Description of people Appearance Verb to have Personal qualities Description of people
Contents Revision of to be forms Revision of to be forms Appearance expressions 1 Verb to have Appearance expressions 2 Question and negative of the verb to have Personal qualities Description of people
Revision - to be forms positiveshort formquestionnegative I amI’mAm I?I am not You areYou’reAre you?You are not He isHe’sIs he?He is not She isShe’sIs she?She is not It isIt’sIs it?It is not We areWe’reAre we?We are not You areYou’reAre you?You are not They areThey’reAre they?They are not
APPEARANCE What do they look like? Say what’s in the pictures. She is beautiful / pretty. He is ugly. He is handsome / good- looking.
What’s their height? How tall are they? Say what’s in the pictures. He’s tall. He’s short. He’s is medium / average height
What’s their weight? Say what’s in the pictures. They’re fat / overweight. They’re slim. She’s skinny / scrawny. She’s well- build / fit.
Match the recordings with the pictures. A B C D E F B D A E F C
Answer the questions according to the pictures. Are they slim? Is he ugly? Is he tall? Is she fat? No, they aren’t. They are overweight. No, she isn’t. She is scrawny. Yes, he is. No he isn’t. He is handsome.
To have forms – tvary slovesa mať Ihave /got/dark/blond/long/short hair brown/green/grey/blue eyes a big/small nose youhave /got/ He She It has /got/ wehave /got/ youhave /got/ theyhave /got/ IKT
What kind of hair have they got? Say what’s in the pictures. She’s got long straight red hair. He’s got dreadlocks. He’s bald. She’s got shoulder- length curly ginger hair. He’s got short spiky brown hair. He’s got a moustache and a beard. She’s got short blond /fair hair. She’s got long curly dark hair.
Match the recordings with the pictures. A B C D E C A E D B
What kind of hair have you got? ? Write the answer according to yourself.
She‘s got freckles He’s got a scar She’s got a tattoo She’s got wrinkles Describe the pictures. She is wearing glasses
What kind of complexion have they got? She’s got a pale complexion. She’s got a dark complexion. She’s black. She’s got a tanned / olive complexion.
What’s his nose like? He’s got a straight nose. He’s got a hooked nose. green eyesbrown eyes grey eyes blue eyes What’s the colour of your eyes?
QUESTION - otázka Have I you we they gotlong hair? Hashe/she/it No, I have not /haven’t/ got. No, he has not /hasn’t/ got. Question and negative with the verb to HAVE – otázka a zápor slovesa mať Negative - zápor
Answer according to the pictures. Has he got a scar? Has she got a pale complexion? Has she got straight hair? Has he got a moustache? Yes, he has. No, she hasn’t got. Yes, he has.
Complete the questions and answer. 1. You / long hair? Your friend / dreadlocks? Your parents / green eyes? You / any tatoos? Your mother / long hair? Have you got long hair? Has your friend got dreadlocks? Have your parents got green eyes? Have you got any tatoos? Has your mother got long hair?
Do the on-line activities. IKT 1 IKT 2 IKT 3
GOOD AND BAD QUALITIES Think of the opposites and repeat. He’s aggressive. She’s shy. He’s dumb / stupid. She’s calm / relaxed. He’s self – confident. He’s clever / intelligent.
-2- He’s selfish. He’s unfriendly. She’s generous. He’s hard-working. They’re friendly. He’s lazy.
-3- It’s untidy/messy. He’s polite. He’s bored. She’s interested. She’s impolite/rude. They’re tidy/ neat
Match the pictures with the correct expressions. They are tidy. He is intelligent. She is shy. She is generous. He is hard-working. She is rude.
Write the opposites. shy bored tidy lazy S _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t self - confident I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d interested m _ _ _ y messy hard-working h _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ g
Do the on-line activity. Answer and write in the table below. IKT What are your good and and bad qualities? MY GOOD QUALITIESMY BAD QUALITIES
Do the on-line activities. IKT 1 IKT 2 IKT 3 IKT 4
Read and listen to the text. profession look height weight hair eyes others qualities This is a picture of Jonny Depp. He is an actor. He is good- looking. Jonny is tall and fit. He has wavy, brown hair and brown eyes. Jonny has a tatoo on his arm and is wearing glasses. He looks self-confident. Fill out the table with the whole sentences.
Fill out the table according to the picture and yourself. GIRL IN THE PICTUREME profession look height weight hair eyes others qualities Describe yourself according to the table.
Tell me about your best friend. Fill out the gaps according to yourself. What’s the name of your friend? What’s his height? What’s his weight? What kind of hair has he got? What’s the colour of his eyes? What are his good qualities? What are his bad qualities?
My dictionary
ription/ ription/