The Dangers of Marijuana Decisions about Marijuana will make a major impact on your life. Big decision / big consequences
Introduction to Marijuana Marijuana AKA: Cannabis, Ganja, Grass, Hash, Herb, Pot, Weed Marijuana is a mind-changing drug. It is made from a plant called Cannabis sativa, which thrives in many parts of the world. A marijuana cigarette, or joint, is made from dried parts of the plant, everything but the main stem and roots. Marijuana is deemed as the most commonly abused illegal drug in the United States. Teens are the most vulnerable to being exposed to marijuana.
What’s In Marijuana? The cannabis plant, from which marijuana is derived, has over 400 different chemicals. The change in the user’s physical and mental state, or high, is caused by the chemical called delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. THC is a psychoactive or mind-changing drug. The more THC that is contained in marijuana, then the stronger the high and the longer it lasts.
This is not your parents pot! Based on tested drug levels in seized or confiscated Marijuana over the years. The average THC levels in current marijuana on the street is more than four times that found in the marijuana of the 1970s.
What Happens When You’re Smoking Marijuana? People have different reactions when smoking marijuana. Some people become hysterical and laugh at things that they normally wouldn’t laugh at. Others start talking a lot or become very quiet. Thinking becomes slower and time seems to slow down. Marijuana users may experience panic reactions such as paranoia, abnormal fears, and anxiety.
What Happens When You’re Smoking Marijuana? First time users’ reactions vary. Some people may have little reaction such as an upset stomach, others may even become scared of the feelings marijuana causes. Marijuana alters your decision making process by lowering your inhibitions and perceptions of consequences of risky decisions. Perhaps one of the most well known side effect is hunger. “the Munchies” as commonly called
Marijuana and School Marijuana and school don’t mix. Marijuana makes it harder for users to concentrate, and thinking slows down. Marijuana damages the user’s memory, and things such as simple math problems become extremely difficult. One of the prevalent effects of marijuana is the decline in school performance.
Impact On Your Health Short-term effects: - Problems with memory and learning - Distorted perception - Trouble with thinking and problem solving - Loss of motor coordination - Increased heart rate Using marijuana weekly or more frequently can double the risk of teen depression and anxiety. Smoking marijuana during depression can also make teens more addicted to marijuana and other illicit drugs. Marijuana can also be connected to suicide. Marijuana smokers have the same respiratory problems as tobacco smokers, since the chemicals in tobacco smoke is similar to marijuana smoke. Smoking marijuana can lead to lung diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, and lung cancer. Marijuana smoke has more cancer-causing ingredients than tobacco smoke. Smoking marijuana can lower the amount of testosterone in males and it affects the menstrual cycle in females. Babies that are born to marijuana smoking mothers gain a greater than normal risk of receiving birth defects. Marijuana can increase the heart rate up to 50% faster than the normal heart rate. It can also lead to chest pains and very low blood pressure in people with heart diseases. Since it increases the heart rate, marijuana makes it harder to play sports.
Statistics Percentage of 8th-Graders Who Have Used Marijuana: Lifetime 19.9%23.1%22.6%22.2%22.0%20.3% 20.4% Past Year Past Month Daily Lifetime19.2%17.5%16.3%16.5%15.7%14.2%14.6% Past Year Past Month Daily
Statistics (cont.) Percentage of 10th-Graders Who Have Used Marijuana: Lifetime 34.1%39.8%42.3%39.6% 40.9%40.3%40.1% Past Year Past Month Daily Lifetime38.7%36.4%35.1%34.1%31.8%31.0%29.9% Past Year Past Month Daily Percentage of 10th-Graders Who Have Used Marijuana:
Statistics (cont.) Percentage of 12th-Graders Who Have Used Marijuana Lifetime41.7%44.9%49.6%49.1%49.7%48.8%49.0% Past Year Past Month Daily Lifetime47.8%46.1%45.7%44.8%42.3%41.8%42.6% Past Year Past Month Daily