Foods: Eggs In your journal: list all the ways you can cook an egg
The structure of the egg O Draw the egg structure in your journal (pg. 491)
Egg White O The thick fluid surrounding the yolk called the Albumen O The egg white gets thinner as the egg ages O Cloudy white indicates the egg is very fresh
Yolk O The round yellow portion of an egg O Its incased in a thin membrane and floats within the egg white O The yolk flattens as the egg ages O The yolk color depends on the hens diet. Hens fed yellow cornmeal and marigold pellets produce deeper yellow yolks than those fed white cornmeal. O Artificial color additives are not allowed in chicken feeds
Chalazae (Kuh-LAY-zee) O The two, thick, twisted strands of albumen that anchor the yolk in the center of an egg O They are not, as some people believe, the beginning of an embryo. O The thicker the chalazae the fresher the eggs
Nutrients in eggs O Eggs are an excellent source of protein and vitamin B12 O Both the egg white and yolk contain proteins O Eggs also contain vitamin A, B, D, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and other trace minerals. O Eggs have about 80 calories each
Buying Eggs O Before buying eggs, always open the carton and inspect them. O The USDA grade shield on a package means the eggs have been federally inspected for wholesomeness. O The grade is determined by the inner and outer quality of an egg at the time of packaging O Workers examine egg interiors with a bright light in order to sort out unacceptable ones
Egg Grades O All three grades have the same nutritional value, however, the eggs look different when cooking O Grade AA and A eggs can be used for fried or poached eggs O Grade B eggs can be used in baked goods, when the appearance does not matter O Grocery stores carry grades AA and A O &feature=related &feature=related
Storing Eggs O Since eggs are highly perishable, take them home right away after shopping. O Always discard dirty eggs and any that are cracked or leaking O Don’t wash eggs before storing them. Washing eggs at home removes the protective coating that protects bacteria from getting inside the shell O Raw eggs stay fresh in the fridge for up to 4 weeks, depending on their freshness when purchased O Use refrigerated cooked egg mixtures within 3 days O Use hardboiled eggs within a week O A red spot in the egg means that one or more small blood vessels in the yolk ruptured, but the egg is safe to use
Freezing eggs O To freeze egg whites, place each white in a separate compartment of an ice cube tray. After freezing, put the frozen cubes in tightly sealed container and store in the freezer, O Raw egg yolks need special treatment for freezing to keep from getting thick and hard to mix after thawing. For every 4 egg yolks, beat in 1/8 teaspoon of salt. If you plan to use the yolks for a dessert beat in 1 ½ teaspoons of sugar instead. Then freeze.
Egg substitutes O Egg substitutes, which are available frozen and in refrigerated liquid form, are an alternative to whole eggs O Since egg substitutes contain no egg yolks, egg substitutes have no cholesterol or fat and are lower in calories. Therefore they are a healthier alternative for people watching their fat and cholesterol intake. O Egg substitutes contain less protein than whole eggs and tend to be more expensive than whole eggs
Egg Science Worksheet O working with a partner complete the egg science worksheet (one paper per person) O Use the black textbooks (guide to good food) chapter 18
Poached Egg O tYw tYw O Use 1 egg
Fried Egg O AC4Y AC4Y O Use 1 egg
Scrambled Eggs O pYxU pYxU O Use 1 egg
Hard Boil Eggs O KZCU KZCU O Use 2 eggs
The Whole-Brain Child O 1. Read your assigned chapter and underline important parts O 2. As a group go over the parts you underlined. While doing this come up with a basic overview of the chapter that you could share with the class. O 3. When presenting to the class, everyone in your group must speak. You need to cover the following items O A. an overview of the chapter so you classmates understand what your read O B. How the information could help a teacher in the classroom. You may want to include a few scenarios on how a teacher could use this information to better a child's education.