Notetaker Training A brief training guide to serving as a notetaker for students who access services through the CLASS Office/Groves Computer Lab at Augsburg College CLASS Office Augsburg College
Thank you for agreeing to be a notetaker Your services are essential to students with disabilities – By taking notes, students can focus on the content of the lecture and not the notetaking process – These notes will be a valuable study aid for students
Will Include: – Viewing this PowerPoint for general notetaking information – Filling out contact information, position agreement, and privacy agreement forms – Receiving a tutorial on ing notes using the copy machine
Students may be eligible for a notetaker for many reasons – Students who are deaf or hard of hearing – Students who are blind or with low vision – Students with dexterity and/or motor skill difficulty – Students with learning disabilities – Students with ADHD
Be on time to class copies of your notes within 24 hours of your class in the CLASS Office/Groves Lab to both the student(s) you are taking notes for and the CLASS Office Find a substitute notetaker if you are going to be absent, late, or leave early If any concerns come up, let the CLASS Office/Groves Lab know
Confidentiality of the student is essential to this position – Maintain the confidentiality of the student – Maintain any information you receive about the student Please respect the wishes of the student(s) if they wish to remain anonymous By signing the confidentiality form you are entering an agreement to maintain confidentiality
On each set of notes the following information should be included: – Date – Course Number with Section (HIS 249A) – Name of Professor – Lecture Title – if applicable – Page Number On Every Page
Math and Science – Details and example as large part of notes Writing – Emphasize themes and textual evidence to support them History – Several dates and names which will be on test Art – Writing short descriptions of pieces of displayed art
Writing legibly Writing on one side of the paper Leaving enough white space in your notes – Top, bottom, margins, and skip lines Writing in blue or black ink Copying everything from the board Making reference to and/or making notes on handouts if necessary
Numbering/emphasizing important information – Do this by staring, highlighting, underlining, etc. important information Labeling what you are writing Listing information and explaining what it means Conveying the main idea
Have the assigned reading completed Write down main points down before class Remain objective; don’t put your opinion into the notes Use maps, charts, pictures, Venn diagrams, etc. to help illustrate your notes
Put announcements, assignments, references, other important information on the top of the page Use headings and subheadings Define new or difficult concepts Define unfamiliar vocabulary Put the notes in your own words
Write in detail but not word for word Make sure you include enough details but not too many to overwhelm the reader Put notes in your own words – Don’t write down the lecture verbatim – This can lead to wordiness and misunderstandings
Professors engage in small cues to let students know important information is coming – Repeating information – Writing on the board – Voices changes – louder or softer – Talking rate – faster or slower – Pointing – Hitting something for emphasis
Something important might be coming if the professor says one of these: Main Ideas: – “The main point is...” – “Remember this...” – “Here is the main point...” – “The uses are...”
Supporting Ideas: – “In addition...” – “Besides...” – “Additionally...” – “Note this...” – “Furthermore...” Conclusions: – “In conclusion...” – “Finally...”
Abbreviations are great to use – Write out the meaning the first time you use it – Be consistent when using them – If they are used frequently, abbreviate names or books titles – Use symbols in place of words (=, + <) – Use a “?” to denote a question – Circle or box information that goes together – Use arrows to show directions/change or process
The following slides provide examples of notetaking strategies – Two-Column Format – Outline Format – Paragraph Format Courtesy of Owens Community College Disability Services Powerpoint Volunteer Notetaker Training; Retrieved June, 14 th, 2010
Top: Put essential information Divide Paper vertically Left column put in key points and phrases Right column put in notes
Ideas are expressed in sentences Paragraphs are kept short Plenty of white space to separate ideas and information Make sure information is visible and not buried
Short phrases or single words Space between lines/blocks of information Label levels of outline Be consistent when labeling your sections
This position is paid by a stipend. A full semester course where notes are submitted in a timely manner along with for each course period will be paid $ For a half semester course, you will be paid $ If it is determined that notes were not submitted in a timely manner or were not submitted for each class period, you may be paid half the amount $37.50 or may not be paid a stipend at all. This is determined by the Accommodations Specialist.
Contact the Groves Computer Lab/CLASS Office if you have questions, concerns, or drop the course! – Location: Library 2 nd Floor – Phone: – Thank you for being a valued and essential resource for students with a disability!
Owens Community College Disability Services (n.d.) Volunteer notetaker training. Retrieved June, 14, 2010 from University of Florida – Dean of Students Office Disability Resource Center (n.d.) Note-taker training. Retrieved August 9, 2010 from onpdf.pdf onpdf.pdf University of Minnesota – Morris (n.d.) Note-taking disability services. Retrieved June 14, 2010 from University of New Mexico Accessibility Resource Center (n.d.) Note-taker training. Retrieved August 9, 2010 from AA& ngPresentation.ppt&rct=j&q=university%20of%20new%20mexico%2 0notetaker%20training&ei=XWZgTNq_NIL8AbU0Y25DQ&usg=AFQjC NFQrjP3GSEpv6fuGcMeeMczUJiKNg&cad=rja AA& ngPresentation.ppt&rct=j&q=university%20of%20new%20mexico%2 0notetaker%20training&ei=XWZgTNq_NIL8AbU0Y25DQ&usg=AFQjC NFQrjP3GSEpv6fuGcMeeMczUJiKNg&cad=rja
University of Southern California - Office of Advertising and Promotion (n.d.) On-line note taker training. Retrieved, August, 9 th,2010 from C& kerTraining2.ppt&rct=j&q=university%20of%20southern%20california %20%20notetaker&ei=UmdgTKTDMIH78Aal24W0DQ&usg=AFQjCNF MPTMrbu56cOOiWL1TJgXsuQ89JA&cad=rja C& kerTraining2.ppt&rct=j&q=university%20of%20southern%20california %20%20notetaker&ei=UmdgTKTDMIH78Aal24W0DQ&usg=AFQjCNF MPTMrbu56cOOiWL1TJgXsuQ89JA&cad=rja University of South Carolina – Office of Student Disability Services (n.d.) Online note-taker training. Retrieved August 9, 2010 from r% ppt r% ppt