Advanced 3-D Art & AP Studio 3-D Caricature
Visual Arts Standards 2.1 Solve a visual arts problem that involves the effective use of the elements of art and the principles of design. 2.2 Prepare a portfolio of original two-and three-dimensional works of art that reflects refined craftsmanship and technical skills. 3.4 Discuss the purposes of art in selected contemporary cultures.
Vocabulary Caricature = an exaggerated, cartoon rendition of a person
Objectives All students will become proficient in… Facial & body proportions Papier-mache sculpture Painting & color mixing
Materials Balloons, toilet paper tubes, tag board, wheat paste, paint, construction paper. Students may bring in additional items from home for their caricature if desired.
Project Requirements Caricature is based on the student Face is sculpted in caricature (some features exaggerated) Has a body with arms and legs Hair is added (either painted if short hair or made using construction paper) Figure is dressed in creatively-made clothing
Caricatures in clay by local artist Tony Natsoulas
Due Dates Celebrity caricature: End of class today Self-caricature: End of class today Papier-mâché construction complete: Monday, May 21 Project complete: Thursday, May 31