6 th Grade Gifted Cluster Model Akimel A-al Middle School
How is gifted education different at the middle school? n The elementary schools provide a pull-out program with small group instruction for students in math, language or non-verbal gifted areas. n At the middle school level, in the past, students were serviced through advanced classes for math and language arts only, which provided a quicker pace and higher level questioning. n On a Gifted cluster model, there would be even more differentiation in instruction across multiple classes including science and social studies.
What is so special about this model? n The use of higher level questioning strategies n More student directed classrooms with teachers as facilitators n Higher level novels being read n Accelerated learning rates n More open parameters with projects n Deeper discussion and writing prompts n More extensions into topics n Project based learning n Extension menus with choice n Higher rigor in assessments n Technology
How does my student qualify? n Students who have been tested with the Cog-At Test and scored 97% or higher in either quantitative, verbal or non- verbal will qualify for placement on this team. n Gifted testing scores must be verified by the Kyrene District Office. n Highly achieving student are those that may have scored 96%- 92% in the mentioned areas. These students will be considered for placement, but other district/state data will be used in consideration as well.
Who will be teaching? n We are fortunate to have two teachers with Gifted Education teaching endorsements. They will be responsible for instruction in Language Arts, Social Studies and Science. n Not all schools can claim their teachers are Gifted Education endorsed. n Students will be placed into their appropriately leveled math classes which will be taught by teachers qualified in their field.
Will my student take the grade level benchmark tests and the AZ Merit? n Your student is a 6 th grader and will be responsible for grade level equivalent district math and language tests as well as the AZ Merit regardless of class placement. n We will still be responsible for 6 th grade curriculum content, however when students show mastery of these skills, we will develop projects/research/activities that allow your student learning deeper understand and exploration of the content.
Will my student be on a Gifted team in 7 th grade? n At this time the model will start with 6 th grade and then roll into 7 th the following year and eventually 8 th grade.
Why Akimel A-al? n Exploratory class options- Music, Art, FACS, PE, Multi-Media, Theatre n STEM n iClass n Clubs- Lego Robotics, St. Council, National Jr. Honors Society, Math Club, Yearbook, Rachel’s Challenge, Battle of the Books, Hands Across the Border, Table Guild, Theatre, Stage Crew, Best Buddies n Sports teams – best coaches in the state! n Performing music programs n Technology n Gifted Education endorsed teachers – we understand how the gifted brain learns n We are excited to make this a amazing experience for our kids!