ENG. III Mon. Feb. 29 th Gatsby & The American Dream What is F. Scott Fitzgerald saying (in The Great Gatsby) about the American Dream? Citations… --How to use them correctly in your Works Cited page, and inside the body of your paper? --What is a parenthetical citation? Multiple authors… -- How do we bring the viewpoints of multiple authors into our writing? (it’s called synthesis!) --How can Signal Phrases help us do this? HOMEWORK: Today’s Goal(s): -To specify the author’s main point -To weave more than one main point (from >1 source) into a cohesive whole Turned In Today: 5 questions (1/2 pg) (w/short paragraph on back side) Handouts/Pieces Read: -1/2 sheet: Gatsby & Amer. Dream -Signal Phrases
ENG. III Tues. Mar. 1 Great Gatsby 2013 film Today we’ll watch the Introduction & Ch. 5 Symbols in Ch. 5: --The rain --The flowers --Gatsby’s outfit --The clock Gatsby knocks over --The shirts Gatsby’s dream: -- ”It’s stopped raining…” --”If it wasn’t for the mist we could see your house across the bay” HOMEWORK: Read through Ch. 6 for Wed. Today’s Goal(s): -To locate symbols in the film version of the novel -To experience the visual intensity of Ch. 5 of Great Gatsby Turned In Today: Handouts/Pieces Read:
ENG. III Wed. Mar. 2 Great Gatsby 2013 film Today we’ll finish watching Ch. 5 and discuss Ch. 6 Symbols in Ch. 5: --The rain --The flowers --Gatsby’s outfit --The clock Gatsby knocks over --The shirts What happens to Gatsby’s dream? -- ”It’s stopped raining…” --”If it wasn’t for the mist we could see your house across the bay” HOMEWORK: Read through Ch. 7 for Thurs. Today’s Goal(s): -To analyze symbols in the film version of the novel -To experience the visual intensity of Ch. 5 of Great Gatsby Turned In Today: Handouts/Pieces Read:
ENG. III Thurs. Mar. 3 The Great Gatsby Into class: Ch. 6 matching Today: Tracing the dialogue in Ch. 7 Use power verbs to role-play a section of dialogue from this chapter. Groups of 4. --at least 4 lines of dialogue— --summarize the essential arguments in Ch. 7 Present dialogue to class (last 10 minutes) HOMEWORK: Today’s Goal(s): -To locate symbols in the film version of the novel -To experience the visual intensity of Ch. 5 of Great Gatsby Turned In Today: Handouts/Pieces Read:
ENG. III Fri. Mar. 4 The Great Gatsby Into Class: A. You have either a Question or an Answer on your desk. B. Find another student whose question/answer is a match for yours. --Stay w/that person until we discuss each Q&A-- 1.Character Secrets **Finish reading the book for Monday! A.Share B.Add textual evidence (on index card) 2. Finish Reading Ch. 7 in class 3. Exit Ticket: (last 5 minutes) HOMEWORK: Today’s Goal(s): -To analyze a character’s motivations and desires by examining the secrets he/she keeps Turned In Today: --Question or Answer with textual evidence --Exit Ticket Handouts/Pieces Read: Chapter 7
ENG. III Fri. Mar. 4 (cont.) The Great Gatsby Exit Ticket: On side two of your index card, write the answer to these questions: What secret is Nick keeping? Who is he deceiving? HOMEWORK: Finish reading the book for Monday! Today’s Goal(s): Turned In Today: Handouts/Pieces Read:
ENG. III Tues. Mar. 8 The Great Gatsby Into Class: Pen or Pencil Placement Test? Go straight to the: Career Center (2 nd Hr) Library (5 th Hr) Great Gatsby test today (70 questions) 12 multiple choice 28 True/False 30 Matching Write your answers on the test. Last 10 minutes: Use your book! HOMEWORK: Today’s Goal(s): -To demonstrate my understanding of events, characters, and themes of GG by choosing correct answers on the test Turned In Today: Handouts/Pieces Read: Chapter 7
ENG. III Wed./Thurs. Mar. 9/10 Source-Based Writing (Practice for AzMerit Writing Test March 29 & 30 ) Wed.: Read Prompt and Plan your Essay Thurs.: Draft your essay Turn in at end of class HOMEWORK: Today’s Goal(s): -To demonstrate my ability to respond clearly and effectively to a standardized prompt Turned In Today: Handouts/Pieces Read: Chapter 7
Edited Student Responses (mini-synthesis paragraph): In his describing of Gatsby’s love for Daisy, Fitzgerald (1925) insinuates that the American Dream isn’t about money but finding true happiness with the one you love. Hearne (2016) agrees with this, writing that “The Great Gatsby offers up a rather harsh critique of the American Dream.” -M. M. In his description of the title character Gatsby’s love for Daisy, renowned novelist Fitzgerald (1925) insinuates that the American Dream isn’t about money but finding true happiness with the one you love. Hearne (2016) agrees with this, writing that “The Great Gatsby offers up a rather harsh critique of the American Dream.” -M. M.
