Why do different cells produce different proteins?
Do all the cells in your body have the same DNA? All the cells in our body have the exact same DNA because they all came from a single cell which replicated its DNA
Body Cells Although every cell in your body has the same DNA, not all cells are the SAME. Why?
Gene Expression Cells are different from each other because they EXPRESS different portions of the genetic code (genes).
Gene Expression Though all genes of the genome are present in every type of cell, only a small, specific fraction of these genes are actually expressed in each type of cell. Genes that are being expressed are “on”
How does a gene express itself? Making Protein The Information on DNA (expressed genes) is Translated Into proteins which Determine the organism’s traits.
Environmental Effect Environmental factors such as temperature, pH, and availability of nutrients can influence the genes expressed in a cell. Examples: Himalayan Rabbits Hydrangea If a small section of fur is shaved from a Himalayan Rabbit, the fur will grow back either white or black depending on the temperature of its environment.
Express the following gene: GGCTTAACGTAC mRNA codon