Test Taking Skills Make sure you prove what you know! Essay Tests
Essay Questions Proving Upper Level Comprehension! –Must realize that you are not just writing a long answer to a long question but you are: Reading Thinking Planning Organizing Judging
Essay Questions Reading & Understanding the Questions –Read the question several times before you write Make sure you understand exactly what the question is asking Example: Make Sure you know the difference between “Explain” & “Evaluate” –Do not simply start to write down everything you know on the subject – STOP & THINK! –Focus on what the question is asking, not just the topic of the question!
Essay Questions Reading & Understanding the Questions –Look for “Key Words” Helps you understand the question Helps to determine what facts you will use in your essay! Guides your response –THINK before you write! –The selected information in your essay must: Answer the question Support your answer Relate to the specific topic of the question
Essay Questions –Re-word the question into a topic sentence to help you understand how you should respond –Example: Question Explain the immediate effects of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Topic Sentence The immediate effects of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima were devastating. –If you still do not understand what the question is asking – ask your teacher for help!
Essay Questions: Key Words Compare : Use examples to show how to two thing are alike Contrast : Use example to show how two thing are different Define : Tell the meaning of a word or subject, what group it is in, what its function is, and how it is different from the others in that group Describe : tell in “story” form how something or someone looks, feels, sounds, etc. Use vivid words to create a clear picture
Essay Questions: Key Words Discuss: Look at the topic from all sides & come to a conclusion about the importance of the topic Evaluate: Give your opinion of the value of a subjects by pointing both good and bad points. Explain : Tell how something happened or how something works. Must use reasons or step-by- step details. Identify : Who, what when where why & how must be answered in an organized paragraph.
Essay Questions: Key Words List: include a specific number of details. (First, then secondly, &finally) Outline: Organize your ideas into topics, subtopics, & details. Can be in a paragraph form or regular form Prove : present the facts and details which will clearly show that something is true. Relate : Show how two things or more things are connected
Essay Questions: Key Words Review: Give an overall picture or summary of the most important points of the subject. State: Present your ideas about the subject using sentences which are to the point. Summarize : Present the main points in clear, concise general overview of the subject. Trace : Present details or events one step at a time to show the history or progress of a subject.
Planning & Writing Essays Stop & Think (Brain Storm) –Think about possible facts and details to place in your essay response –Techniques for Brainstorming Lists Cluster Jot List T Graph Venn Diagram various other quick graphic organizers
Planning & Writing Essays Informal Outline –Pick out the main points that support your response Make sure they are relevant –Arrange them in a logical order –Under each main point List supporting facts, details, and/or examples for each main point Make sure they are relevant! Do not be overly specific –Keep you outline brief and simple You will not have time to waste!
Planning & Writing Essays Writing Your Essay –Based on the complexity of the question: Decide single or multi-paragraph response How much information is needed to explain you answer –Opening sentence will be your topic sentence Use the question to help generate your topic sentence –Example: Question Explain the immediate effects of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Topic Sentence The immediate effects of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima were devastating.
Planning & Writing Essays Writing Your Essay –Follow your brief outline –Make sure to include relevant details that Support your topic sentence Prove your answer –Use facts, details, and/ or examples! –Show Me! Don’t Tell Me!
Planning & Writing Essays Writing Your Essay – cont. –Use connecting words – helps your paper flow –Use Vivid Verbs and explicit adjectives and adverbs WHY??? –Read over your essay before turning it in?
Take Your Time!!!