CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Tom Torlakson, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Accessibility and Accommodations for California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP): An Overview October 22, 2014 Shobhana Rishi, Ed.D. Education Programs Consultant Assessment Development and Administration Division Kristin Wright Education Programs Consultant; Special Education Division *modified by Jeanne Bargman; RC SELPA for RCAN 11/21/14 Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations for the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress, 2014–15
TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Today’s Overview Smarter Balanced Field Test Feedback Purpose and Importance of Assessment Accessibility Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations 2014–15 Accessibility Highlights Introduction of SELPA policy on Adaptations (Curriculum and Assessment) Recommended Seven Step Process Trainings and Webinars Resources and Information Questions and Answers 2
TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction 2014 Smarter Balanced Field Test Feedback Overall, Field Test was positive, successful, and useful: –Most schools completed tests. –Testing was a multi-department effort. –LEAs reported it was useful and eased LEAs’ fears. –Practice and Training Tests were very helpful. Lessons learned; issues to be addressed: –More timely information needed –More training for designated supports –More planning for accessibility and accommodations 3
TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Purpose and Importance of Assessment Accessibility Equal opportunity to demonstrate learning –Access to CAASPP assessments –Access to instruction –Access to classroom assessments Accuracy and validity of test results Standardization and consistency of test administration procedures across Consortium states through: –Alignment with Smarter Balanced policies –Alignment with California laws and regulations 4
TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Universal Tools, Designated Supports and Accommodations New assessments, new access demands Embedded: Digitally delivered via online testing platform –Universal tools –Designated supports –Accommodations Non-embedded: Furnished by local school –Universal tools –Designated supports –Accommodations 5
TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction CAASPP Individualized Aids: Previously called Accessibility Supports, Unlisted accommodations Require IEP or Section 504 Plan Must request permission to use with the CAASPP Individualized Aid Request Form. COMING SOON General guidelines for use of all accessibility features: –Student is familiar with the support(s) –Supports are same or similar to those used for instruction and classroom assessment –Student has multiple opportunities to practice in test environment 6 Universal Tools, Designated Supports and Accommodations (cont.)
TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Accommodations for All, Some, Few
TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Matrix One Training Webinar Trainings and Webinars
TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Matrix One Crosswalk Trainings and Webinars (cont.)
TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction 2014–15 Accessibility Highlights For students who have IEP or Section 504 plans SAMETeams meet to determine student needs and select accessibility resources that match student needs for use in classroom and for assessment. NEWOnline tests have different audio, visual, motor, and processing demands that must be considered in selecting accessibility resources. NEWAccessibility resources for the new Smarter Balanced assessments are new, and educators will require training on the functionality of the new accessibility features. 10
TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction 2014–15 Accessibility Highlights (cont.) For students who will benefit from the use of designated supports NEW Process is needed to determine which students will receive designated supports; a systematic process for consistency is recommended by Smarter Balanced. The process is to address such access needs as: Attention issues Reading challenges Language supports 11
RC SELPA “Adaptations” to Promote Access to Curriculum and Assessment (approved October 2014) Table of Contents Introduction2Introduction2 Common Core State Standards2Common Core State Standards2 Universal Design for Learning3Universal Design for Learning3 Provision of Additional Supports and Services for Students with Disabilities4Provision of Additional Supports and Services for Students with Disabilities4 Strategies to Access the Core Curriculum5Strategies to Access the Core Curriculum5 Adaptations6Adaptations6 Accommodations7Accommodations7 Modifications10Modifications10 Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations for Statewide Testing11Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations for Statewide Testing11 Guidance for Discussions and Decisions11Guidance for Discussions and Decisions11 Smarter Balanced Assessment System13Smarter Balanced Assessment System13 Smarter Balanced Universal Tools14Smarter Balanced Universal Tools14 Smarter Balanced Designated Supports15Smarter Balanced Designated Supports15 Smarter Balanced Accommodations15Smarter Balanced Accommodations15 Alternate Performance Assessments16Alternate Performance Assessments16 12
RC SELPA “Adaptations” to Promote Access to Curriculum and Assessment (cont.’) Appendix 1: Glossary of Terms16Appendix 1: Glossary of Terms16 Appendix 2: Embedded Universal Tools*18Appendix 2: Embedded Universal Tools*18 Appendix 3: Non-embedded Universal Tools20Appendix 3: Non-embedded Universal Tools20 Appendix 4: Embedded Designated Supports*21Appendix 4: Embedded Designated Supports*21 Appendix 5: Non-embedded Designated Supports22Appendix 5: Non-embedded Designated Supports22 Appendix 6: Embedded Accommodations*24Appendix 6: Embedded Accommodations*24 Appendix 7: Non-embedded Accommodations26Appendix 7: Non-embedded Accommodations26 Appendix 8: Identified Non-embedded Accessibility Supports that Change the Construct Being Measured29Appendix 8: Identified Non-embedded Accessibility Supports that Change the Construct Being Measured29 Appendix 9: Assessment Decision Flow Chart30Appendix 9: Assessment Decision Flow Chart30 Appendix 10: [NCSC Alternate Assessment] Participation Decision Documentation31Appendix 10: [NCSC Alternate Assessment] Participation Decision Documentation31 Appendix 11: Participation Criteria Checklist for Alternate to CELDT32Appendix 11: Participation Criteria Checklist for Alternate to CELDT32 13
