Good Morning! Bugs for dinner? Q: Write down two things you learned about why eating bugs would be an advantage for humans. PKU Q: What is the problem with PKU
Living Environment Mr. Wiley
1.Dehydration Synthesis 2.Hydrolysis
+ H 2 O De-hydro- synthesis- Dehydration Synthesis- Making complex molecules from simple ones Removal water Process of removing water to combine simple molecules
Hydro- Hydrolysis- lysis- H 2 O + water splitting Splitting molecules by adding water
Facts about ENZYMES: 1.) Made of PROTEINS. 2.) Most names end in the letters: A – S – E Ex: ) All enzymes have a very specific shape. Specificity- the act of being specific. Facts about ENZYMES: 1.) Made of PROTEINS. 2.) Most names end in the letters: A – S – E Ex: ) All enzymes have a very specific shape. Specificity- the act of being specific. Maltase Breaks down maltose Protease Breaks down proteins Lipase Breaks down lipids Lactase Breaks down lactose ATPase Breaks down ATP
Each lock only works with one specific key Each enzyme only works with one specific substrate
An Enzyme is a CATALYST which is a special compound or molecule that is designed to help a chemical reaction to occur without the enzyme being changed itself. Vocabulary Enzyme:_________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Substrate:_____________________ __________________________________________________________________ Enzyme-Substrate Complex:_________________________ _________________________________________________ Active Site: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Product:__________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ _ Vocabulary Enzyme:_________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Substrate:_____________________ __________________________________________________________________ Enzyme-Substrate Complex:_________________________ _________________________________________________ Active Site: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Product:__________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ _ Any molecules that are “helped” by the enzymes- a.k.a “reactants” Where the enzyme is connected to substrates. The new molecule that is formed after the reaction takes place. Part of enzyme that comes in contact with substrates– specific shape! Protein that help speed up or slow down a chemical reaction.
Label the picture with the appropriate vocabulary words.
How it works Substrate finds enzyme Substrate attaches to enzyme Enzyme breaks down (or puts together) substrate Enzyme releases substrate as products, and prepares for next reaction
Optimal- Denature- Rate- Best, ideal To take away natural qualities How fast something takes place Important vocabulary
1. Temperature Many enzymes work best at body temp. (37 o C) Enzymes will melt/denature at higher or lower temperatures. Enzymes working well/fast Rate of Enzyme Activity 0 0 C 10 0 C 20 0 C 30 0 C 40 0 C 50 0 C Enzymes not working
2. pH pH determines how acidic or basic a solution is (scale from 1-14)
Rate of Enzyme Activity (pH) ___ gastric protease (in stomach) ___ salivary amylase (in mouth) pH= 2pH= pH pH determines how acidic or basic a solution is. Different pH levels will denature an enzyme. Every enzyme works best at a certain pH.
Rate of Enzyme Activity 0% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 3. Substrate Concentration The more substrates available, the faster the reaction will occur. There is a limit before the rate reaches a maximum. Substrate Concentration (less) amount of substrate (more)