CHALLENGES OF THE 1920S Roaring 20s?
NEW TECHNOLOGY! MASS PRODUCED!! The 1920s saw an economic BOOM ! The standard of living rose because of new technologies (cars, radios, airplanes, and movies)—massed produced on assembly lines New appliances were created that relied on electricity, changing the lives of Americans, particularly women. How did these new advances change the lives of Americans? You will be divided into 5 groups. Each group will create a presentation about how your new technology advanced during the 1920s and how it affected the lives of Americans.
WHO WOULDN’T LOVE GREAT NEW TECHNOLOGY? Sharecroppers, farmers, and underpaid factories workers did not enjoy the rising standard of living. They could not afford automobiles and new appliances. Only the very wealthy could afford to travel by airplane. American culture changed because of mass culture through radio and movies. Americans could communicate and share experiences!
THE 19 TH AMENDMENT Watch this,this then read pages **Find the answer to the following guiding questions: What is the 19 th Amendment? Why was it passed?
THE GREAT MIGRATION The Great Migration: Movement of African- Americans from Southern rural to Northern urban areas. Push Factors Jim Crow Laws Lynchings Economic hardships of sharecropping and boll weevil Lack of opportunity Pull Factors Job opportunities Homes Greater freedom Assistance
RACIAL AND ETHNIC CONFLICT/PROHIBITION Although segregation was not enforced by law it was greatly practiced. Often last hired and first fired. Some white Americans in both the South and the North were determined to dilute the African Americans dreams of becoming equal. Anti-Immigrants feelings also grew in the 1900’s. Laws established immigrant quotas to restrict the number of immigrants from Southern and Northern Europe. Outlawed the production and distribution of alcohol and it was intended to control the immigrant population. Bootleg liquor and speakeasies gave rise to crime. Prohibition was repealed in the early 1930s.
HARLEM RENAISSANCE tory/harlemrenaissance/ tory/harlemrenaissance/ The Harlem Renaissance was an amazing time in our nation’s history that resulted from The Great Migration. As African Americans moved north, they took their culture with them. Writers, artists and musicians celebrated the African contributions to American life through their art. Jazz emerged as a favorite type of music. You will select and research someone famous from the Harlem Renaissance. You may choose someone on the list, or get approval for someone not on the list. Be sure to include the following in your presentation: 1. Full Name, Date of Birth, Birthplace 2. Contribution in which art field? 3. Famous for…. 4. Date/location of death