I.OBIS-SEAMAP Project (1) Run by Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab, Duke University, North Carolina, USA Originally funded by Alfred Sloan Foundation in Followed by two three-year renewals by US NOPP/NSF Also just got funded for a two-year extension proposal on acoustic data by NOPP/NSF Research on marine protected species Collect data on marine protected species (marine mammals, seabirds, sea turtles) from around the world Organize database and make it available through the OBIS-SEAMAP web site Use the data for spatial, temporal analyses/projects such as habitat modeling, ecosystem based management
I.OBIS-SEAMAP Project (2) OBIS-SEAMAP is a thematic node of the International OBIS Network, the biggest data archives for marine life The OBIS-SEAMAP data are uploaded to OBIS and GBIF. The OBIS-SEAMAP Team plays an leading role of the renewed OBIS Portal ( Active participant to global initiatives such as CBD/GOBI (designing EBSAs: ecologically and biologically significant areas)
II.What data? Marine mammals, seabirds and sea turtles Ship/aerial survey data Telemetry data Acoustic data Photo ID Model outputs Major contributors include NOAA Fisheries and other US government agencies European Seabirds at Sea STAT (seaturtle.org) Universities around the world Hold several TB of oceanographic data 2.5 million records 325 species 300 datasets 2.5 million records 325 species 300 datasets
III.Collaborative projects Habitat modeling Spatial Decision Support System for Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) presenting statistically predicted habitat models for marine mammals using OBIS-SEAMAP data CBD EBSAs CBD GOBI initiative seeking to establish ecologically and biologically significant areas in high seas and deep waters Cetacean Hotspots & Noise Working with NOAA Fisheries, identify hotspots of sound-sensitive cetaceans in the context of environmental noises (ships, naval exercises)
IV. a) Overview of OBIS-SEAMAP system framework Google Maps API EXTJS 3.1 Javascript PHP 5.1 Front Page Plone 2 Mapping Interface Mapping Engine Database Apache 2 Mapserver 5.0 Centos OS Virtual machine PostGIS 1.3 PostgreSQL 8.1 Centos OS Dedicated machine (The OBIS-SEAMAP web site is under renovation for the latest technologies and more advanced mapping & visualization)
IV.b) Overview of OBIS Portal system framework OpenLayers 2.9 EXTJS 3.1 Javascript PHP 5.3 Front Page Drupal 6 Search Interface Mapping Engine Database Apache 2 GeoServer 2.1 (custom) Tomcat 6 Ubuntu Large Instance on Amazon Cloud PostGIS 1.4 PostgreSQL 8.4 Ubuntu Extra Large Instance on Amazon Cloud The OBIS-SEAMAP Team is also familiar with…
V.Cool features of OBIS-SEAMAP In Space: Define region of interest In Time: Specify time range By season/month By year/month/day Explore data in space & time
V.Cool features of OBIS-SEAMAP Download what you see Set up criteria, visualize it and get it: Observe all criteria including dataset, species, region of interest, time range and point or cell-based distribution for data download
V.Cool features of OBIS-SEAMAP Visualization with oceanographic data Sea surface temperature / Sea surface height / Sea surface chlorophyll Two options for time o Specific time (user’s pick) o Sync’ed with time series graph SST in 2005 SST in 2006
V.Cool features of OBIS-SEAMAP Sampling oceanographic data Environmental variables sampled on point records Hold more than 2TB of oceanographic data in house (and now in process of updating them with MGET) Sampled environmental data
V.Cool features of OBIS-SEAMAP Oceanographic data updates underway Pathfinder SST (1981 – 2009) Yearly, Monthly, 5-Day, 8-Day, Daily SeaWiFS chlorophyll a (1997 – 2010) Yearly, Monthly, 8day, Daily Chlorophyll a from other sensors (Aqua, CZCS, and OCTS; ) Aviso SSH (1992 – 2011) Oceanographic data Download and convert with MGET
V.Cool features of OBIS-SEAMAP Graphing sampled oceanographic data Sampled environmental variables can be graphed over time Histograms are available with scalable bin sizes Bin size: 3 degrees Bin size: 2 degrees Samples SST over time (day)
V.Cool features of OBIS-SEAMAP Overlay additional layers Is able to overlay vector or raster layers Colony boundaries, nest locations, model outputs etc. Breeding location of migratory arctic terns Boundaries of haul-out site group Density estimate output for Dugong
VI.Cool features of MGET Desktop analysis with Marine Geospatial Ecology Tools (MGET) Free geoprocessing toolbox for ArcGIS Over 220 tools, and growing Drag and drop tools to create analysis workflows May also be used from Python, R, MATLAB, etc.
VI.Cool features of MGET Some example MGET scenarios Query bioinformatics servers for biologged data … Identify oceanographic features Fronts in HYCOM SST Download popular oceanographic datasets Interpolate 3D and 4D datasets at points Tools for MODIS SST, Pathfinder SST, NASA OceanColor, HYCOM, ROMS, AVISO, etc… Fit multivariate species distribution models and create predictive maps Animal locations Oceanographic data Multivariate model Predicted distribution Binary classification
VII. Example of data dissemination & collaboration Discovery portal (metadata portal) Data archive (actual data) Processed/cleaned data portal Raw data archive Data & metadata portal Data & metadata portal Complimentary functionality-wise, data type-wise o OBIS-SEAMAP’s mapping & visualization features Actual sound data & annotated sound visualization Gateway to other portals Possible options for linkage GCMD metadata portal Metadata Link to sound data MobySound (acoustic data portal)
VII. Example of data dissemination & collaboration STAT To bigger portals Biologging data Stream in Other data providers Raw/processed data Metadata Other data providers Link back to data source OBIS-SEAMAP can serve as a gateway to bigger portals Can provide metadata to discovery-type portals Can automate data transfer and add OBIS-SEAMAP’s advanced mapping & visualization features Each side should have ‘Link back’ to data source seabirdtracking.org
VII. Example of data dissemination & collaboration Raw data Census of Marine Life TOPP -> OBIS-SEAMAP -> OBIS 12 TOPP marine mammals, seabirds telemetry datasets in OBIS-SEAMAP Summarized dataset uploaded into OBIS to avoid overestimate of abundance state-space model Clean data Registered per species Summarized per species per 1-degree grid
VII. Links for more information Presentation materials: workshop-materialshttp://seamap.env.duke.edu/upload/biologging- workshop-materials OBIS-SEAMAP: MGET: Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab: Census of Marine Life: OBIS: Census Mapping & Visualization: Census National Geographic Wall Map: GBIF: