Relationship Activity While you are getting settled in…… Write down a strategy (on the chart paper) you use to promote relationships with: Children Families Colleagues – e.g., a strategy for children: ‘Greet each child at the door by name every morning!’
Social-Emotional Foundations for Early Learning Training-Surry and Yadkin County Schools' Pre-Kindergarten Programs Tier 1: Relationships and Environments August 15, 2013
Housekeeping Trainings February 14 May 23 Other trainings will be held in individual counties
Objectives – Day 1 Review pyramid model for social- emotional development How to promote positive relationships How to create supportive environments
Why SEFEL? Impact and Prevalence (video)
Social-Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (SEFEL) Pyramid Model Tier 1 – High Quality Early Education-All Children 8 Tier 3:Individualized Positive Behavior Support- Children with persistent challenges Tier 2-Social Skills Curricula- Children at Risk
What’s In It For You? Ideas to promote high quality environments and engaging activities A variety of strategies and supports to promote active learning Activities that incorporate social-emotional skills throughout the school day
What’s In It For The Children? Learning in an environment that is of high quality and includes fun and engaging activities Support while learning social-emotional skills Fun activities that promote social-emotional skills throughout the entire day
Reframing Activity Find cards at your table with statements about children, families, and co-workers Work together to reframe statements into positives Write revised statements on back of cards Share at least one reframed statement!
The Teaching Pyramid Positive Relationships with Children, Families & Colleagues Tier 1 - Universal Promotion 14
Building Relationships Staff to Child Child to Child
Morning Greetings Lisa Bruggeman – Asheville City Schools
17 Greeting Apron Jessy Hendley -- Cabarrus County Schools
Morning Greeter Apron Make & Take Doyle Woodall – Johnston County Schools
Job Chart Jessy Hendley -- Cabarrus County Schools
Meaningful Jobs Chart Norma Jannone-Moore County Schools
Meaningful Jobs Doyle Woodall – Johnston County Schools
Center Inspector Norma Jannone-Moore County Schools
Make & Take Job Chart
Building the School with Kindness Doyle Woodall – Johnston County Schools
25 Norma Jannone-Moore County Scho ols Kindness Mittens!
Building Relationships Norma Jannone-Moore County Schools
Possible job A child pulls a name each day out of a box and says something nice about him or her Teacher or TA always model first Continue kindness catcher throughout the year 27 Kindness Catcher Jessy Hendley -- Cabarrus County Schools
Kissing Hands Class Book Doyle Woodall – Johnston County Schools
Relationships with Children
‘All About Us’ Book Jessy Hendley -- Cabarrus County Schools
Building Relationships with Families Family board and pictures throughout classroom Family block Family quilt Parent night to share SEFEL Parent letters Share positives Teach parents I love you Rituals What works briefs
32 Family Book Jessy Hendley -- Cabarrus County Schools
Building Relationships with Staff Coaching Team approach to SEFEL Reflective times 33
LUNCH 11:45-1:00
Challenging Behaviors Read handout Identify possible cause List environmental changes Be prepared to share
The Teaching Pyramid Creating Supportive Environments Positive Relationships with Children, Families & Colleagues Tier 1 - Universal Promotion 37
Schedules and Routines Daily/Group Schedule Routines Individual Schedules Choice Boards 38
Daily Group Picture Schedule 39 Doyle Woodall – Johnston County Schools
Predictable Schedules Norma Jannone-Moore County Schools
Morning -- Routines Norma Jannone-Moore County Schools
“Mini” Morning Schedule Jessy Hendley -- Cabarrus County Schools
Individual Picture Schedule 43 Doyle Woodall – Johnston County Schools
Circle Time Fun Doyle Woodall – Johnston County Schools
Promoting Engaging Environments Is there a clear entry to each center? Is each center inviting? Are there adequate materials? Is there a system for entering and exiting centers? Are materials/shelves labeled?
Center Signs Doyle Woodall – Johnston County Schools
Individual Support Doyle Woodall – Johnston County Schools
Supportive Environments Norma Jannone-Moore County Schools
“Under Construction” Jessy Hendley -- Cabarrus County Schools
Supportive Environment - STOP Norma Jannone-Moore County Schools
Where to Stand when Waiting Jessy Hendley -- Cabarrus County Schools
Video: Circle Time Activity 52
BREAK 2:00-2:15
Transitions Think about how many transitions are in your schedule How do you prepare children to move? What support does the child need? Schedule variations
Transition Carrots Norma Jannone-Moore County Schools
Transitions Norma Jannone-Moore County Schools
Pair Partnering Norma Jannone-Moore County Schools
Transition Activity- Choice Board Jessy Hendley -- Cabarrus County Schools
Transition Activity- “Willabee Wallabee” Jessy Hendley -- Cabarrus County Schools
Video 1/presenters-ppt/V1_2.MPG
Make & Take Transition Cards
Rules Review your classroom rules Find ‘Classroom Rules’ handout Do rules meet the guidelines? Why or why not? How could they be improved?
Group Time Rules Norma Jannone-Moore County Schools
Classroom Rules Doyle Woodall – Johnston County Schools
Individual Rule Wristlet
Classroom Rules
Rules Norma Jannone-Moore County Schools
Classroom Rules Lisa Bruggeman – Asheville City Schools
School Promises Jessy Hendley -- Cabarrus County Schools
Video /presenters-ppt/V1_6.MPG /presenters-ppt/V1_6.MPG
Serving Up More SEFEL Strategies….. February 14!