By: Maddie Vaughn Noah Chu Breannah Gammon Stephanie Vargas
1. The origin story of the Native American dream catcher. 2. Dreams can be important to individuals. 3. Dreams can be expressed in a variety of ways. 4. Dreams can change based on our experiences. WHAT WE WANT YOU TO KNOW….
BIG IDEA: DREAMS (3 RD GRADE) Dream Catchers Authentic American Indian tradition Native Americans believed that the night air was filled with good and bad dreams Legend goes that the bad dreams will get caught in the web, only good dreams will pass positive dreams would slip through the hole in the center of the dream catcher, and glide down the feathers to the sleeping person below Refrence
ANTICIPATORY Students will begin the class by using VTS with a photograph of American Indian women from the Miwok tribe.
ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS 1. What can a dream be? 2. Why are dreams important? 3. What can dreams tell us? 4. How can dreams be expressed?
1. The students will (TSW) be able to construct an artistic representation of their dreams. 2. The students will (TSW) be able to write a narrative describing their dreams. 3. The students will (TSW) be able to explain how local American Indian tribes use dream catchers. WHAT WE WANT YOU TO DO…
IDENTIFY AND DEFINE 1.Meaning making is the ability to understand and share the thoughts and feeling of other. 2. VTS (Visual Thinking Strategies) is a activity facilitated by teacher. Students are to participating by look at art, responding to questions, and participating in group discussions 3. Expressive writing - the student will express their feelings about their dreams and goals coherently.
LESSON OVERVIEW Students will design “dream catcher bag” inspired by the ideas of the original American Indian art of dream catchers. They will display their interpretations of their dreams and goals in and outside of the dream catcher bag. Finally the students will write a letter to themselves regarding these dreams and seal it inside the bag to be opened at a later date.
LESSON ACTIVITIES AND PROCEDURES 1. Introduce ourselves to class. 2. Introduce VTS image and invite students to move closer, Breannah will facilitate. 3. Nou will put students into small groups of 3-4 to discuss the reading. Provide 3-5 minutes to discuss the benefits of VTS mentioned in the article and how they could use VTS in a classroom. 4. Stephanie will begin the PowerPoint, and the group will take turns introducing information from the slides. 5. Maddie will introduce the sample dream catcher bags to students. 6. Each group member will share the meaning of what they included on their bags. 7. Nou will inform the class where the materials are located and what is available. 8. Each group member will walk around the classroom while students are working to observe their artwork. 9. When students have completed decorating and writing letters, they will staple their bags shut.
TICKET OUT…. To leave the students will complete their bags and one instructor will staple them closed with the letter inside as they leave the classroom.
In small groups, students will generate 2-3 ideas of how they can integrate other Common Core standards with art making experiences. Each group will then report out to the class. FORMATIVE ASSESMENT