Co-Producing Frameworks with Young People. Outline –Finding out what is important to young people –Devised Questions –Scoring methodology –Provider Evaluation.


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Presentation transcript:

Co-Producing Frameworks with Young People

Outline –Finding out what is important to young people –Devised Questions –Scoring methodology –Provider Evaluation Interviews –Feedback-what young people really thought –Outcomes –360 Degree Outcomes

What we did???? We got involved – our first chance to make a difference what is important to young people Devised Questions Scoring methodology Provider Evaluation Interviews Feedback-what young people really thought What are Outcomes for young people Made an online Survey – Young People who are looked after will be asked to share how they feel about where they live, the support they get and if its where they want to be The Survey is confidential, and Children and Young People’s feedback is important in shaping the future for Children in Care. 360 Degree Outcomes

The Bike Exercise What standards and outcomes would you expect from a bike?

- “I enjoyed being part of team discussions.”

- “It was great to talk about what we thought was important.”

- “Listening to other peoples point of view was fascinating.”

- “I really enjoyed this, I wouldn’t mind doing this as a job!”

The 7 Outcomes HealthLearning & Education Family &social Relationships Emotion & Behavioural Development IdentitySocial Presentation Self-Care Skills Outcomes For All Children Physical Well- being Healthy Choices Educational Achievement Skills/Interests/Hobbi es Support; Access Play and Interaction Special Educational Needs met Stability Safe, Stable, affective and supportive relationships Quality Attachments Resilience Emotional Health Self Image Self esteem Belonging Acceptance Cultural Identity Good Physical Presentation Positive Interactions Stay Safe Develop Life Skills Employment Individual Outcomes Dental Health Optical Health Immunity Diet Exercise School Attendance Homework Exam Achievement Measurable Results Proactive Key Adult Carer relationships with school Books; IT Extra-curricular Coaching Placement Stability Contact with a significant adult Permanency Parents; Siblings; Peers Extended Family Significant Adults Family Carers Adaptable to Change Stress Management Self Control; Empathy Substance Use Sexual Health Sense of individuality Respect Interests and talents Success; Sexual identity Religion; Language; Ethnicity Community Heritage Dress Good hygiene and cleanliness Community Roles Social Confidence Meaningful participation in decisions that affect their life Freedom to express opinions Risk taking Free from abuse, exploitation and victimisation Crime Free Managing Finances Social Problem Solving Safe Choices Practical Skills Self Care Skills Independent Living Skills

An example of the templates used to construct the interview questions.

The ‘wild card’. A question that the YP felt wasn’t covered in the 7 outcomes.

- “Being able to express my opinions without holding back.”

- “As care leavers we could see who the really great and the really not so great providers were and could have our voice taken into account”

- “To make the process better we need more of it – more time to get to know each other first and more time to evaluate it after.”

Q.1 If a LAC became pregnant while at one of your placements, how would you support the LAC during this period? PRIORITY, SUPPORT, SAFETY, SECURITY, NOT ISOLATED, INFORMATION, FINANCE, PLACEMENT BREAKDOWN A Detailed answer. Gave great examples. Felt that they would offer excellent support. Very friendly people. xx 10 An example of the score cards used during the interviews.

Speed Dating Format Imagine… –4 tables, –9 young people, –8 questions, –1 bell –and having 3 minutes per table…

The 8 Interview Questions 1.If a LAC became pregnant while at one of your placements, how would you support the LAC during this period? 2.How would you try to ensure that a LAC family placement and education placement are matched correctly? 3.What do you do to gain the trust of children and young people in care? 4.What do you do to make sure you help young people manage their issues?

5.How do you treat young people equally? 6.How do you make sure children and young people have freedom that they are happy with? 7.What do you do to prepare children and young people for living independently? 8.What do you think makes your organisation better than others?

- “Was great being involved in something that actually makes a difference.”

Question – What do you think of today’s session?

- “We seen some brilliant people.”

360 Outcomes- Sharing Ideas First steps

Team Work Young People devising the categories/questions

Our new logo We marked our territory!!!!

We changed this….. HealthLearning & Education Family &social Relationshi ps Emotion & Behavioural Developme nt IdentitySocial Presentatio n Self-Care Skills Outcomes For All Children Physical Well-being Healthy Choices Educational Achievement Skills/Interests/H obbies Support; Access Play and Interaction Special Educational Needs met Stability Safe, Stable, affective and supportive relationship s Quality Attachment s Resilience Emotional Health Self Image Self esteem Belonging Acceptance Cultural Identity Good Physical Presentatio n Positive Interactions Stay Safe Develop Life Skills Employmen t Individual Outcomes Dental Health Optical Health Immunity Diet Exercise School Attendance Homework Exam Achievement Measurable Results Proactive Key Adult Carer relationships with school Books; IT Extra-curricular Coaching Placement Stability Contact with a significant adult Permanency Parents; Siblings; Peers Extended Family Significant Adults Family Carers Adaptable to Change Stress Managemen t Self Control; Empathy Substance Use Sexual Health Sense of individualit y Respect Interests and talents Success; Sexual identity Religion; Language; Ethnicity Community Heritage Dress Good hygiene and cleanliness Community Roles Social Confidence Meaningful participatio n in decisions that affect their life Freedom to express opinions Risk taking Free from abuse, exploitation and victimisatio n Crime Free Managing Finances Social Problem Solving Safe Choices Practical Skills Self Care Skills Independen t Living Skills

Which was………………… Not suitable for an online survey Language we didn't understand Poor layout Boring Dull Pink and green do not go!!!

To This…..

And now is…. Being alive and Feeling Good - Health Healthy Eating Being Active Regular Check-ups Are you encouraged to be Healthy?

New and improved Good Young person friendly Relevant “Ours” Teamwork Brought everyone together “We had our say” “Voices have been heard” Had fun

Happyhood – Emotional & Behavioural Positive/Supportive Environment Healthy Relationships Open about Feelings How happy do you feel? Do you get the support you need when you are upset?

Know it all? – Learning and Education School Friends Relationship with Teachers Respect Encouragement/Support Career/Apprenticeship Volunteering Are you encouraged/supported to learn?

Stay safe, be aware - Safeguarding Staying Safe Security Wellbeing Do you feel safe?

Being Myself - Identity Sexuality Religion Appearance Language Are you free to be yourself?

Taking Part & Looking Good – Social Presentation Appearance Clean Clothes Hair Hygiene Confidence Community Involvement Are you encouraged to get involved? Are you supported to look the way you want?

Funky Living - Self Care Skills Independent Living Responsibilities Self Hygiene Enjoying Life Respect Are you encouraged to do things for yourself?

Belonging – Family & Social Relationships Finding your place Non-Judgemental Making Friends Do you feel at home where you live?

What we got out of it??? Confidence and experience of shared working Improved self esteem How to break down barriers Knowing other peoples opinions Difference between residential care and fostering How far some professionals would go for YP Interview experience The chance to make a difference Surprise vouchers Experience That some Social Workers are ok…..

What next??? Training for providers – if they engage!!!! Our Online survey has gone live Event for young people More chances to get involved in the future We want your jobs!!!!