Objective To be able to research an artists visually and through written work. A4 Artist information pages 1, Write a description of the artwork using the formal element keywords 2, collect 4 images of the artists’ work 2, Research what the artist does and why. Try and find out what influenced them to create artwork in this style In this task you must research the artist through written work. You will need to research the artist on the internet or from books and then write up your findings in your own words. Work that has been copied and pasted will not be accepted. Artist: Andy Warhol or Roy Lichtenstein Literacy Selecting and retrieving information Summarise and order ideas using paragraphs Spelling, punctuation and grammar Presenting ideas clearly Presenting information appropriately Numeracy Handling information Numbers and the number system Shape, space and measures Operations and calculations Being numerate: Problem solving, reasoning and decision making Roy Lichtenstein Andy Warhol Task 1
Level Evaluate and Adapt Work 3 I can label my work 4 I can use keywords correctly 5 I can use keywords in a structured paragraph 6 I can confidently use the correct vocabulary for the topic 7 I can use the correct vocabulary to support my creative journey PLTs Independent Enquirer: plan and determine the focus of their own research, explorations and investigations. Creative Thinker: generate their own ideas and explore possibilities to produce imaginative images, artefacts and other outcomes. Reflective Learner: adapt and refine their ideas as their work progresses, identifying opportunities for further development, setting themselves realistic goals and recognising achievements. Self Manager: initiate projects for themselves, demonstrating commitment and perseverance and the ability to prioritise their actions to work towards their identified goals. Effective Participator: appreciate the importance of reviewing alternatives, negotiating and balancing the diverse views of others to achieve successful outcomes. Keywords Line Tone Colour Texture Shape Advice Make sure that the images you collect are by the artist by checking the website and not just relying on google search. Find the name of the piece of artwork and the date it was made. Make sure you read the information from websites and write it up in your own words. Task 1
Use the PowerPoint supplied to help you present your information you have found on Pop art and to create your Pop Art pages. Must include: 1.Title 2.4 image comparison 3.Artist fact file either Andy Warhol or Roy Lichtenstein 4.Your own drawing 5.Your first impression and information on Pop Art Use last weeks PowerPoint and the PowerPoint below to help you. Objective- Use your information from last week and the work you have produced in lesson to present your information in the style of Pop Art. PEEL IT- Point, Evidence, Explain, Link Make your Point Evidence it in the artwork Explain what it is and how it is used Then Link it back to the artists’ images Andy Warhol Ben Allen Julian Opie Roy Lichtenstein To be able to describe what the paintings are like To explain the differences and similarities using formal element keywords To compare the artists work, describe and explain the subject matter To explain what Pop Art is and what it means when describing the artwork. Add your own thoughts on the artwork To explain How Pop Art reflects society when describing and comparing the artwork. Add your own thoughts about the artwork and explain how you might create a pop art piece. Task 2
PEEL IT- Point, Evidence, Explain, Link Make your Point Evidence it in the artwork Explain what it is and how it is used Then Link it back to the artists’ images Use connectives such as : although, except, whereas, alternatively, unlike, likewise, equally in particular, similarly for example, including, especially, in the same way Outcomes All students will be able to research the artists and explain what you think about the image using keywords such as colour and line (4-5) Most students will be able to write about the artist using a variety of keywords and connectives to extend sentences and explanations. They will not only explain the work individually but compare all the pieces of work. (5-6) Some students will be able use descriptive writing to explain what the artists does and why, also they will include own thoughts and ideas when comparing the artists work. (6-8) Art Keywords: LineToneColour Shape FormTexturePattern Use art vocabulary like: Line-Bold, Thick, Thin, Wavy, Curvy, Harsh, Broken, Continuous, Furry Shape- Circle, Square, Big, Small, Organic, Basic, Irregular, 2D, Precise, Sharpe Forms- Sphere, Box, Cylinder, 3D, Pyramid, Depth, Natural, Scale, Proportion Colour- Bright, Dull Vibrant, Pastel, Shade, Tint, Harmonious, Soft, Warm, Cool, Deep, Primary, Secondary, Intense Texture- Soft, Smooth, Spiky, Sharp, Rough, Bumpy, Coarse, Matt, Shiny, Thick, Thin, Wash Tone- Light, Dark, Gradation, Gradually, Slowly, Shade, Tints Signposts for listing several points: Firstly To start with To begin with My first point Secondly Next Furthermore In addition Thirdly Adding to this Also Further to this Moreover I would also like to make the point that One could also consider Finally To end with To finish Lastly To sum up In conclusion Task 2
