Professional Seeds
Sugar Baby - Very early, round fruit - Very early, round fruit - Weight 5 kg - Weight 5 kg - It has a very crisp red flesh and very sweet (brix 11 °) flesh and very sweet (brix 11 °) -Good keeping ability CRX F1
Sugar Baby - Early hybrid, very productive with very strong and green plant -The fruit is round-oval with red flesh and high quality; the weight is 7-8 kg - Very sweet 11° CRX F1
Type: crimson sweet; Plant: good vigour; Earlyness: very early; Shape: round-slightly oval; Size: kg; Skin thickness: thick with dark green stripes; Flesh: red, sweet, very crunch Usage: small tunnel and open field Note: hybrid very early, productive, with very nice taste and sweetness, suitable for very early crop.
Extra early, Very productive, Round fruit, Red flesh, high taste considering the earliness, Weight 8 kg, Only suitable for early crop, CRX F1
Watermelon Red Flesh - Medium early hybrid, very productive with very strong and covered plant - Medium early hybrid, very productive with very strong and covered plant -The fruit is round with red flesh and high quality, the weight is kg - Very sweet 11° brix SUNSWEET F1
CRX F1 NEWS Round type Plant: vigorous with very good coverage Cycle: medium Shape: round Weight: kg Skin: good thickness with shiny stripes Flesh: deep red, very high brix content Cultivation: small tunnell and open field Notes: very productive and tolerant to sun burn.
MAGENTA F1 Plant: Covering plant Very productive Very productive Earlyness: early cultivation Like Furia maturity Like Furia maturity Shape: oval fruit Size: Weight kg Storage: Excellent; Usage: Small, big tunnel, open field open field Notes: It has a very crisp flesh and very sweet (brix 11 °)
Watermelon Red Flesh - Medium maturity cycle, oblong fruit - Medium maturity cycle, oblong fruit - Vigorous and covered plant - Vigorous and covered plant - Weight 14 kg - Weight 14 kg - It has a very crisp red flesh and very sweet (brix 11 °) - It has a very crisp red flesh and very sweet (brix 11 °) -Excellent keeping ability. EMBLEMA F1
CRX F1 NEWS Elongated type
Plant: vigorous, good coverage. Cycle: medium Shape: oval/oblong Weight: kg Skin: thick, dark green stripes, very attractive Flesh: deep red, sweet and crunchy Cultivation: open field and plastic tunnel Notes: very productive plant, long storage after harvest.
CRX F1 NEWS Elongated type Plant: vigorous, good coverage. Cycle: medium Shape: oval Weight: 8 kg Skin: thick, dark green stripes, very attractive Flesh: deep red, sweet and crunchy Cultivation: open field and plastic tunnel Notes: ideal for supermarkets
NIKAS F1 DIPLOID microseeds - Mini watermelon seeded - Weight 2,5 kg - Very productive - Round shape with red flesh extremely sweet and crunchy with few small seed - Excellent keeping ability - Ideal for Export and Supermarkets - Brix 12,5°
DENISE F1 Seedless -Mini watermelon seedless - Weight 2-3 kg - Very productive - Round shape with red flesh extremely sweet and crunchy - Excellent keeping ability - Ideal for Export and Supermarkets - Brix 12.
MARIANNA F1 -Very early - Weight 1,5 -1,8kg - Very productive - Round slightly oval shape with sweet flesh - Excellent keeping ability 5 days - Ideal for small and big tunnel -Brix 13° -Resistant:IR Fom 0,1,2 Sf.1,2
KIROS CRX F1 - medium early, netted - Weight 2 KG - Very productive - Round shape with sweet flesh - Good keeping ability - Ideal for small tunnel and open field -Brix 14°. -Indicated local market and supermarkets -Resistant:IR Fom 0,1,2 Sf.1,2 MNSV
CRX F1 - very early, netted - very early, netted - Weight 1,5-2 KG - Very productive - Round shape with sweet flesh - Good keeping ability - Ideal for small tunnel and open field -Brix 14°. -Indicated for local market and supermarkets -Resistant:IR Fom 0,1,2 Sf.1,2 MNSV
CRX F1 - ANANAS type - Early maturity - Weight 2,5 KG - Very productive - Oblong shape with sweet orange flesh - Good keeping ability - Ideal for small tunnel and open field -Brix 13° -Resistant: IR Fusarium o m 0,1
CRX F1 - ANANAS type - Early maturity - Weight 2,5 KG - Very productive - Oblong shape with white sweet flesh - Good keeping ability - Ideal for small tunnel and open field -Brix 13° -Resistant: IR Fusarium o m 0,1
CRX F1 NEWS Shape: Round/Oval Skin: Smooth Flesh: White Weight: 1,5-2 Kg High sugar content (13°+) Very nice taste and Long Shelf Life