The Plant “vs” the Animal Cell
Introduction to Cell Function and Structure Objective: To distinguish between the plant and animal cells
Content to be Covered Structure of Plant cell organelles Function of Plant cell organelles Structure of Animal cell organelles Function of Animal cell organelles Differentiated cells Difference between Plant and Animal Cell
Specific Tasks Students will complete an Introduction to the Cell lab activity Students will use literacy tools to distinguish between plant and animal cells
Task I Students will use literacy tools and templates developed at CK-12 Students will use content from the website
What is ck-12? cK12 is a nonprofit organization dedicate to assisting the educational institution in evolving into the digital world of high technology necessary for the 21st century information systems highway. It makes digital textbooks and all of the supporting resource materials using the latest in technology, and freely distributes this product to the public.
ck-12 Foundation Biology cK12 digital flexbook, Intro to Cells The students will conduct an experiment on the Introduction to the Cell in which they distinguish between the plant and the animal cell. They will be able to use the literacy strategies to identify conventions for writing and speaking scientifically that distinguish scientific communication from other types of expression, and describe reasons behind those differences such as the need in science for precision, detail and evidence over opinion. give a brief on lesson
Pre Lesson Activities
Post Lesson Activity