INDEX Prologue Islam Christianity Judaism Epilogue
Prologue Religion starts when God seeks men (revelation) and man seeks God (Faith and trust) Then a relation of love begins, and it brings man to fullness, as S. Agustín said: “You made us for You, Lord, and our heart is restless and it won´t rest until it comes back to you”.
Prologue The target of our research is to know how this meeting between God and mankind has ocurred in the history of the three main monotheism religions: Judaism, Christianism and Islam. In our presentation, we will focus on some of the characteristics of these three religions.
Judaism considers that God is Yahvéh. Yahvéh is the only God, alive, unsighted, and He is the origin of life, as well as universe’s creator. God is transcendent and different from men. God is close to mankind and He reveals to them by oral revelations (prophets words) or written ones (Holy Bible).
Yahvéh keeps a covenient relationship with His people. This relationship is based on the principles: love, loyalty and forgiveness. The law expresses the will of God and is lived as a way of meeting and salvation for the Jew. Fulfilling the law the People of God are fulfilling their part of alliance and Yahvéh will provide land and descendants to them.
Christians believe in ONLY ONE GOD who reveals to the men as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is love, He loves us and he made us to his image and likeness. He is who forgives us without grudge.
Christianism was founded by Jesus of Nazareth, who has been revealed as God become man. He announced God’s Kingdom, and after his Passion, Death and Resurrection, He is still present in the eccesial community.
Jesus is the main character of Christianism. He lived during the Roman Empire with Jewish people, he is God’s son and the incarnation of himself for christians. Christians can know about Jesus looking for him in the Gospels or in other books from the Holy Bible.
The key of islamism is that the prophet Muhammed established the pure monotheistic religion. The first and the last Islamism affirmation is: there is no more God but Allah.
In Islamism, the origin of God´s qualities is The Koran, which is the accurate word of God. Muslims also accept what other God´s prophets said, although, for them,the information is incomplete, and some mistakes have been infiltred.
Allah’s qualities - Allah is near: "And when my servants ask you about me... I´m near and I answer the petition of the one who asks when he asks; thus they answer me and believe in me, ¡ hopefully they be guided aright! “(koran 2:186) - Allah loves and forgives: "And ask forgiveness for your God, because is true that my God is sensitive, kind” (Koran 11:90) - Allah is the lord of the worlds: "The prays to Allah,lord of the worlds." (Koran 1:2)
Allah’s qualities - Allah is splendid and understanding: "The Shaytan infunded you fear with misery and it sends you greed, but Allah promises you forgiveness. And Allah is splendid, understanding." (Koran 2:268) - Allah is unique: "Say: He is Allah, One; Allah, absolute lord; he did not beget nor was he begotten; and there is no one else like him." (Koran 112:1-4) - Allah is fair: "Allah is not unfair anyway, and any good action will be increased, with a big remuneration." (Koran 4:40)
Muhammed, their prophet He is the founder prophet of Islam. He was born in Mecca and he died in 632, the beginning of muslims year. It is considered «the seal of the prophets» for being the last one of a huge chain of prophets sent by God with the aim to actualize his message, which would be in essence the same as his predecesors had transmitted (Abraham, Moises and Jesus).
Epilogue The principal challenge of Judaism, Christianism and Islam today is to serve the mankind to look for justice and peace.