homes; nearly half expect to access equity in their property.

4 Older households make up over half of all new growth

5 English Districts % of people aged Quintiles of all people aged 66+ Source: 2001 census table ST017 Where do older people live now?

6 Areas older people move into from other parts of the UK Households with HRP aged 50+ that have moved into area as % of all households in area English Districts

7 The single biggest demographic challenge of our time Over 65s will increase by 2 million by Over 85s by 85% by Half of year-on-year projected increases in households. Will we look back in 15 years saying we could have acted? Planning is needed now. Source: Office for National Statistics …and some areas are likely to see very rapid increases Actual change in numbers over state pension age by area ( ) Demographic and societal change

8 The triangle of independence – health, housing and care

9 Heath, housing and care. ‘The triangle of independence’ Enabling housing & environment Good health Social networks and care Independent older person Services in one area fail the person if other parts missing. Evidence on key reasons for loss of independence are inter-action between health, social, housing. Multi-disciplinary approach more successful. Housing often missing link.

10 Housing linked to grand demographic challenges in health and care Poor housing is linked to poor health, e.g. falls alone cost the NHS £726million a year. 40% aged 80 and over report a long term illness or disability. JRF estimate long-term care costs will rise by 300% by Wanless says relation between individual & State must change. Social Services in some areas are already at ‘critical’. …Improved housing and housing services will prevent the need for and reduce the demand for acute health and care services.

11 Source: Care and Repair, England Poor housing linked to health conditions

12 The National Strategy for Housing in an Ageing Society

13 Launch of public debate on what we want for ourselves for housing and related services in the future. Status quo is unsustainable in terms of services and supply of housing. Like Stern on climate change, Wanless on health and care, and Turner on Pensions, doing nothing has grave consequences. Further pressure on existing housing shortages and rising eligibility criteria for services. Challenge thinking about older people as dependent and the medical model. Embodied by products & services which belong in hospital not homes! Future will mean aspirational consumer led housing and services. Active ageing, participation and empowerment key to economics. A National Strategy for Housing in an Ageing Society

14 Possible structure for the strategy What might it look like? 1.Executive summary – headlines, killers stats/graphs, key messages, actions, graphics about inclusive housing. 2.Older people focus – the offer for older people; better outcomes: Better information, better houses, more choice, that bit of help with your house and services that come to you. Innovative service models (HIAs, Link-age plus, IB). Outcomes we are working towards. Inclusion. 3.Housing revolution for older people. Design revolution. Buildings for people. Vision. Futures. 4.Health, housing and care – ‘the triangle of independence’: Evidence. Specialist housing. 5.Making change happen - drivers, strategies, implementation and delivery – stakeholders, LA, PCT, CLG, planners… 6.Detailed action plan. 7.Evidence section. Research, economics, best practice and references. Killer graphs. Aspirations. Supply & demand.

15 Headline messages and key audience - who can make change happen General media: Great challenge of our time. Pictures, stats and quotes. Housing revolution for older people. Design revolution. Specialist media: New models of housing – aspirational, … Tenure revolution – specialist, Equity release. Public: What will you do when you are older? Demand better design. Government: Great challenge of our time. Not sustainable. Act now. Priority and value housing. Health, care and housing cannot be separated. Invest in what works.

16 Key audiences Private industry: New market space emerging. Inclusive design profitable. £465billion un-mortgaged equity and growing. Specialist housing providers: New aspirational housing. More pull factors. Better branding. Values – active ageing, quality of life and inclusion. Evidence based, outcomes based. Hold onto good, radical change for bad. Tenure reform. Housing: Older people are the future. Health is a vital agenda. PCTs: Housing can deliver for you. Must join-up.

