By Hannah-Rose Magain
Contents Page 1: Q Magazine This contents page is immediately recognisable as belonging to Q magazine due to the Q icon used in the left hand corner placed upon bold red, a contrast with the largely white background for text, assisting this along with the text indicating it to be the contents page to stand out. Page numbers and features are bold, and in a different font size and colour to the descriptive text underneath, this grabs the readers attention, making the magazine overall easier to navigate. Enlarged images of featured bands/artists take up more than half of the contents page, the size of these images allows the reader to recognise the subjects of these central images, further allowing this target audience to relate to the appearance of the artist(s). The text and images have been ordered so that the reader naturally looks to the left where the text has been placed, as the purpose of a contents page is to inform the reader of what lies inside the magazine. Their eye is then drawn to the images which cleverly drift from the left to the right hand side, enlarging to the main image on the right hand side, consisting of artists relating to the text giving information on the contents. The majority of the background is plain white, making the dark text easier to read and produces an overall clearer finish. Overall, this contents page is clearly structured, designed with a standard purpose of assisting in. helping the reader navigate through the magazine; this is a design I intend to follow for my contents page.
Contents Page 2: MOJO Magazine This contents page is labelled with simply the magazine’s name of MOJO, in bold and in the top right hand corner, this simple label assists in helping this title stand out Compared to the Q magazine the two columns of images and text are much more strict to each side, which may be structurally more pleasing to the eye, however, my contents page will be less restricted with the columns to help connote with my wild, nature theme. Interestingly, the images have been placed on the left hand side instead of the text, so that the eye is naturally drawn to these artists first. This seems unusual to me, for a contents’ page purpose is to firstly inform. However, this could be MOJO representing their style of music magazine in that it’s all about the artists, and that the promotion and recognition of these images is the most important aspect of this contents page. The features are much bolder than the regular information, however unlike the other contents page, these features have been split into more categories, with the main categories in red, and the sub categories in black, but bolder than the rest of the text; the page numbers are also in a different colour of gold. This more detailed approach appeals more to me personally as it appears more organised, and I intend to use a similar approach with my contents page. A white background is used again so that text may be read and understood clearly, also the added use of contributors to the magazine have been included at the bottom providing extra information about the magazine for the reader.