RC SELPA procedures (cont.’) Some students with disabilities may require test variations, accommodations, and/or modifications, or may take alternate assessments. Test variations are allowed for any student who regularly uses them in the classroom. Prior to testing, accommodations, modifications, and/or alternate assessments must be specified in each student’s IEP or Section 504 Plan. Before any test variation is used, the following activities should be considered when preparing an IEP or Section 504 Plan: 1.Review state and federal regulations. These include the California Code of Regulations, Title 5, CELDT; Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) of 2004; and Title III of the ESEA, which are available on the CDE Title III Web page at Review the CDE Testing Matrices for the allowable adaptations for each state assessment. There are three documents available as listed below and can be found at Matrix One: Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodation for the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). Matrix Two: Matrix of Test Variations, and Accommodations, and Modification for Administration of the California High School Exit Examination, California English Language Development Test, and the Physical Fitness Test Matrix Three: English Learner Test Variations for Administration of the California High School Exit Examination and the Physical Fitness Test 14
RC SELPA procedures (cont.’) 3. Review IEP. Specify in the student’s IEP or Section 504 Plan how the student’s disability impacts the student’s access to the general education curriculum, classroom instruction and/or assessments. The IEP team should consider the following during their discussion: –the use of variations and accommodations, which produces valid results because they do not alter what the test measures, and –the use of modifications or an alternate assessment, which produces results that are not valid because they alter what the test measures. 4. Determine how the student will participate in statewide assessments. Specify in the student’s IEP exactly how test variations, accommodations, and/or modifications are to be implemented relative to the student’s disability OR specify any alternate assessment(s) the student is to use and note how the student’s disability precludes the student from taking the general education state assessment. To lead the IEP team’s discussion about appropriate adaptations for the state assessment, it is important to understand the features, functionality, and item types in computer-based testing in order to adapt the Smarter Balanced assessment to meet the student’s needs and guide the IEP team discussions and decisions about “accommodations” for assessments. Below are questions for the IEP team to consider during these discussions. 15
TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction CDE Recommended Seven Steps 1.Designate key staff for roles and responsibilities in test administration related to student accessibility. –Have district or school accessibility team review all seven steps to assign specific roles to staff. –Make a plan (who, what, where, when, how) for all actions that must be addressed for each of the seven steps. 2.Provide information to parents and students early in the year; provide training to staff as appropriate for role in test administration. –Determine communications for parents. –Provide key information to staff: Process for identifying students Security agreements and affidavits Request form for Individualized Aid Process for checking for correct delivery of support 16
TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Recommended Seven Steps (cont.) 3.Identify students who will benefit from designated supports and will need accommodations per IEP and Section 504 plans. –Have existing IEP or Section 504 plans –Need IEP or Section 504 plans –Might benefit from designated supports English learners Students with attention difficulties Students with other needs –Remember inclusion of parents/guardians 4.Assign designated supports and accommodations for all identified students who will require them. –For students with IEP and Section 504 Plans: Update existing plans to align with selected accommodations and designated supports. –For students who will benefit from the use of designated supports: Use district wide process to identify students and assign designated supports –For both: Explore the use of supports during instruction and assessment. 17
TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Designated Supports: LEA Implementation Webinar Identify student needs Match needs to available supports Evaluate effectiveness of supports Finalize support selections Access Interim Assessments Use supports at classroom level Use Practice Tests and Training Tests Enter supports into TOMS Access Summative Assessments Designated Supports: LEA Implementation
TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction California Individual Student Assessment Accessibility Profile (CA-ISAAP) Webinar 19 Educator-friendly Tool to facilitate selection of support Trainings and Webinars
TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Recommended Seven Steps (cont.) 5.Upload designated supports and accommodations into TOMS. –CAASPP Individual Assessment Accessibility Profile (CAASPP-ISAAP) Tool Teacher friendly! –Template Large districts may prefer this option –Manual entry in TOMS 20
TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Student Settings in TOMS Webinar November 12, 2014 Three options: ISAAP upload to TOMS Manually assign settings in TOMS Template option (similar to Field Test) 21 Trainings and Webinars (cont.)
TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Recommended Seven Steps (cont.) 6.Perform a pre-administration check. −Schools use a consistent process 7.At time of test administration, confirm student has assigned accessibility support. –Develop procedure. –Provide training to test administrators and site coordinators. 22
TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Trainings and Webinars Accessibility and Accommodations for CAASPP: An Overview Matrix One: 2014–15 Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations Designated Supports: LEA Implementation CAASPP ISAAP Process and Tool Student Settings in Test Operations Management System (TOMS) 23
TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Resources and Information Smarter Balanced Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations Guidelines and FAQs – Practice Tests and Training Tests (to support student fluency with Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations – 24
TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction Resources and Information (cont.) National Center on Educational Outcomes – mlhttp:// ml National Center on Accessible Instructional Materials – /allaboutaim /allaboutaim 25
TOM TORLAKSON State Superintendent of Public Instruction For Further Information California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) Office California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) Webpage 26