UMSI Entrepreneurship 2016 Winter UMSI 363 Class #4 Nancy A. Benovich Gilby Ehrenberg Director of Entrepreneurship Clinical Associate Professor School of Information
Today Your Project has gone through 1 week: Share out on your value hypothesis, quotes, decide if you will pivot on target user, problem and value hypothesis Potentially pivot Target User, Problem or Value Hypothesis Competition Research, Matrix, Market Sizing
Today 1:15 Start Lab During lab – first standup- Coordinate Share Out 2:45 Start Share Outs – Should you pivot? If time, Continue Lab
Don’t do what the customer tells you to do? How did it go this week? Correct on target users? Problems? Did you succeed in NOT sharing your value hypothesis?
Terminology Application Framework – Model, View, Controller (MVC) Classes – Objects Methods – Functions (Actions) Variables – Instance Variables (Outlets) Library – Protocol (Delegate) Closures - Code Blocks – execute asynchronously
MVC – Model View Controller Times Table FirstViewController SecondViewController Tasks Add New
MVC – Model View Controller – Delegate, DataSource Times Table FirstViewControllerSecondViewController Tasks Add New
NSURLSession: Background uploads and downloads from a url
Downloading Web Content You will run into this error building for iOS 9 if you are attempting to execute an http request (as opposed to https) :20: Downloading Web Content[7711:257208] App Transport Security has blocked a cleartext HTTP ( resource load since it is insecure. Temporary exceptions can be configured via your app's Info.plist file. Need to add a new key to your info.plist file
Going to use Closures=Code Blocks today – Asynchronous requests
Homework #10: What’s the Weather App You will be developing an app that prints the weather for a city that is typed in, try to have a fun background: Enter a City, press the “What’s the Weather” Button Display weather from the website
Homework #10 Steps – page 1 1.In Xcode, create a new single view application, call it something like WhatsTheWeather 2.You will be grabbing the weather from the site as quite handily, it has the city name in the URL title: In Xcode, go to the storyboard. Add an ImageView to the ViewController, stretch it to fit the entire size of the View Controller. Add constraints so the top, bottom right, left so the ImageView stretches to cover the entire ViewController when a change in orientation or larger/smaller screen size occurs. 4.Find a image, download it and drag it into the Xcode project files. Accept the defaults, copy items if needed, create folder references, add to targets. Go back to the storyboard and select the ImageView, on the right, in the attribute inspector, select the Image you in the Image dropdown, you should see your image fill the ImageView screen. Tweak the alpha so you can put text on top of it. 5.Create a label for “What’s the Weather”, create another below it for “Enter Your City”. Add a TextField below the “Enter Your City Label”. Create a button Below the label “What’s the Weather”, ensure you have the proper constraints to keep the labels, text field, button appropriately placed when the phone is rotated! 6.Create a label view with a few lines of room under the “What’s the Weather Button”, this will be for the result of the weather. Again, ensure the constraints work for both portrait and landscape orientations. 7.Go to the ViewController code. Add an outlet for the TextField, call it cityTextField. Add an action for the button, call it findWeather, and an outlet for the bottom-most label, call it resultLabel.
Homework #10 Steps – page 2 8.In the ViewController source, in the viewDidLoad() function, we will define url (as we did in the class example), create a task with the sharedSession function using a closure. If there is data, create an immutable variable webContent from NSString. Print webcontent, add task.resume(). Try the website url in a browser using https as, if it works, we should use https in our code, if not, then we need to add the below to the info.plist file. Ctrl- click on the info.plist file in the Xcode Project Navigator, Open As Source code, at the following to the bottom of the file before the last NSAppTransportSecurity NSAllowsArbitraryLoads 11.Run! You should see html-like code in the Xcode log output window.
Homework #10 Steps – page 3 We need to extract the data for forecast from an entered city. Go to a browser, enter the url Browse the html source, look for “Weather Forecast Summary”. You can see that “Weather Forecast Summary and the text for the forecast is separated by a string of html code. We will use the componentsSeparatedByString to pull out the string with just the forecast. Remember to put the \ character before “ in a swift string if the “ should be IN the string, not a delimiter. Let the separated string be websiteArray, print it, run! Html source:
Homework #10 Steps – page 4 12.Check the log output window to see if we got the separation needed as above where websiteArray[1] would have our forcecast string, print websiteArray. Run and check the output again. You should see similar text as at the right, with no html in front.