Edited Student Responses (mini-synthesis paragraph): Fitzgerald (1925) acknowledges the American Dream in his book “The Great Gatsby” as a need for self-gratification and selfishness. Hearne (2010) observed Fitzgerald’s work in her journal “The Explicator” as a “mirage that entices us to keep moving forward, even as we are ceaselessly borne back into the past” (Fitzgerald 189). -A. E. Fitzgerald (1925) acknowledges the American Dream in his novel The Great Gatsby as a need for self-gratification and selfishness. Hearne (2010) observed Fitzgerald’s work in her journal article “Fitzgerald’s Rendering of a Dream” as a “mirage that entices us to keep moving forward, even as we are ceaselessly borne back into the past” (Fitzgerald 189). -A. E.
Student Responses (mini-synthesis paragraph): Fitzgerald (1925) acknowledges the American Dream in his book “The Great Gatsby” as a need for self- gratification and selfishness. Hearne (2010) observed Fitzgerald’s work in her journal “The Explicator” as a “mirage that entices us to keep moving forward even as we are ceaselessly borne back into the past” (Fitzgerald 189). -A. E. In his describing of Gatsby’s love for Daisy, Fitzgerald (1925) insinuates that the American Dream isn’t about money but finding true happiness with the one you love. Hearne (2016) agrees with this, writing that “The Great Gatsby offers up a rather harsh critique of the American Dream.” -M. M. The dream portrayed by Fitzgerald is that people want to move up on the social ladder had move forward in life. But in Kimberly Hearne’s analysis of the American Dream, she compares it to “a mirage that entices us to keep moving forward, even as we are ceaselessly borne back into the past.” Hearne also emphasizes the “grotesquely flawed” dream portrayed by the person (1925) … -K. S.
ENG. II and ENG. III Fri. Mar /2 Day-- Take the practice test for AzMerit Reading today a) Directions are posted in Google Classroom b) Go to to beginhttp://azmeritportal.org/ **Write your answers on your own paper **Turn in at end of class c) FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS that I posted for you in google classroom!! Not enough time? Finish it over the break. Bring back your answers (written on your own paper) on Monday, March 21. HOMEWORK: 1)To get some rest 2)To enjoy St. Patrick’s Day Today’s Goal(s): -To become comfortable with the format of the AzMerit online test so that I can demonstrate my awesomeness on the real test at the end of March! Turned In Today: -Your written answers to the practice test Handouts/Pieces Read:
ENG. II & III Mon. Mar. 21 Welcome Back! Pick Up: Student practice essay Into Class: Make a list of traits that a strong essay must possess. --on your own paper-- 1. Student response (“We all whine and complain…”) a. Read the student essay b. On back of essay handout, circle the score descriptions that this essay earns according to the AzMerit rubric b. Write a grade in the left margin of the rubric for each section. c. Transfer those grades to the front side of essay handout, and explain your reasoning for each grade (in the 2 bullet points). 2. Based on this experience w/the AzMerit rubric, now add to your list of traits which differentiate strong papers from weak ones. 3. Read Student 1 essay & score it according to AzMerit rubric. HOMEWORK: *Turn in your answers to the practice Reading test for AzMerit ( directions in Google Classroom ) --last day to receive credit is Wed. 3/23-- Today’s Goal(s): --To evaluate writing & to determine traits of successful writing. --To apply the AzMerit writing rubric to sample papers Turned In Today: --nothing Handouts/Pieces Read:
ENG. II & III Tues. Mar. 22 Into Class: Place Student-1 essay & the AzMerit rubric on your desk. 1. Student-1 essay Finish marking the essay, annotating the rubric explanation (Why did AzMerit give this essay a _4_? Or a _2_?) 2. Student-2 essay a. Read and grade. (Circle the score descriptions that fit this essay) b. Write a grade in the left margin of the rubric for each section. c. Write in the total points for this essay in the space at bottom of page. HOMEWORK: *Turn in your answers to the practice Reading test for AzMerit ( directions in Google Classroom ) --last day to receive credit is Wed. 3/23-- Today’s Goal(s): --To evaluate writing & to determine traits of successful writing. --To develop those traits in my own writing. Turned In Today: --nothing Handouts/Pieces Read:
ENG. II & III Tues. Mar. 22 continued.. 3. Based on this experience w/the AzMerit rubric, now add to your list of traits (those things which differentiate strong papers from weak ones). 4. Begin revising your own essay. What score does your paper earn on the AzMerit rubric? Have you cited sources from at least 2 of the readings? Have you explained why/how those sources support your claim? Have you included transitions to show the connection between ideas? Is your essay organized in a logical manner? HOMEWORK: *Turn in your answers to the practice Reading test for AzMerit ( directions in Google Classroom ) --last day to receive credit is Wed. 3/23-- Today’s Goal(s): --To evaluate writing & to determine traits of successful writing. --To develop those traits in my own writing. Turned In Today: --nothing Handouts/Pieces Read:
