Chapter 13 Respiratory System
Interesting Facts
Functions 1 Exchanges gases between the blood and lungs 2 Regulate body temperature 3 Maintains electrolyte balance
Exchanges Gases between lungs and blood External, Internal & Cellular Respiration 1
External Respiration AKA ventilation or breathing Brings oxygen into the lungs Consists of inspiration (inhalation) and expiration (exhalation) – Inspiration-air enters, is warmed, moistened & filtered as it goes to alveoli – Expiration expels the CO2 from the alveoli
Internal Respiration Exchanges O2 and CO2 between the cells and lymph Alveoli transfer O2 to the cells and cells transfer CO2 back to alveoli
Cellular Respiration AKA oxidation Uses oxygen to release energy stored in nutrient molecules such as glucose
Nasal Cavity Nostrils-two oval openings – Cilia-filter – Warms, moistens, & filters Tonsils & Adenoids – Help fight infection Sinuses – Filled with air in and around nasal area – Mucous membranes line the sinuses – Help warm and moisten – Give resonance to the voice
Pharynx – AKA the throat – Serves passageway for food and air – 5 inches long – epiglottis Larynx – AKA Voice box – Makes up the Adams apple – Glottis-space between the vocal cords that allows for air movement to create sound Trachea – AKA windpipe – 11.2 centimeters in length – rings – Lined with mucous membrane and ciliated epithelium to help entrap foreign matter
Bronchi – Divides into right & left – Right a little shorter, wider & more vertical Bronchioles – Y-shaped – Lined with cartilaginous plates – Both bronchi & bronchioles lines with cilia & sticky mucous (phlegm) Alveoli – Saclike clusters – 500 million alveoli in an adult – Inner area covered with surfactant which helps to prevent lung collapsing
The Lungs Cone shaped organs Separated by the mediastinum & heart Top is apex Bottom is base Porous & spongy Covered with thin, moist, slippery membrane called pleura
How it works! Breathing occurs due to changes of pressure within the chest cavity Negative pressure causes lungs to be expanded Diaphragm contracts lungs expand Diaphragm relaxes, lungs deflate Breathing
Rate of Breathing Normal is Affected by – Muscular activity – Increased body temperature – Male or Female – Age – Sleeping – Emotions
Other Situations Coughing Hiccups-spasm of diaphragm & spasm of glottis Sneezing-clears upper nasal airway Yawning-usually because of the increase need for oxygen
Assessment Character – Regular rhythm Apnea Cheyne-Stokes Kussmaul’s respirations Using Accessory muscles
Types of respirations Apnea-temporary stop breathing Dyspnea-difficult breathing Eupnea-normal breathing Hyperpnea-increase depth of breathing Orthopnea-difficulty breathing when lying down Tachypnea-fast, shallow breathing Bradypnea-slow breathing
Anthrax Asthma Atelectasis Bronchitis Carbon Monoxide Poisoning COPD Cold Cystic Fibosis Emphysema Hanta virus Lung Cancer Pleural Effusion Pleurisy Pneumonia Respiratory Distress Syndrome Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Tuberculosis Upper respiratory Infection