WELCOME To the Cisco World Cisco Courses | Training Institutes | Exam Fees
There are different streams of certifications under the Cisco career certifications and one has to choose what one wants to specialize in and become the master of that technology. Like if an individual wants to specialize in Routing and Switching the correct path being is CCNA CCNP R&S CCIE R&S. Suppose if another individual wants to specialize in the field of Security and has a keen interest into that field the preferable path is CCNA R&S CCNA Security CCNP Security CCIE Security and so on. CCNA R&S is the base it is like the building base and clearing the fundamentals of networking technology every step or specialization that a person wants to do have to complete CCNA R&S first. The details of the certification process are Next Slide :CCNA Cisco Courses & Training Institutes Cisco certifications are provided by many top of the line institutes Like ACIT, Networxx, Networkers Home, KarRox, INE, Global Knowledge and Many more. These institutes provide top of the line certification training and are specialized into Cisco. Like ACIT has a Quadruple CCIE Trainer Rohit Pardasani holding four CCIE Certifications, Networkers Home having a Dual CCIE Trainer Vikas Swami. All these institutes are rated as the top institutes in India and around the world providing world class top of the line training and latest Cisco Equipments for their students to work upon on their knowledge.ACITNetworxx Networkers HomeKarRoxINEGlobal Knowledge
ROUTING & SWITCHIN G SECURITYVOICEWIRELESSDesign Service Provider Service Provider Operations Data Center Storage Networking EXPERT LEVEL CCIE Routing & Switching- Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert R&S CCIE Security- Cisco Certified Internetwor k Expert Security CCIE Voice-Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Voice CCIE Voice- Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Wireless CCDE Design Cisco Certified Design Expert CCIE Service Provider Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert SP CCIE Service Provider Operations Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert SP Operations CCNA Data Center Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Data center CCIE Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Storage Networking PROFESSIONAL LEVEL CCNP Routing & Switching- CISCO Certified Network Professional R&S CCNP Security- CISCO Certified Network Professional Security CCNP VOICE- CISCO Certified Network Professional Voice CCNP Wireless- CISCO Certified Network Professional Wireless CCDP Design Cisco Certified Designing Professional CCNP Service Provider CISCO Certified Network Professional SP CCNP Service Provider Operations CISCO Certified Network Professional SP Operations CCNP Data Center CISCO Certified Network Professional Data center ASSOCIATE LEVEL CCNA Routing & Switching- CISCO Certified Network Associate R&S CCNA Security- CISCO Certified Network Associate Security CCNA Voice- CISCO Certified Network Associate Voice CCNA Wireless- CISCO Certified Network Associate Wireless CCDA Design Cisco Certified Designing Associate CCNA Service Provider CISCO Certified Network Associate SP CCNA Service Provider Operations CISCO Certified Network Associate SP Operations CCNA Data Center CISCO Certified Network Associate Data center
The Salary Increasing CCNP R&S Certificate! The next stepping stone towards a bright future in Networking and a level above the CCNA Routing and Switching certification, CCNP Routing & Switching (Cisco Certified Network Professional) certification is designed for those professionals wanting to expand their knowledge base, have in depth understanding and skill set of networking and those wanting to have better career opportunities and widen their job scope to have a better and higher paying job. The skills after becoming a Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) R&S, has is very much advanced and one can install, configure, operate, and troubleshoot LAN, WAN, and Dial Access Services that utilize Cisco routers and switches; and for whose organization's networks range from 100 to more than 500 nodes. Types of CCNP R&S – CCNP Security, CCNP Voice, CCNP Wireless.CCNPjobCCNP SecurityCCNP Voice He can handle a medium to large sized network and is capable enough to operate network devices and play along with Cisco devices applying and manipulating with network protocols. For being certified one must have a valid CCNP certificate should pass three exams named ROUTE # , Switch # and TSHOOT # Every exam will cost approx 125 USD for every exam meaning you have to shell out 375 USD as an initial investment. But this speaking doesn’t mean that it is bad inn face this certificate after passing is worth thousands of dollars you will earn after landing a job. Every individual obtaining a CCNP R&S certification should re certify after 3 years. Yes you read it right certifications do have EXPIRY FOLKS! And folks after having CCNP R&S certified don’t forget you are become a gem so go out there and be amongst the BEST OF THE BEST! After completing course best Cisco Certified Jobs available in MNC.CCNP Cisco Certified JobsMNC
CCNA Certification Exam Fees CCNA is the starting point to Cisco’s line of certifications. Preferably called as the stepping stone and the base building certification for all the further tougher certifications in Cisco. CCNA knowledge is very important if a person has to accomplish and have an excellent career in IT networking. CCNA is completely an online examination conducted by Pearson vue. For CCNA Examination you need to purchase a voucher for the exam number for CCNA Composite exam. CCNA Exam fees and Exam cost depends on country to country varying mainly because of the currency changes. You can check the rates according to your country on the official pearsonvue website.CCNACCNA Exam fees The actual exam cost for every student wanting to appear the CCNA Composite exam is US $250. Since CCNA is one of the most recognizable and highly-valued certifications in the networking industry. Students taking training from Cisco Networking academy get a discount and any student holding a discount voucher can take up their CCNA Certification exam in a much lesser cost. Every voucher you purchase is pre paid and fees for the examination have to be paid in advance. Vouchers are valid for 12 months from the date they are purchased and printed on the vouchers and the examination has to be taken on or before the voucher expiration date. The prices of the CCNA Composite exam are subject to change without prior notice. But students who have already purchased the exam vouchers need not pay anything extra even if the prices change after they have purchased the voucher. ACIT provide affordable CCNA fees, CCNP & CCIE Security Exam Fees & CCNA Certification Cost in India.Cisco Networking academyCCNACCNA feesCCIECCNA Certification Cost
Heartiest Congratulations to Mr. Manish Singh, Mr. Karkun Wasim, Mr. Nitin bansal and Mr. Shishir Mhalgi for Passing CCIE security lab exam in 1st Attempt. Congratulations to Mr. Manish Singh, Mr. Karkun Wasim for Passing CCIE security lab exam in 1st Attempt. CCIE security Congratulations to Mr. Nitin bansal and Mr. Shishir Mhalgi for Passing CCIE security lab exam in 1st Attempt.CCIE security About CCIE Security Lab : CCIE Security Lab Practical Guide is the hands on practice companion to the CCIE Security Bootcamp, and is the first step in Cisco CCIE Security Exam preparation. Each lab is designed to walk you through the technology, and provide in depth explanations of the necessary configurations. The CCIE Security Lab Practical Guide consists of individually- focused, advanced technology labs that present topics in an easy to follow, goal-oriented step-by-step approach. Every scenario features detailed breakdowns and thorough verifications to assist you in getting 100% understanding of the particular technology. By isolating each topic on its own you are able to see, firsthand, the various ways to configure each technology. By understanding these fundamental technologies, you will then be able to predict advanced and sometimes subtle interactions when configuring multiple technologies together.CCIE