INECMA Tricia Pugh April 27 th 2016
What is Mindfulness Mindfulness is the returning of our attention to what we are doing in the present moment-Attention links thoughts- emotions and physiology It incorporates awareness and acceptance Mindfulness helps reduce stress, anxiety and conflict and helps improve relationships and communication.
History of Mindfulness Merging of Eastern Philosophy and Western Neuroscience. 1970’s Jon Kabat Zinn (MD) Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction. Padraig O Morain Ireland –Mindfulness on the go. Practicing mindfulness impacts on the individual as well as those around them. Different aspects of practising the mindfulness-long meditative-8 week programme-short exercises.
Exercises on Mindfulness A) Bring your attention to your breathing and notice it without judging or adding a story just gently notice the breath each breath being different…. The mind wanders that’s normal for the mind to wander, label this as thinking and gently guide your attention back to the breath. B) Bring awareness to your posture ….how you are sitting C) Bring you attention to your feet gently noticing any feelings or sensations in the feet, the toes or the souls of your feet against the shoes-notice without judging any feelings or sensations for a moment or two D) Now gently bring your attention to sounds around you without judging or adding a story …. just noticing first sounds beside you in the room ……then noticing sounds outside the room.. E) Now gently bring the attention back to the breath … F) Finally bring your attention back to the room and the people around you
To understand how mindfulness works one must look at the brain-its structures and functions
Fight-Flight-Freeze response
Exercises on the Breath - Experiential 1)Bring attention to your out breath notice the pause at the end of the breath a short pause give this some attention… 2) Count silently in 1 then out 1,in 2 then out 2, in 3 out 3,…up to 7 3) Find the Anchor point of the breath 4)Visualisation Bare feet on sand….. 5) in breath on 5 out breath on 7 ( 7/11 rule also)
Mindfulness Cycle of reaction: Event…..Reaction…. Thoughts….Behaviours….Feelings……….Physiology…. Rumination Two-Arrows Painful experience is the first arrow and no MF can take that away that is life However if you start dwelling on it then you are taking a second arrow which represents suffering
Respond versus Reaction Without Mindfulness Stimulus --- Reaction With Mindfullness Stimulus-- Mindfulness -- Response
Mindfulness Thought and Feelings
Why Mindfulness ? Spot the self blame or self Step out of the spiral of ruminating thoughts and into the present moment. It can be used at any time and place. Reflection -with kindness and without self criticism ….
Mindfulness Mindfulness is a technique for your tool kit Experiential –Subjective Attention/Attitude/Intention/Acceptance Practice Practice Practice Practicing Mindfulness can impact on others around you Encourages and supports Reflection and change Improves health and well-being BODY SCAN
A Thought For you as the Carer “Love after Love” by Dereck Walcott The time will come when with elation You will greet yourself arriving At your own door, in your own mirror And each will smile at the others welcome. And say,sit here. Eat. Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart to itself To the stranger who has loved you all your life, Whom you ignored for another, Who knows you by heart. Sit. Feast on your life
Thank you All who participated in this session. Rita and all at INECMA for inviting me to present this Self-care Mindfulness Session.