Objective To be able to research the work of Richard Hamilton visually and through written work. A4 Artist information pages 1, Collect 3 Images of artwork by Richard Hamilton. 2, Write a description of the artwork using the formal element keywords LINE. TONE. COLOUR, SHAPE, PATTERN 3, Research and answer the questions on the next slide. In this task you must research the artist by collecting images and by writing about the work of Richard Hamilton. You will need to do the research on the internet or from books and then write up your findings in your own words. Written work that has been copied and pasted will not be accepted. Artist: Richard Hamilton Literacy Selecting and retrieving information Summarise and order ideas using paragraphs Spelling, punctuation and grammar Presenting ideas clearly Presenting information appropriately Numeracy Handling information Numbers and the number system Shape, space and measures Operations and calculations Being numerate: Problem solving, reasoning and decision making Useful Websites: webster.com/dictionary/materialism, webster.com/dictionary/materialism, webster.com/dictionary/materialismhttp:// webster.com/dictionary/materialism Task 3
Richard Hamilton What is Mass-media and mass production? What is consumerism? webster.com/dictionary/consumerism What is materialism? webster.com/dictionary/materialism How do these pop art images show consumerism? How have the images been made? You should research more images and ideas of Richard Hamilton and his ideas. Do some research online or use the books in the art room. ‘Just what is it that makes today's homes so different, so appealing?’ 1956, by Richard Hamilton Task 3
Level Evaluate and Adapt Work 3 I can label my work 4 I can use keywords correctly 5 I can use keywords in a structured paragraph 6 I can confidently use the correct vocabulary for the topic 7 I can use the correct vocabulary to support my creative journey Advice: Start the task by finding the images you want (make sure that they are by Richard Hamilton and not student reproductions.) Make sure you use the keywords provided. Written work that has been copied and pasted will not be accepted. Just what is it that makes today’s homes so different? 1992 Interior II,1964 Interior, 1964–5 My Marilyn, 1965 I’m dreaming of a white Christmas, 1967 Task 3
PEEL IT- Point, Evidence, Explain, Link Make your Point Evidence it in the artwork Explain what it is and how it is used Then Link it back to the artists’ images Use connectives such as : although, except, whereas, alternatively, unlike, likewise,equally in particular, similarly for example, including, especially, in the same way Outcomes All students will be able to research the artists and explain what you think about the image using keywords such as colour and line Most students will be able to write about the artist using a variety of keywords and connectives to extend sentences and explanations. They will not only explain the work individually but compare all the pieces of work. Some students will be able use descriptive writing to explain what the artists does and why, also they will include own thoughts and ideas when comparing the artists work. Art Keywords: LineToneColourShape FormTexturePattern Use art vocabulary like: Line-Bold, Thick, Thin, Wavy, Curvy, Harsh, Broken, Continuous, Furry Shape- Circle, Square, Big, Small, Organic, Basic, Irregular, 2D, Precise, Sharpe Forms- Sphere, Box, Cylinder, 3D, Pyramid, Depth, Natural, Scale, Proportion Colour- Bright, Dull Vibrant, Pastel, Shade, Tint, Harmonious, Soft, Warm, Cool, Deep, Primary, Secondary, Intense Texture- Soft, Smooth, Spiky, Sharp, Rough, Bumpy, Coarse, Matt, Shiny, Thick, Thin, Wash Tone- Light, Dark, Gradation, Gradually, Slowly, Shade, Tints Writing frames for listing several points: The artwork I have studied is………….. I like the work because…………… The formal elements that have been used are………… The colour is …………………. The Line is …………… The shapes are ……………….. I would like to complete work based on this artist and to do this I will have to………………….. Task 3
Task 4 Objective- Use your information on Richard Hamilton and present your information in the style of his work.
