Scenario’s PED8J-03 Siddharth Bhagavatula
Case Study 1 (Tobacco) In this scenario you are offered a smoke. 1.You could smoke with the kids and your friend. 2.You could walk away and suggest to your friend to do the same. I would definitely choose the second option. The impacts of this decision is that I might be picked on by the popular kids and a lot of others. This isn't a very big impact seeing as that I still have other friends. Hopefully my other friends will see that I have made a good decision. No. There are not many impacts of the decision that I have made. You may lose face with the popular kids but you still have other friends.
Case Study 4 (Tobacco) In this scenario you are driving with someone that smokes. 1.You could continue to drive with your friends dad. 2.You could ask someone else to drive you. I would choose the second option. The impacts of this decision would be that your friends dad might take it to offense and stop letting you meet your friend. This is a fairly large impact because you have probably known this friend for a long time. But, your friends dad also might understand. He might realize he is affecting a teens health. Considering that this is my best friend I might continue driving with my friends dad but then again I most probably would not because this could really affect my health and it probably already has.
Case Study 6 (Alcohol) In this scenario you are accompanying drivers who have had drinks. 1.You could accompany the drivers while knowing that they are drunk. 2.You could walk home because it is a very short distance. I would choose the second option. There are no visible impacts of this decision. The two might tell your friends that you walked instead of driving with them but, you could just say it was too short of a distance to drive. Seeing as there are no impacts of this decision there is no reason for me to change my decision of walking home. It is not dangerous and I am not risking my life in any way.
Case Study 11 (Alcohol) In this scenario you are being offered a drink with by your best friend. 1.You could take the drink. 2.You could refuse the drink. 3.You could try a small sip I would choose the third option. The impacts of this decision is that you might feel a bit guilty but, it is just a small sip. You are at home, you cannot cause any harm to your friend and you. Your friend will also see that you are willing to try. I might choose the second option because I might feel guilty for not telling my parents that I have drank but, it is a small sip and no harm is coming to you or your friend.
Case Study 3 (Cannabis) In this scenario you are being handed marijuana and all your friends are there. 1.You could take the marijuana. 2.You could openly say that you don’t want it. I would choose the second option. The impacts of this decision is that you might lose face in front of a few friends but, the next day there might be a drug test. Also Marijuana is highly addictive. Even if you just take one whiff you might be jeopardizing your health. You might get addicted and you might smoke Marijuana the rest of your life. I would not change my decision. Some of your really good friends might see that you are doing the right thing and stop smoking and, you are being safe and, trying to avoid getting into trouble.