Good Practice in Carbon Reduction Chris Hey, Simon Woodhouse, Sue Falch-Lovesey
What motivates good practice in carbon reduction? Wider environmental benefits Equipping young people for skills and jobs within the Low Carbon Economy Saving money to use elsewhere in the school It’s cool to have a wind turbine in the school grounds Working towards a downwards numerical target for a change Colder buildings concentrate the mind
Collaboration, comparison and/or competition with other schools Knowing the buildings are getting more efficient A desire to meet the NCC target Saving money so that it can be better used elsewhere in the school Linking carbon reduction to raising student achievement in school What motivates good practice in carbon reduction? (2)
None of the above – I just have too much else on my back! What motivates good practice in carbon reduction?
Energy education programme CERF fund – capital projects Data collection and analysis system ‘e-sight’ Cluster training pilots NCC initiatives to date which have contributed
Are these the core motivators? Good stewardship Action based on sound evidence and information Helping students reach their potential throughout their lives The next 18 months
Action based on sound evidence and information Increased use of e-sight across school teams Core source of information, advice and guidance at Benchmarking of your performance Menu of available support and training to suit your needs
Helping students reach their potential throughout their lives school level case study from school to enterprise Individual case study The green economy
For further information on any of the above, please contact: Simon Woodhouse (Energy Education and Carbon Project Officer) or Sue Falch-Lovesey (Head of Environmental and Outdoor Learning) Further Information