GRANT APPLICATION ASSISTANCE L ouisiana DECENTRALIZED ARTS FUNDING PROGRAM DAF FY 2017 Funding Period – October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017 REGION 4 Acadia Evangeline Iberia Lafayette St. Landry St. Martin St. Mary Vermilion
DAF FY 2017 Funded by the Louisiana Division of the Arts, Office of Cultural Development, Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism Office of the Lt. Governor, State of Louisiana. Administered by the Acadiana Center for the Arts.
strengthen arts organizations encourage artists to take on meaningful community projects build audiences for the arts encourage nonprofit organizations to sponsor arts and cultural activities leverage local support for the arts provide arts activities to those with limited arts experiences provide funding for arts and cultural activities for the public introduce the grants process and develop grant-writing PURPOSE OF DAF
DAF FY2017 $98,280 Region 4 ALLOCATION BY PARISH Acadia $9,504 Evangeline $5,229 Iberia $11,269 Lafayette $34,092 St. Landry $12,829 St. Martin $8,025 St. Mary $8,409 Vermilion $8,923
SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION TO: Acadiana Center for the Arts Community Development Department 101 West Vermilion Street Lafayette, LA APPLICATION DEADLINE Thursday, June 30, 2016 FOR DRAFT ASSISTANCE PRIOR TO SUBMISSION DATE… Contact Gwen Richard, AcA Community Development Director at ex 227 or drafts only before June 15, 2016 to
GAAW WORKSHOP Applicants attended a FREE Grant Application Assistance Workshops! Check The AcA website for Date, Times and Locations.
WHO MAY APPLY Non-profit Organizations Government Agencies Schools and School Boards Colleges and Universities Individuals (w/Fiscal Agent)
A FEW GRANT WRITING TIPS Use facts and not necessarily opinions. Present concrete plans, specific goals and evidence of adequate research and planning. The budget, narrative questions, and service provider forms should all relate, be consistent. Be sure to proofread. Have another person read your draft. Does it make sense to them? Does it address the evaluation criteria? Write specifically, in simple, clear language. Assume the reader of your grant application knows nothing about your organization or project except what is presented in the application.
2 GRANT CATEGORIES 1. Project Assistance - specific arts projects 2. Organizational Support - operating expenses for arts organizations with 501(c)(3)
Supports…Dance, Design Arts, Folklife, Literature, Media, Music, Theater, Visual Arts & Crafts, and Multidiscipline Arts Projects. CATEGORY 1 PROJECT ASSISTANCE
CATEGORY 2 ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT Funds from this category are available to 501(c)(3) arts organizations and may only be used for operating expenses, such as professional salaries, rent and utilities, supplies and materials.
WHO IS ELIGIBLE FOR WHAT CATEGORY? PROJECT ASSISTANCE ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT Non-Profit Arts Organizations Non-Profit Organizations Governmental Agencies Schools and School Boards Colleges and Universities Individuals (with Fiscal Agent)
SUPPLEMENTALS Applicants may submit photos, brochures, letters of recommendations, etc. in addition to their applications. Optional…but recommended.
DAF WILL NOT FUND Projects that primarily serve social or religious purposes Activities intended primarily for fund-raising purposes Acquisition of entire collections of works of art Capital improvements including restoration of buildings Projects used for academic degrees Normal, traditional school activities Payment of administrative or teaching staff for any school or school system Artists filling teacher vacancies Scholarships, purchase awards or cash prizes Purchase or long-term rentals of equipment, property, capital improvements or library holdings (FOR MORE, SEE DAF GUIDELINES PAGES 6)
WHAT DOES YOUR ORGANIZATION SUBMIT? 501(c) IRS letter Parish domicile proof: Certificate of Incorporation, Louisiana Secretary of State Chapter organizations must attach IRS documentation for the central organization and chapter organization. A letter of support from the central organization must also be attached Attach a board of directors list Schools or projects working with schools must attach a letter of support from the local school board and/or principal Applications requesting the creation of a new work in the performing arts, art in public places/public art, design, or media production (film, video, or radio) must submit a sample of work that illustrates artistic merit of artists involved Optional, but recommended: supplemental materials, including a scrapbook or set of materials to document recent projects, artist samples, extended resumes, brochures/marketing materials, and letters of recommendation and support. Governmental subdivisions, public schools, parish libraries, municipal governments, state universities, etc. are not required to submit proof of nonprofit status or board of directors list
HOW ARE FUNDING DECISIONS MADE? A grants review panel evaluates the applications and makes funding recommendations, which are presented to the AcA Board of Directors for final approval.
IF NOT APPROVED FOR FUNDING… Please contact Gwen Richard, AcA Community Development Director to schedule a technical assistance meeting to review your application…you can get a jump start on next year!
PROJECT TIME!!! Be sure to submit required documents on time to insure compliance.
Compliance Checklist Sign and return GRANT AGREEMENT and FIRST PAYMENT REQUEST documents by October 1, Complete and return Attachments A and B, if there are any changes from the original application.
DAF FY 2017 FINAL REPORT and Final Payment Request will be due 30 days after completion of your project or no later that October 30, 2017