Objective - Take 10 photographs of a person you would like to do a portrait of. Bring them to next lesson electronically (on a USB, ed to yourself or bring a lead for your phone/ camera.) When completing photography tasks Consider the angle that the photo is taken Consider what needs to be photographed and frame the photo (what needs to be centre/ off centre) Always take a photo with the light behind you (not in front as the objects will be too dark) Make sure the image is not blurry and out of focus When you have completed the photography Keep electronic copies so that you can edit and manipulate the images on Photoshop Task 5
Objective To be able to complete an A4 tonal drawing of a face starting with one side and drawing the features using symmetry. To complete this task you must choose what face you would like to draw. Choose two of the keywords below to concentrate on when you are drawing LineToneShape FormTexture In your drawings you must: Take note of textures and shapes and interpret them in drawings Notice how edges can be hard, soft or rough and how they help to define the character of a face Become aware of the three dimensional nature of form and notice form in people Take note of light and shade on simple forms and express them in tonal drawings Finally make sure the features are in proportion. A3 Tonal drawing from Direct Observation 1, Choose a face from a magazine or print one off the internet 2, Decide what you are going to draw in (pencil, pen, charcoal etc) 3, Decide on the two keywords that you would like to concentrate on 4, Your drawing should take at least 30 mins to complete 5, Once you have finished write an evaluation The evaluation should take 15mins to write. Make sure you explain what you drew and why Explain how you completed the drawing Explain where you were successful and where you will need to improve Also ensure you use keywords in structured paragraphs. Task 6
Try something different from everyone else! Take your own photo to use………. ….or find an image from a magazine or newspaper. Task 6
Numeracy Shape, space and measures Being numerate: Problem solving, reasoning and decision making. Symmetry Literacy Spelling, punctuation and grammar. Presenting ideas clearly. Presenting information appropriately PL Ts Independent Enquirer: plan and determine the focus of their own research, explorations and investigations. Creative Thinker: generate their own ideas and explore possibilities to produce imaginative images, artefacts and other outcomes. Reflective Learner: adapt and refine their ideas as their work progresses, identifying opportunities for further development, setting themselves realistic goals and recognising achievements. Self Manager: initiate projects for themselves, demonstrating commitment and perseverance and the ability to prioritise their actions to work towards their identified goals. Effective Participator: appreciate the importance of reviewing alternatives, negotiating and balancing the diverse views of others to achieve successful outcomes. Level How am I doing with tone in my drawing? 4 Heavy outlines that get in the way of your drawing Blocked out shading that is flatly applied Using the tip of the pencil that makes a scribbled texture 5 Dark outlines around the drawing Tone that has been smoothly applied but smudged with fingers Background tones that help your drawings stand out 6 Lightly drawn edges with perhaps furry outlines Shades that show tone from light grey to dark grey Delicate shading that uses the side of the pencil 7 Delicately applied tones from clean white ton sharp black Smooth blending and carefully placed directional shading Accurate and careful drawing demonstrating solidity and weight Task 6
Pop Art- Mid Term Annotation Fill in the sheet below. Make sure you use the information in your book to explain what you have done so far and what you need to do to complete your final piece. What is the theme for the project? How much reference material did you find so far (drawings, photographs, images etc)? Do you think you should have done more or less? What artists, art movements or cultures have you looked at to help and inspire you? What artist do you want to concentrate on and why? How have your skills developed during the project? What are your ideas for a final piece? how does it link to the theme? What do you wish to explored further? Artist? Images (drawings, photographs, secondary images? Materials? Techniques? (collage, Photoshop etc.) PEEL IT- Make your Point Evidence it in the artwork Explain what it is and how it is used Then Link it back to the artists’ images Task 7
