The History of the Two-Party Political System in the U.S. By Mark J. Brestle Brigantine North School
Political Debate Prior to 1787 Federalists vs. Antifederalists Antifederalists- were fearful of a strong central government (similar to a monarchy), favored states rights- wanted to amend the Articles of Confederation Federalists- felt the country needed a strong central government including an army and navy- supported the new Constitution- James Madison
Federalists vs. Democratic- Republicans Federalists Alexander Hamilton Rule by the “best people” Powerful central government Pro-British supporting business Democ.-Republicans Thomas Jefferson Rule by informed masses Weak central gov., favored states rights Pro-France agriculture preferred
Era of “Good Feelings” Only one political party- Democratic-Republicans Dem.-Republicans absorb many of the Federalists policies Wide-spread feeling of Nationalism (strong feeling of pride in one’s country) after the War of 1812
Rise of Jacksonian Democracy Begins in Led by Andrew Jackson 1791 Vermont is the 1st state to allow voting rights for all white males By 1824 most states allow universal white male suffrage- voting right Common man becomes involved in government and politics Evolves into present day Democratic Party
Policies of Early Democratic Party Jackson adopts the spoils system - rewarding supporters with public office Common man votes and holds public office Against a powerful central government - favors states’ rights Against a central bank and high tariff that would help and protect American business
The Birth of the Whigs Whig party is formed basically from those opposed to Andrew Jackson Including: Henry Clay and John Calhoun, northern industrialists, southern states’ rights supporters, National Bank supporters Whig Presidents include: William H. Harrison (1840) and Zachary Taylor (1848) both former war heroes
Roots of the Republican Party-1854 Starts in the Mid-West as a reaction to the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854-a law that allows for slavery in the Western Territories Against slavery Includes: unhappy Whigs, Democrats and Free-Soilers and other foes of slavery 1st Republican President – Abraham Lincoln (1860) Strengthens during Civil War, Dems. secede
Policies of the Modern Republican Party Favors big business Lower taxes especially to rich to foster investment Fewer government services and support Strong defense
Modern Day Democratic Party Favors common people Believes that government should provide necessary services and support (paid for by taxes) Pro-labor
Election Democratic Candidate- Barak Obama United States President from 2008 to present U.S. Senator from Illinois: 2004 – 2008 Illinois State Senator: Worked as lawyer - Chicago law firm of Miner, Barnhill & Galland
Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, August 4, 1961 Early education in Jakarta, Indonesia, and Hawaii Graduated in 1983 from Columbia University, New York Studied law at Harvard University Election Democratic Candidate- Barak Obama
Election 2012 Republican Candidate – Mitt Romney Willard Mitt Romney was born in Detroit, Michigan on March 12, 1947 His father was chairman and CEO of American Motors and Governor of Michigan. Graduated from BYU in 1971 and Harvard Law in 1975
Election 2012 Republican Candidate – Mitt Romney In 1984, he co-founded and led the company Bain Capital, a private equity investment firmBain Capitalprivate equity His net worth is estimated at $190–250 million Elected Governor of Massachusetts in 2002
Encourage Your Parents to Vote
Issues- RomneyIssues Issues - ObamaIssues Video- Romney-Rep Nat Convention Video -Romney Video- Obama-Dem Nat. Convention Video Obama Video- Propaganda Map Election 2008
Republican Candidate President- John McCain US Senator from Arizona: 1986 – present First elected to the U.S. House of Rep. from Arizona in 1982
Served in US Navy- 22 years Prisoner of war in ‘Hanoi Hilton’, Vietnam Graduated U. S. Naval Academy1958 Born on August 29, 1936, in the Panama Canal Zone 2008 Republican Candidate President- John McCain
2004 Republican Candidate President George W. Bush President of US ? Texas Air National Guard Age: 58 Religion: Methodist
2004 Democratic Candidate- Senator John Kerry Yale University U.S. Navy Organized protests against Vietnam War Religion: Roman Catholic Age: 60
Election Democratic Candidate- Al Gore 1992-Present Vice- President of the U.S 1984 elected U.S. Senate from Tenn. Harvard Univ. 52 years old Son of longtime Senator Al Gore Sr.
Election Republican Candidate - George W. Bush Governor of Texas CEO of Gas & Oil Co. Partner in Texas Rangers (baseball) Attended Yale Univ. Son of former President George H. Bush
2004 Democratic Candidate- Senator John Kerry U.S. Senator from Massachusetts ~ 1985 to present Lt. Governor of Mass. from Assistant district attorney – Middlesex County, Mass. from