Safety of Electrical Products and the IEC Conformity Assessment Schemes A presentation to Regional Workshop in Conjunction with COPANT May, 2004 Salvador de Bahia, Brazil Frank Kitzantides IEC Vice-president SMB Chairman
1 3 Safety of electrical products Regulation Standards Conformity assessment
1 4 IEC standards Safety is a prime objective Technical committee responsibility Horizontal committees provide consistency TC 61 – Safety of household and similar electrical appliances TC 108 – Safety of electronic equipment within the field of audio/visual, IT and communications TC 62 – Electrical equipment in medical practice – a special focus on safety TC64 – Electrical installations and protection against electric shock
1 5 The role of conformity assessment Safety is a prime consideration in electrical products Objective to ensure that products conform to specifications Testing Inspection Quality systems certification or assessment Ongoing surveillance Market surveillance
1 6 Conformity assessment infrastructure The regulator IAF and ILAC National accreditation bodies Certification bodies Testing laboratories ISO and IEC standards CASCO standards and guides The IEC Conformity Assessment Schemes - the only globally recognized electrical schemes
1 7 The IEC Schemes CB Scheme Mutual recognition of test data between certification bodies IECEx Scheme for explosive environments IECQ Quality assessment system for electronic components IECEE System for conformity testing and certification of electrical equipment CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT BOARD CB FCS (full certification, including assessing QMS, surveillance and testing of samples)
1 8 Common objectives of IEC CA Schemes A global solution for a global market Provision of a framework for global conformity assessment Partners with standards in facilitating international trade Elimination of multiple testing, except for national differences Elimination of multiple quality audits Increased access to market Reduced time to market Increased confidence Reduced costs – increased trade
1 9 Global conformity assessment through the IEC Schemes Test reports and certificates of conformity accepted by all members of a Scheme CA Reports issued by NCB in one country accepted by NCBs in other member countries for purposes of national certification Reduced testing and certification costs Capacity to eliminate multiple national certifications Portable conformity assessment
1 10 The Schemes are Product-based, not system-based Users of IEC standards but structured to accommodate national differences Membership based Governed by members Self financing Managed by IEC staff Overseen by CAB
1 11 The target One test One certification One mark
1 12
1 13 Highlights of CB Scheme Reciprocal recognition of test results among all participating Certification Bodies, to simplify granting of certification or approval at national levels. CB Test Certificates and associated Test Reports facilitates obtaining secondary certifications. The CB Scheme is the only international recognition scheme for safety of electrical equipment used in homes, offices, workshops and similar locations. Products are tested to IEC standards with provision for supplementary testing to national differences.
1 14 Advantages of CB Scheme More rapid testing and certification More universal product recognition Acceleration of Product Acceptance Direct acceptance by the Authorities in many countries Direct acceptance by the Retailers and Buyers Expanded markets Faster product movement from plants to markets
1 15 IECEE CB Scheme 16 product categories ranging from batteries,cables and lighting through to portable tools and medical equipment but 80% of activity concentrated in three areas: Household appliances Office & IT equipment Electronics / entertainment
1 16 The IECEE CB Scheme 43 participating countries 58 national certification bodies 150 testing laboratories 34,200 certificates issued in 2003 0ver 140,000 current certificates
1 17 The IECEE-FCS Scheme Extension of the CB scheme A full certification scheme ISO/IEC Type 5 Assessment of QA system, surveillance and type testing Accommodates national differences Mutual agreement on on-going surveillance 16 participants Multilateral agreement
1 18
1 19 The IECEx Scheme Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Atmospheres Single international certification scheme Provides for a single IECEx certificate of conformity from 1 July 2003 Highly regulated field 22 members 17 Ex certification bodies 18 Ex testing laboratories Further 18 bodies undergoing assessment
1 20 Scope of IECEx Products covered by IEC Standards prepared by IEC TC 31 (Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres) IEC Flammable gases and vapours IEC Combustible dusts IEC Flammable gas detectors
1 21 Key points on IECEx A single Global Quality Based Product Certification Scheme Quality system requirements, based on ISO 9001: 2000 and aligns with new European ATEX Directive Currently limited to electrical Ex equipment Accounts for manufacturing in different countries Many EU ATEX Notified Bodies are also ExCBs All ExCBs are subjected to the same IECEx Assessment and Surveillance procedures Work also underway to introduce an IECEx Mark Expanding to cover Ex-related services eg repair and overhaul Participation open to non-IEC countries
1 22 IECEx certification documentation National National Certificate of Conformity IECEx IECEx Certificate of Conformit Assessment of Manufacturers Quality System Based on ISO 9001/2000 Compatible with ATEX += Assessment of Product Samples (Type Testing) IEC/TC 31 Product Standards IECEx Test Report ExTR IECEx Quality Assessment Report QAR
1 23 IECQ - CECC Merger with CECC effective April 2003 IECQ operating globally since 1980s CECC operating in Europe from 1970s 17 members 11 Supervising Inspectorates worldwide Merged group will use the CECC mark
1 24 What is IECQ-CECC? A comprehensive system providing value added performance assessment to users of electronic components Recognized by major manufacturers – Phillips Consumer Electronics, Honeywell Commercial Aviation Products, Harting, etc. Cross-border operation allowing users in any country access to the scheme Product Approvals and Technology Approvals Flexibility to match all situations – well defined and published procedures
1 25 Benefits for developing countries Schemes now open to all countries Developing countries may use the Schemes at modest cost Basic regulatory and conformity assessment infrastructure required Opportunity to be a “recognizing NCB” in the CB Scheme Possibility of accepting Scheme conformity assessment certificates for national certification
1 26 More information IEC IECEE IECQ-CECC IECEx
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