PEEL IT- Point, Evidence, Explain, Link Make your Point Evidence it in the artwork Explain what it is and how it is used Then Link it back to the artists’ images Use connectives such as : although, except, whereas, alternatively, unlike, likewise,equally in particular, similarly for example, including, especially, in the same way Art Keywords: LineToneColourShape FormTexturePattern Use art vocabulary like: Line-Bold, Thick, Thin, Wavy, Curvy, Harsh, Broken, Continuous, Furry Shape- Circle, Square, Big, Small, Organic, Basic, Irregular, 2D, Precise, Sharpe Forms- Sphere, Box, Cylinder, 3D, Pyramid, Depth, Natural, Scale, Proportion Colour- Bright, Dull Vibrant, Pastel, Shade, Tint, Harmonious, Soft, Warm, Cool, Deep, Primary, Secondary, Intense Texture- Soft, Smooth, Spiky, Sharp, Rough, Bumpy, Coarse, Matt, Shiny, Thick, Thin, Wash Tone- Light, Dark, Gradation, Gradually, Slowly, Shade, Tints EXPLANATIONS AND EVALUATIONS This work is a level... It is evident... I am impressed with… Although the quality is… One element requiring development is…. This work has met the learning objective by… To improve this piece of work you/I could try…. This work is good because… To achieve a level…. You/I could focus on... OTHER WAYS TO SAY… NICEGOOD agreeable attractive appealing pleasant likeable lovely fine excellent amazing wonderful marvellous exceptional fantastic super outstanding splendid PRETTYBORING beautiful gorgeous appealing cute lovely exquisite elegant handsome stunning uninspiring wearisome humdrum monotonous tiresome lacklustre mind-numbing tedious dreary LIKEBAD admire approve adore treasure appreciate respect marvel enjoy keen on partial to awful terrible dreadful ghastly dire horrific unpleasant grotesque ugly oppressive Task 7
Pop Art Collages Hamilton’s most famous piece ‘Just what is it that makes today's homes so different, so appealing?’ demonstrates his use of magazine clippings to create an entirely unique artistic impression. In this piece, Hamilton uses clippings of a body builder and a burlesque model to represent the occupants of the home. The articles in the room are made from clippings from advertisements, blown-up photos and magazine images. The most recognizable image makes up the ceiling. It was a popular magazine image of the planet earth taken from outer space. ‘Just what is it that makes today's homes so different, so appealing?’ 1956 Eiffel Tower, 2010 USA Stones and Shells, 2014 Peter Blake Collage for # 9, 1985 Collage for "F-111", 1964 Collage for "U-Haul-It"; "U-Haul-It, One Way Anywhere"; and "For Bandini", 1968 James Rosenquist Task 8
When doing your own collages it is important to emphasize originality. The object of pop art is not to replicate another individual’s perception, but to find something ordinary and bring it to life through your own perspective. Building on Hamilton’s, Peter Blakes and James Rosenquist themes of Mass Media, consumerism and materialism. "Everything is beautiful. Pop is everything." - Andy Warhol "Popular (designed for a mass audience); transient (short-term solution); expendable (easily forgotten); low cost; mass produced; young (aimed at youth); witty; sexy; gimmicky; glamorous; and last but not least, Big Business." - Richard Hamilton, defining what Pop art means to him A few Ideas……… Celebrities Mass produced items Printed images Brands Consumerism Materialism Products Society News Advertising Task 8
Students must look at the tiles below and create collages based on them. To help inspire students to think creatively about what to include in their pop art collages they must work in pairs and mind maps ideas and images that they might use. Task: produce 2 collages based on 2 of the titles above. You can use the magazines and newspapers and your own photographs (I prefer the collages to be physically cut and stuck down but if you prefer to use Photoshop please do.) The modern world What I must be Shopping A sign of the times Make love, not war My childhood Needs, Wants, Musts? My life online A trip of a life time All you need is love How do I know if I have reached my potential? All that is wrong with the world Beauty is in the eye of the beholder What I need to have in my life? Task 8
Using the website above download an image of yourself or, if you have permission, someone else and to create your own Pop Art image. Make a copy of the image and save it in your documents. Then print to be able to bring it to next lesson. If you do not have a printer make sure you are able to print it at the beginning of lesson! Task 9