November 2012 Engaging with Better Training Better Care - Heather Penny
BTBC Aims to improve the quality of training and learning for the benefit of patient care Commissioned by DH Ministers with SoS approval Professor Sir John Temple: Time for Training Professor John Collins: Foundation for Excellence Similar findings from other reports: Wilson, PMETB survey, Lord Patel review, QAFP reports Medical Education England, now HEE, is taking forward the work with the establishment of the National Taskforce
Two aspects of BTBC Identification, piloting, evaluation and dissemination of good education and training practice Improvements to curricula and the underpinning education and training frameworks
Time for Training Sir John Temple’s Time for Training called for better use of the expanded consultant workforce, not only to ensure improved training for junior doctors but also in terms both of efficiency savings for the service, as well as enhanced safety and higher quality care for patients.
Foundation for Excellence Evaluated the Foundation Programme in the context of the needs of patients and trainees and the changing healthcare environment. Identified Trusts that were doing well, having changed practices to cope with reduced working hours. Highlighted concerns that in some cases some of the junior trainees are asked to practice beyond their level of competence and without appropriate or adequate supervision.
Benefits to patients Improved quality of care, clinical outcomes, and patient experience through improved supervision and training and better systems of care Greater consultant involvement in the delivery, and supervision of care Improved and more immediate support of trainees
Benefits to providers Maximise return on training investment Trainees work better across different settings and ensure continuity along care pathways Training more responsive to needs of service Improved quality of care and patient safety Improved patient satisfaction More efficient use of resources
Benefits to trainees Improved and more accessible supervision Improved learning, mentoring and support Opportunities for technology enhanced learning Less stress and greater job satisfaction
Benefits to consultants Mentoring and support for newly-appointed consultants Recognition of education and training in job plans Framework for the training, accreditation and re- accreditation of trainers Improved clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction
Our workstreams 1.Local implementation and pilots 2.Role of the trainee 3.Role of trainers 4.Workforce planning 5.Improving careers guidance and availability 6.Integrated technology enhanced learning 7.Harmonising and improving training 8.Regulatory approach to supporting Better Training Better Care 9.Funding and education quality metrics
Professional and clinical leadership AoMRC CQC BMA GDC GMC Deans NHS Employers Royal Colleges FTN Trainee groups Secretary of State HEE Board Medical Professional Board BTBC Taskforce
Our pilots 16 Trusts piloting 16 projects Sustainable and adoptable Improve training and education Improve patient care Meet recommendations from Temple and Collins
Next steps Working on adoptability plans Looking for trusts to adopt successful projects Holding events for trusts to share knowledge Implement pilot projects across England
Questions - Heather Penny