Twenty one percent of teens use marijuana. 28 million Americans 12 and older had used or abused marijuana at least once in 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Twenty one percent of teens use marijuana. 28 million Americans 12 and older had used or abused marijuana at least once in 2009.

During the 2011 Super Bowl alcohol companies showed commercials that would appeal to young people. The commercials could influence teens to drink. A couple wins a home make over and the only thing that was changed was there was a bucket of Bud Light and they got really excited and started partying. This is the wrong message to sent out even if they use adults.

A study of 8 th 10 th and 12 th graders in 2010 showed that 13.8% of eighth graders 28.9% of tenth graders and 41.2% of twelfth graders had at least 1 alcoholic drink in the past week before being surveyed.

Prescription medicine is highly addictive and once you are addicted it, it seems to become you and you can’t get away from it. As you become more tolerant to the medicine you keep needing more and more of it. In million teens used a prescription medicine for non medical reasons.

Report any one underage that drinks or does drugs to the police or tell an adult. Talk to younger kids about the dangers of drugs to raise more awareness.