ENG. II and III Wed. Mar. 23 Into Class: On the sticky note: Write a brief note of gratitude for the person who was your neighbor for the past 9 weeks. 1. Domain-Specific Vocabulary 2. Bringing Sources into our writing (Quote, Paraphrase, & Summary) 3. Revise your own essay **Final revised drafts of the essay are due Monday, 3/28 at start of class.** HOMEWORK: Final draft of revised essay due Mon. 3/28 at start of class. Paper copy. Typed or handwritten. (50 pts) Today’s Goal(s): -To evaluate writing & to determine traits of successful writing. -To include domain- specific vocabulary in my own writing. Turned In Today: --Answers to the practice Reading test (AzMerit) Handouts/Pieces Read:
ENG. II and III Wed. Mar. 23 continued… 1.Domain-Specific Vocabulary. a)Circle all the examples of domain-specific vocab that you can find in Student-1 essay. b) Where can I find domain-specific vocabulary when I’m writing an essay response to a prompt? c) Where in my own essay could I include domain-specific vocabulary? 2. Sources: Quote, Paraphrase, Summary -- what is the difference? 3. Work on your own essay. Final revised drafts of the essay are due Monday, 3/28 at start of class. HOMEWORK: Final draft of revised essay due Mon. 3/28 at start of class. Paper copy. Typed or handwritten. (50 pts) Today’s Goal(s): -To evaluate writing & to determine traits of successful writing. -To include domain- specific vocabulary in my own writing. Turned In Today: --Answers to the practice Reading test (AzMerit) Handouts/Pieces Read:
ENG. III Mon. Mar. 28 Materials: highlighter or colored pencil 1.Evaluating Essays (35 min.) A. Place your revised essay on your desk. (We’ll get to it shortly!) B. Handout: Student-2 Essay --Label the paragraphs (Introduction, Body Paragraph 1… etc.) --Highlight each time a Source is cited in this essay. --Bracket around the sentences which explain those Sources. C. Rubric: Write your name on the bottom. In pencil, write the scores you believe your essay merits based on the rubric. 2. Chromebook - login to the AzMErit Writing practice test (20 min.) HOMEWORK: Get some rest tonight so you can come ready to do great work on the AzMerit tomorrow! Today’s Goal(s): -To evaluate the use of sources (evidence) in writing. -To assess my own writing according to the AzMerit rubric Turned In Today: --Revised practice essay (AzMerit) topic: Electoral College Handouts/Pieces Read: Clean copy of Student1 essay Rubric for AzMerit Writing
ENG. III Mon. Mar. 28 Materials: highlighter or colored pencil continued… 2. Chromebook - login to the AzMErit Writing practice test (go to to begin) Click On: Sample Tests Sign In (as Guest) Select grade level Is this you? Yes Select Yes Start my Test Start HS Writing HOMEWORK: Get some rest tonight so you can come ready to do great work on the AzMErit tomorrow! Today’s Goal(s): -To evaluate the use of sources (evidence) in writing. -To assess my own writing according to the AzMerit rubric Turned In Today: --Revised practice essay (AzMerit) topic: Electoral College Handouts/Pieces Read: Clean copy of Student1 essay Rubric for AzMerit Writing
ENG. II Tues & Wed. Mar. 29 & 30 AZMerit Test in morning (7:30 to 9:45) --Do your best!! Short classes beginning 10:00 (see bell schedule posted in Google Classroom) --no work or homework these 2 days-- HOMEWORK: Today’s Goal(s): Turned In Today: Handouts/Pieces Read:
ENG. III Thurs. Mar. 31 Post-Secret Project Meet in Lab 526 Explore postsecret.com Watch the TED Talk about postsecret (read the transcript, if you don’t have earbuds) Read “The Man who Collects our Secrets” article (posted in Google Classroom) Read The meaning of color by Reatta Parker Review the PostSecret Project requirements before tomorrow’s class (posted in Google Classroom) Take 1 page of handwritten notes on all the above! Save about ½ the page for Color info. (Bring to class tomorrow) HOMEWORK: Answer the question in Google Classroom: (PostSecret website: what did you learn, what is your reaction..) Today’s Goal(s): -To explore secrets in a contemporary context -To analyze serets kept by characters in Great Gatsby Turned In Today: 1 page of handwritten notes (by end of class) Handouts/Pieces Read: Chapter 7
ENG. III Friday April 1 Post-Secret Project Move into your groups (see list) Read the project directions carefully Character 1: one postcard & one synthesis worksheet Character 2: one postcard & one synthesis worksheet Begin creating your 2 post cards (refer to your notes from yesterday) Monday: Complete the Synthesis part of this assignment (each group member writes one answer) Tuesday: Project due Each group will present cards to class; turn in both cards and synthesis worksheets to inbox HOMEWORK: Cards due Tuesday 4/4 Today’s Goal(s): -To explore secrets in a contemporary context -To analyze secrets kept by characters in Great Gatsby Turned In Today: Be productive!! Handouts/Pieces Read: Chapter 7