CSI: NEW ELLENTON How New Ellenton Middle STEAM Magnet School incorporated CSI in a school-wide STEAM project
ACCIDENT… OR FOUL PLAY? s.phtml?pageid=331534&sessionid=3780ae919a5c5f76d28d60 Click link to view video 1ecccb5df3&sessionid=3780ae919a5c5f76d28d601ecccb5df3
OBJECTIVE To build arguments with sound evidence and solid claims To expose students to the workings of a crime laboratory To process and properly collect evidence for the purpose of prosecution To learn to use the tools and methods of a crime scene investigator To enhance problem-solving skills To use technology, science, math, communication, reading, English, and writing skills to complete tasks To learn about the history of forensics To learn about all of the career aspects of a forensic scientist
THE PLANNING PROCESS We set up a 2 week plan Each subject area submitted their contribution by grade We also took advantage of our homeroom periods
Language Arts Standard 5: Determine meaning and develop logical interpretations by making predictions, inferring, drawing conclusions, analyzing, synthesizing, providing evidence, and investigating multiple interpretations Trace and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is sound and the evidence is relevant and sufficient to support the claims. SUSPECT Name Janice Grathen Age 56 Gender Female Race White Height 5’6” Hair Color Brown Eye Color Hazel Occupation Media Specialist Ms. Grathen and Mr. Cunningham have not been getting along lately. She claims he has not been filling the maintenance requests in a timely manner. Mrs. Davis, the assistant librarian, reports countless arguments between the two. The two actually dated back in college, and the relationship ended badly. “Yes I dated Mr. Cunningham years ago. We dated back in college. I was very surprised to learn that he would be working at our school. Since then, we’ve had small talk, arguments even. I guess you can say our relationship ended badly and I never really got closure. That morning, I was too nervous to even talk to him, so I walked over and gave him a letter. In the note, I basically caught him up on everything that’s been going on in my life and I expressed to him how happy I was for him. We argue a lot, but I didn’t have any ill feelings towards him. After I gave him the note, I left to go to the restroom. While I was up that way, I decided to Ms. Alvarado for some computer paper. When I returned, he was lying on the floor seemingly unconscious, so I ran to the office and called for help. I would never do anything to hurt Mr. Cunningham. ”
LANGUAGE ARTS s.phtml?pageid=331534&sessionid=3780ae919a5c5f76d28d60 Click link to view video
MATH Scale drawings Graphing Measurement Vocabulary
SCIENCE 6 th grade—Inquiry model tests on evidence to prove or disprove an accident or intentional fall 7 th grade—analyze DNA 8 th grade—Inquiry model tests on evidence to prove or disprove an accident or intentional fall
SOCIAL STUDIES 1 st Quarter Constitutional Study Article III- Judicial Branch This STEAM Unit fit within the boundaries of the first quarter by incorporating the Constitution and the study of Article III of the Constitution which focuses on the Judicial Branch. Students were given the task of “prosecuting the individual who they felt was guilty of the crime” In order for this prosecution to happen, students had to have a knowledge and background of effective questioning as well as the ability to debate which was covered in their history class Students presented their evidence before a “grand jury”. s.phtml?pageid=331534&sessionid=3780ae919a5c5f76d28d60 Click link to view video
The Arts FORENSIC ARTIST CRIME SCENE CRIME SCENE PHOTOGRAPHER *Students set up the crime scene* *Students became Forensic Artists and created a detailed sketch of the crime scene* *Students used cameras to take pictures of the crime scene which were used later to assist students in solving the crime*
CSI Finale s.phtml?pageid=331534&sessionid=3780ae919a5c5f76d28d60 Click link to view video
Reflection ProblemsSolutions Pacing guides Planning One Drive Cross- curricular brainstorming maps