Directions for Task 1.Have paper ready to take notes about various forms of figurative language. 2.Click on the web site 3. Play the video and record what clue words are used to identify a simile, and what is personification. 4.Once your list is complete, turn in your answers. Remember to evaluate and reflect on your learning using your created reflection faces. Got It! = Getting There. = I NEED HELP! = This task uses: Flocabulary Learning Objective(s): Learning Target: RL.5.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative language such as metaphors and similes. Identifying Figurative Language
Identifying Figurative Language Directions for Task 1.Have a pencil and sheet of paper with you to take notes while viewing the video. 2.Click on the web site: 3.Watch the Brain Pop video on idioms and cliches. 4.After the video, take the test. **Label your test with your first name only. Print your results. This task uses: BrainPop Learning Objective(s): Learning Target: RL.5.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative language such as metaphors and similes. Remember to evaluate and reflect on your learning using your created reflection faces, and a sentence explaining why. Got It! = Getting There. = I NEED HELP! =
Using Figurative Language Directions for Task 1.Review the figurative language with a partner. 2.Visit the web site: 3.Label your cube with your first name only. 4.Click on the Story Cube to map out a fictional story that you will create using different forms of figurative language.. If you are having difficulties, use the planning sheet as shown below to plan your story cube. 5.Fill out each part of the cube to identify or answer questions about your story. 6.Print cube and create cube. 7.Using your story cube, create your rough draft using different forms of figurative language and save it on your desktop. 8.Ask a peer to read and critique work. 9.After peer revision, conference with the teacher. 10.Make any revision and complete final draft. 11.Print your final draft and turn it in along with your story cube. This task uses: Read Write Think Learning Objective(s): Learning Target: RL.5.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative language such as metaphors and similes.
Using Figurative Language Directions for Task 1. Go to Mrs. Veuleman’s Blackboard site. 2. Click on the “Discussion Board” tab. 3. Click on the discussion board topic Figurative Language. 4. Read the discussion board topic on Figurative Language and create a thread to answer the question. 5. Respond and rate two other students’ responses that are not in your homeroom. This task uses: Mrs. Veuleman’s BB Learning Objective(s): Learning Target: RL.5.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative language such as metaphors and similes.