Green Focused Programs of Study Technical Assistance Academy Academy for Educational Development MPR Associates, Inc. National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium for the National Research Center for Career and Technical Education Information from the State Director Webinar September 4, 2009
TA Academy Overview Purpose: Develop green-focused Programs of Study (POS) Develop and build replicable implementation models to bring POS to scale within states Facilitators: Work with state team over 10-month period Phone State Meetings TA Academy in DC Webinars – In-state and all states
TA Academy Overview cont’d Experts: Consultants POS Green CTE, Industry In-state meetings: Three meetings with facilitator Three-day facilitated TA Academy in Washington, DC Career Clusters Institute: Present state model and implementation process
9/4/09 State Director’s Webinar 9/15/09-6/31/10In-State Meetings (at least 3) 9/15/09-6/31/10 On-going Communication between Facilitator and State Team 2/3 – 5/10 TA Academy in Washington, DC 6/14-16/10 State Model Presentation at Career Clusters Institute in Denver, CO 6/30/10 Final State Plan for Roll-out for Academic Year Timeline
State Participants State Lead GeorgiaEmily Spann IllinoisMark Williams New Jersey Marie Barry OhioIke Kershaw OregonLaura Roach
Georgia Green Industries Environmental (Agriculture) Energy (Nuclear, Biomass,) Construction (Industrial, Commercial) – Engineering and Architectural Designs also involved Transportation (Ground, Air, Maritime)
Identified Clusters in Green Jobs Definition – Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources – Architecture & Construction – Finance – Information Technology – Manufacturing – Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics – Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Crosswalk all to an industry: – Energy & Utilities and Waste Management Illinois Green Programs of Study
Energy utilities face burgeoning demand for technicians with green skills Construction industry will require green building skills Emerging renewable energy industry will require technicians
Ohio Industry Sectors Energy and Alternative Fuels – Solar, geothermal, wind, biofuel, hydro, fossil – Research and development – Site selection, acquisition and preparation – Business management & operation Bio-Products – Products based on agricultural feedstocks – Paints, adhesives, plastics, packaging Precision Agriculture for Sustainability – Sustainable production practices – Production efficiency – Energy Reduction – Reduce dependence with demand growing
Green-Focused POS Developed through a statewide partnership – Secondary – Postsecondary – Industry Initial focus will be sustainable building Develop incentives to expand – Streamlined application – Targeted professional development – Additional Perkins resources – Streamlined articulation
Self Assessment DIAGNOSTIC TOOL: Reflect on POS implementation progress under each component Identify critical strengths and weaknesses related to POS Identify where the TA Academy and expert consultants could most benefit the state Support facilitator in guiding state team’s work Establish priorities for POS model design Promote state conversation about: State progress on POS components POS components state should focus on Components that needs further assistance to improve POS
POS Framework A Program of Study is a structured sequence of academic and career and technical education courses that lead to a postsecondary-level credential
POS Components Legislation and Policies Partnerships Among Education, Business, and Other Community Stakeholders Sustainable Leadership and Shared Planning Rigorous Academic and Technical Standards and Assessments Aligned Secondary and Postsecondary Education Elements Credit Transfer Agreements Accountability and Evaluation Criteria Guidance, Counseling, and Advisement Professional Development Innovative Teaching and Learning Strategies
Action Plan PURPOSE: A living document that provides a detailed plan for building and implementing state green-focused POS model(s) PLAN COMPONENTS: Objectives – what the state plans to achieve Activities – work to be undertaken to achieve objectives Timeline – dates activities will be accomplished Outcome(s) – what state products will be Responsible parties – who is accountable for accomplishing activities Resources needed
Planning and Meetings Prior to State Meeting States complete self-assessment Proposed teams are representative of stakeholder community (may need to be some modification) Facilitated In-State Meeting (held before December 15, 2009) States begin work on action plan and identify timeline of support, possibly to include specific follow-up meeting dates States identify needs and next steps, possibly to include identifying content for DC TA Academy and TA consultants DC Technical Assistance Academy Team members participate actively in team, role alike, and cross-team session activities Participants complete workshop evaluations including evaluation of content
Outcomes Outcomes State action plans Final plan for POS rollout States implement POS in Final products address state specific contexts and needs Responsive to political and economic factors by adapting outcomes and timelines
Legacy Outcomes States implement POS Planning materials applied to new POS States serve as resources for others (including LEAs within the state and other states) Documentation Final state products collected and archived Planning resources and content cataloged and disseminated Content resources on green and POS collected, archived, and disseminated Summary memo detailing lessons learned
State Facilitators StateLeadFacilitator GeorgiaEmily SpannRobin White IllinoisMark WilliamsIvan Charner New Jersey Marie BarrySteven Klein OhioIke KershawJim Schoelkopf OregonLaura RoachKatherine Boswell
Follow-up and Questions Ivan Charner Academy for Educational Development