Homework #10 Steps – page Let’s create one more array to separate text, call it weatherArray, using what’s left over in the output to separate by. Print weatherArray[0], run! Check the output, it should now contain just the forecast text. 15. Check if weatherArrary.count is > 0 and assign weatherSummary to weatherArray[0]. Update the resultLabel with the forecast text. Remember to call dispatch_asych to update the UI immediately! Self.resultsLabel because you are in a block. You may need to make the label text area larger, add multiple lines, reduce font size Now Text should have no html code
Homework #10 Steps – page The App should look as below, but note that there are °C in the text which looks ugly. 14. Take weatherArray[0] and replace the °C using stringByReplacingOccurencesString, the degree’s sign on a mac is fn opt 0 º. Run and the forecast text should look wonderful.
Homework #10 Steps – page We want the weather to show up when the button is pressed so move all the code from viewDidLoad to findWeather. 17. Run, press the “What’s the Weather” button and the forecast text should show up. 18.Now we will add the text from the city that was entered in the cityTextField. You can concatenated it right into the url as below, run type in a city, perhaps London, press the “What’s the Weather” button and you should see the correct forecast!! 19. You’re done, zip up to code and submit to canvas.
HW #11
Homework #11: Display Image from File You will be developing an app reads text from a website, displays in a label, gets an image from the web, and displays it. Next week you will modify this code so you can cache the image in a file
Homework #11 Steps – page 1 1.In Xcode, create a new iOS App with WatchKit App, call it something like WatchContentWeb 2.You will be grabbing a simple string from the website (try https so you do not need the info.plist file key In Xcode, go to the storyboard for the watch add a label “Setup from Web”, a blank label, and an image. Notice you can only set UI items in column right underneath eachother 4.In the InterfaceController.swift code, create a new outlet for the blank label, call it label, create another outlet from the image, call it image
Homework #11 Steps – page 2 5.Add the code below interfaceConroller.swift. It should look familiar from homework #10. https does not work so you will need to add the key to info.plist, look back to assignment 10 on how to do that. Remember that label needs self because it is in the NSURLSession block! And don’t forget the dispatch_async so the UI updates immediately! 6.Try running….it should look like the below
Homework #11 Steps – page 3 7. Need to grab an image from a url, here is homer simpson (pick you own!)
Homework #11 Steps – page 3 8.We are going to grab the image, similar to what we did with the string content, assign it to the image outlet and display. You are reusing url and task so make sure to change them from let to var
To Get Credit for these Assignments Add Members to Trello……. and put the Trello link in Try uploading your code to github and putting a link in canvase If too cumbersome, zip the folder, upload to canvas, We will download, run your code using the tests on the back of each trello card
Assignment Summary #7 Competition Matrix #8 Market Sizing #9 Customer Validation Round2 #10 What’s the Weather App #11 What’s the Weather Watch App #12 Trello board for your project
The Sequoia 10 We like business plans that present a lot of information in as few words as possible. The following business plan format, within 15–20 slides, is all that’s needed. 1.Company purpose –Define the company/business in a single declarative sentence. 2.Problem –Describe the pain of the customer (or the customer’s customer). –Outline how the customer addresses the issue today. 3.Solution –Demonstrate your company’s value proposition to make the customer’s life better. –Show where your product physically sits. –Provide use cases. 4.Why now –Set-up the historical evolution of your category. –Define recent trends that make your solution possible. 5.Market size –Identify/profile the customer you cater to. –Calculate the TAM (top down), SAM (bottoms up) and SOM. 6.Competition 6.List competitors 7.List competitive advantages 7.Product/DEMO o Product line-up (form factor, functionality, features, architecture, intellectual property). o Development roadmap. 8.Business model o Revenue model o Pricing o Average account size and/or lifetime value o Sales & distribution model o Customer/pipeline list 9.Team o Founders & Management o Board of Directors/Board of Advisors 10.Financials o P&L o Balance sheet o Cash flow o Cap table The deal
Team Project Overview 1.Form your team, establish ground rules, Interviews round 1 2.Review Customer Development Round 1 and Potentially Pivot, Competition, Market size 3.Review Customer Development Round 2, Pivot, sketch/wireframe, Business Model Canvas 4.Review Customer Development Round 3 Draft pitch, Dataset, backend, build app scaffolding, 5.KJ Affinity Diagram, final wireframe test with users 6.All teams pitch and review, MVP prototype 7.Pitch and demo to VCs, Executives, Entrepreneurs Project Week:
Business Model Canvas – Plain English
Who is the FIRST target, specifically
IDEATION: Customer Development Customer Search Customer Validation ??? Problems Solutions
The hardest innovation problem is finding a market for a pre- defined solution!!!
