Back to Transparencies Visual Summary 1846 Wilmot Proviso Compromise of Kansas–Nebraska Act 1855 “Bleeding Kansas” 1856 Caning of Sumner 1857 Dred Scott v. Sanford 1859 Attack on Harpers Ferry SECESSION Election of 1860
Free and Slave States Territories, 1820–1854 Back to Maps BACK TO LESSON
Main Idea Why It Matters Now Disagreements between the North and the South, especially over the issue of slavery, led to political conflict. Regional differences can make national problems difficult to resolve.
What were the effects of abolitionism, the Wilmot Proviso, and California’s application for statehood? CAUSESEFFECTS AbolitionismRaised tensions among citizens over the morality of slavery Wilmot ProvisoCaused political conflict over the legality of slavery in the territories California’s application for statehood Led to the Compromise of 1850
What were two ways that the North and the South differed by the mid-1800s? In what ways was racism common in both the North and the South? How did the War with Mexico lead to conflict between the North and the South?
North begins to rely on industry and commerce and the South starts to rely on plantations and agriculture North - Industry South- Agriculture
Major export of the South is cotton South invests in slave labor, not industry Cotton plant
most Southerners do not own slaves and resent the rich slave owners
many Northern workers and immigrants opposed slavery because it took away jobs and was an economic threat to them
many in the North who considered themselves abolitionists were still racists RACIST – having prejudice based on race
Slave owners defended the owning of slaves by saying they were actually helping the African Americans by giving them shelter, food and religion
WILMOT PROVISO – a bill to outlaw any slavery in land obtained from the war with Mexico
It passed in the House of Representatives but not the Senate Created a new political party called the FREE SOIL PARTY
California wants to enter as a free state – this would upset the balance of power between free and slave FREE STATES SLAVE STATES
COMPROMISE OF 1850 – a plan offered by Henry Clay, a senator from Kentucky Henry Clay
Compromise of 1850: 1)California enters as a free state and slave trade is abolished in Washington D.C. FREE =
Compromise of 1850: 2) Congress agrees to not pass any laws about banning slavery in areas received in the Mexican War and pass tougher fugitive slaves laws
STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS – Senator from Illinois, was in charge of passing the Compromise of 1850 Stephen A Douglas
COMPROMISE OF 1850 – a temporary solution to the free state / slave state debate as the nation grew