How to Present a Chapter of the Humanities 1301 Textbook A 15-minute Presentation of Instructor-Recommended Strategies
Read actively. Make predictions. Ask questions Draw connections Re-read confusing passages Take notes Engage with the text through writing
Make the most of group time. Share your findings with the group. Listen attentively to your classmates. Respond to the ideas of others. Look for common ground. Make plans for the next step.
Required Elements Introduction and Conclusion At least three major topics Primary Text At least two visual images Handout
Recommended Topics Major Events Idea Trends Developments in the Arts Breakthroughs in Science Current Day Connections World Context
Some tips: Use PowerPoint to support your presentation – Don’t use too much text. – Don’t read your slides to the class. – Don’t use too many slides. If you’re not using PowerPoint, try to incorporate some kind of visual aid – Textbook – Handouts – Exhibits for passing around
Tips, continued Audience participation is another way to keep people’s interest. – Quick polls – Brief Exercises – Asking people to read aloud – Q & A Practice is important – know your material, and know your presentation. Be prepared to answer questions, or at least refer the asker to an information resource.
And... Be sure to plan your presentation according to the time limit This presentation was approximately 15 minutes long.
No matter what... Smile Show enthusiasm for your subject matter.