KJ Method 1: (Jiro Kawakita) Supports groups to quickly reach a consensus on priorities of subjective, qualitative data You will be using a structured Contextual Inquiry approach called the KJ Method, where you ask 4 Open-ended questions around your problem area, based on a THEM question constructed from your urgent problem: THEME QUESTION: What did Mother’s as primary family organizer say they need to help ease constantly being stressed out with unexpected pickup/drop off of their children to/from school or outside activities 1.Tell me about how you (do today without your intended solution? (Find out as much as you can about their worldview but DO NOT LEAD THEM) 2.What complaints, problems, weaknesses do you have? 3.What do you like? 4.What should we do (specifically, RIGHT NOW) to improve the weaknesses you mentioned prior?
KJ Method Teams, you must all help each other to find 3 target customers each. You may find after doing 1 or 2 that the attributes of your customer need to change or that you hypothesis is wrong and needs to change or both! HAVE FUN... THE AREA YOU CHOSE IS INTERESTING... this is an opportunity for you to learn about your area of passion, it's not about if your idea is right or wrong, you have plenty of time to fix it. Instructions 1. Each team member, find three target users to interview. Record the interview (before recording ask permission. Record on your phone or use something like Camtasia). 2. DO NOT TELL THEM ABOUT ANY IDEAS/PRODUCTS, your job is to validate and dig deeper into their problems to validate your value hypothesis you formulated. 3. You will be using a structured Contextual Inquiry approach called the KJ Method, where you ask 4 Open-ended questions around your problem area: 1. Tell me about how you (do today without your intended solution? (Find out as much as you can about their worldview but DO NOT LEAD THEM) 2. What complaints, problems, weaknesses do you have? 3. What do you like? 4. What should we do (specifically, RIGHT NOW) to improve the weaknesses you mentioned prior? EXAMPLE: Area: 3D printing prosthetic hands Problem: People who need prosthetic hands cannot get them because they are too expensive Write the question as hypothesis: What are the most crucial problems in using 3D printed prosthetic hands? 1. Tell me about how you work with your hands? 2. What complaints, problems, weaknesses do you have? 3. What do you like? 4. What should we do (specifically, RIGHT NOW) to improve the weaknesses? 4. From each interview write down the 1 or 2 quotes on a post it note (IN THE CUSTOMER’S WORDS EXACTLY) that best answer your WHAT question. From the example: “What are the most crucial problems in using 3D printed prosthetic hands?”
KJ Method
Record and Write Top Quotes 2-3 for each interview Black text, all caps, large, easily readable from 6 feet away Traceability code: allows trace back to the source for the team but respects confidentiality
Affect and Report Language In DESIGN THINKING – trying to get to what is MEANINGFUL to the user…..emotion, pain or joy Field of semantics distinguishes between two kinds of language, Affective and Report Affective language – emotional information = context = WHY Report language – logical information = facts = 5 W 1H = WHO WHAT WHEN WHERE HOW
Innovation Team Dynamics & Tension, Use Case 1 or 2 or more passionate people banging heads, drawing lines in the sand WHY? Passionate people have their soul invested –It is truly the major root cause of most startups not succeeding believe it or not –If solved it is also the root cause of what will truly lead to a breakthrough.