17 Three principles outlined by Minister to respond to the challenge: Prevention - a commitment to boost services that meet the economic challenges of an ageing society. Incentivising individuals and services to behave in the long term economic interest for themselves and others; Empowerment - by promoting a genuine involvement in policy, services and communities, and giving older people the information and resources to take control; and Personalisation – but that they all join up around the person's needs and aspirations. A National Strategy for Housing in an Ageing Society

18 1. The individual and housing related services: Improvements to quality of life of people in residential care, by the implementation of the dignity and care agenda and the development of housing rights for residents. Recognise that minority of older people live in specialist housing; and clarify the government’s position on it and how to develop further its role as a resource for people in the community. Support community neighbourhood development via Strategy. Encourage new housing models, based on community models, including co-housing, co-operatives, home share and co-ownership. Increase availability of Extra Care & other specialist housing to buy. Clarify the need for and future of long term care provision. Focus on services that offer 'that little bit of help‘. Develop better advice and information services to support choice in provision. Suggested Actions You told us to include …

19 You told us to include … 2. New build and sustainable communities: All housing should be designed to the Lifetime Homes Standards. Ensure effective implementation of Planning Guidance PPS3. Evidence should be collected about older people, their needs, aspirations and attitudes towards, housing, design, sites, locations. We must improve awareness of older people and their needs amongst architects, planners, commissioners, councillors; develop design guidance training linked to older people’s involvement. Develop an investment strategy for public housing. Develop initiatives like regional spatial strategies; feeding through into local development plans; LAs ensure needs are met. Planning and design for ageing communities, meet challenges to help build relevant infrastructures within neighbourhoods – including respect and dignity – also via good design and provision in public spaces and streets as well as home adaptations.

20 3. Existing housing stock: Develop the role of the commercial sector, and encourage self help and advanced planning for retirement by individuals & families. Co-ordinate support to assist people wanting to remain at home. Apply Lifetime Homes Standards to improvement & regeneration programmes and adaptations. Develop a greater diversity of tenure models. Encourage the social rented sector to plan to meet the needs of their current tenants in older age, as well as considering and planning to meet the supported housing needs of lower income, lower equity, owner occupiers and those renting privately. Develop equity release schemes – which need to be robust, trustworthy, fair and viable. You told us to include …

21 A New Future for Specialist Housing Is there a future for specialist housing? Yes, and its bigger than we might think. Major projected growth in older households and particularly older single households (demand for one/two beds). Some areas have little supply. Housing with high levels of care from 450,000 to about 1,130,000 in 2051 (151%). We are not seeing the predicted end of care homes or sheltered housing. Availability and economics of paying for high levels of care in mainstream housing vs. care home? Projections of dementia and disabilities. ¼ of us projected to enter long term care (PSSRU). Need for strategic change.

22 A vision for specialist housing – an aspirational lifestyle Vision for UK specialist housing to be leading the world, outcome focused and evidence based. Promote aspirational specialist housing. Not just for high dependency, but for all. Better geographic locations (near friends, relatives, shops, services), amenities, security, Excellent accommodation specification, wider tenure options and opportunities for social life, leisure, employment & learning. Inclusive design, ease of maintenance and options of full spectrum of care needs built in but with genuine choice & control. Staffing quality. Evidence on valuable philosophy behind models is promotion of active ageing, quality of life, independence & inclusion. Tenure revolution.

23 Some thoughts and possibilities: Continuing & future need for specialist housing. A valuable community resource & hub facility. Specialist Housing as part of cohesive communities. Schemes reflecting different needs & aspirations. Consultation & involvement of residents, family, carers. How will the sheltered housing sector respond on this? Role of sheltered housing in 21 st century and beyond

24 Evidence - Supply of sheltered stock does not always relate to population

25 Evidence - EAC data on regional / local supply shows great variation

26 Thinking about the Future for Sheltered Housing… Keep best of what we have, but aspirational design for the future… Aspirational design. Cutting edge style. Social hub. Social capital. Joined-up services. Preventative approach. Work space built in. New technology as standard to bridge digital divide and support work. Consumer driven. Flexible tenure.

27 The Future for Sheltered Housing?

28 Recent developments and considerations: Stakeholders including HOPDEV involvement. Pre-strategy document launch & follow up. [ web link: ] Ministerial speech to Fabian Society June [ web link: ] Housing Green Paper (July 2007) [ web link: ] Code for sustainable building (July 2007). [web link] [ web link: ] A National Strategy for Housing in an Ageing Society

29 What happens next? Consultation and involvement process running and working with stakeholders until September. Feeding in of responses to pre-strategy document. Strategy publication by end of Please get in touch with your ideas: A National Strategy for Housing in an Ageing Society