Team Tension – What to do? 2 How have I learned to work through this? All parties, need to let go of 2 things: 1.WHO are the target, very first users AND 2.WHAT specifically are you going to do for them Yes if you are passionate, it feels like you are letting go of your SOUL
Team Tension 3 - What are the steps? 1.Take a breath –take target user, problems and the solutions off the table for now as they are polarizing your team Step back and see if you can all re-establish agreement on your AREA OF IMPACT. We want to impact people with hearing loss to give them the ability to stop concealing their hearing aids and instead celebrate their uniqueness (a parallel helps,.....impact children with artificial limbs from trying to conceal or make them be lifelike which look spooky to instead be cool, reflecting their interests and personalities such as having a red and black spiderman hand)
Team Tension – 4 - Find Users & Listen 3.Figure out how to TALK TO USERS to get a sense of really who would be first in your area of impact, even if you can't completely get to the exact type, use a stand in. How did artificial limbs for kids go from spooky/slimy to cool where other kids want one who have their hands? Who were these first kids? Are there parallels to hearing aids? 4.LISTEN CAREFULLY, you may find the people who are most in target, who find this the most meaningful to them to take a stand on, RIGHT NOW, are not those with severe hearing loss, or some other attribute you might have been set could be someone like me, an old geezers going through mid-life crisis that have an in-the-ear aid and want to make a statement or kids or something you completely don't expect.
Team Tension EMBRACE THAT NO ONE IS RIGHT OR WRONG ON THE TEAM it is the WHO that needs to be empathized with… those who would be impacted first, and believe me if you get traction, that's resources in the bank that then might lead to where you first thought you wanted to go. 6.YOU NEED TO GO IN A DIRECTION OF NEED OR MEANINGFULNESS OF A TARGET MARKET, in some cases just picking one, any one that you can find users to talk to is better than not getting out there and talking.
KJ Method (Jiro Kawakita) Of Contextual Inquiry and Questioning Obtain a 360 degree perspective of the actual environment in which the product or service would be used. You explore through: 1.Open-ended inquiry 2.Process observation 3.Participant observation Build a team united around what’s meaningful to the users from a variety of perspectives….. REMEMBER DIVERSITY IN TEAMS……THIS IS WHY IT IS VITAL FOR INNOVATION
Prepare Share Out: Customer Development Round 1 Each team will huddle for 15 minutes to identify quotes from interviews to share with the group. Each person should have 2-3 yellow sticky notes with direct quotes, written in the KJ format. SAVE THOSE!!! Each person should try to share quotes with their team that reinforced or negated the target user or problem If possible, each team should plan to play ONE recorded quote from their interviews in the Share Out for the class. Decide as a team if you need to pivot target user, urgent problem, value hypothesis some or all of the above!! Teams should identify questions about the process so far they might want to ask Nancy, other teams, or lab assistants.
First Standup Tell Us –What you did last week to get the interviews done –What you will do this week to get 3 each, 6-9 more done –What obstacles you have
Record and Write Top Quotes 2-3 for each interview Black text, all caps, large, easily readable from 6 feet away Traceability code: allows trace back to the source for the team but respects confidentiality
Share Out Team name Target user description What is their urgent problem? What is your value hypothesis? Each team (plays) ONE quote that either strongly support or negates their value hypothesis Group discussion –change target user, change problems, both, value hypothesis
Competition Landscape: Gartner Magic Quadrant
Competition Matrix: Rack and Stack
Market Size TAM = How big is the universe SAM = How many can I reach with my sales channel Target Market = who will be the most likely users/customers Target Market
To Get Credit for these Assignments Add Members to Trello……. and put the Trello link in Try uploading your code to github and putting a link in canvase If too cumbersome, zip the folder, upload to canvas, We will download, run your code using the tests on the back of each trello card
Assignment Summary #7 Competition Matrix #8 Market Sizing #9 Customer Validation Round2 #10 What’s the Weather App #11 Watch Web Content #12 Trello board for your project